Hail Trump! Calls Himself a “Nationalist”

Trump has swung back at the globalist forces opposing his presidency, proudly embracing the term “nationalist” to describe himself.

The libtard, leftist media went bezerk. Why is it that libtards, leftists and globalists screech and wail when they hear the word “nationalist” or “nationalism”? They hated Trump using the slogan “America First” during and after his campaign. That’s because libtards, leftists and globalists absolutely despise the concept of nation, which implies peoplehood, that is a single ethnic group occupying a given space.

After the speech Trump equivocated that “nationalist” in his view does not mean “white nationalist” but civic, economic nationalism, going on to mention trade deals and his America First economic polices.

That’s been Trump’s stance from the outset: civic, economic nationalism, championed by cucks like Steve Bannon. Civic, economic nationalism is simply not good enough to halt the deadly forces of globalism which are conspiring to erase entire cultures and peoples, starting with white Europeans.

Civic nationalism is a vain ideology, focused on trivial economic matters instead of cultural and racial ones. Economies have always ebbed and flowed throughout history. It’s like a game of poker, you win some and lose some. But races and cultures, on the other hand, they’re something more permanent. Even if the economy crumbles, the race endures, it fights on. You can’t just change your race or culture on a whim, it’s embedded and hardwired in our very DNA. Race, culture and nation – that’s what lasts, what endures throughout history, not trite matters of economy.

Trump needs to fully embrace his people and come out as an ethnonationalist. He needs to say that America and the West generally was built by white Europeans and should remain in our domain. Anything short of that is, at this point, a futile half-measure and let-down to our people.

Hail our people!

6 thoughts on “Hail Trump! Calls Himself a “Nationalist”

  1. He is trying to sound acceptable to the normies.
    People who do not delve too deeply into history, conspiracies and the like.
    Also he tries to not upset his bosses.
    He has to get support and he knows he won’t do it by declaring outright as a white nationalist.
    Politicians lie all the time and of course he does know about white nationalists.
    Presidents are merely spokesmen for other more powerful people and organizations.
    Civic nationalism as you implied Brandon, helps the globalists in their quest to erode national identities.
    Same is true in Europe where the ideals of popular civic nationalism are only partially beneficial to the people and mostly serve the globalists.
    We need to keep pushing the cultural aspects as more important, over and above the economic aspects.
    Some of us would eat stewed grass for 2 years if we knew we could then look forward to re-establishing our ethno cultural borders and roll back all the damaging immigration that has occured since WW2.
    Anyway, thanks Donald.
    Whether true or fake, we win by this.
    Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey.
    Do not rush.
    Avoid being too hasty, then eventually you will achieve your goal.
    Be patient.
    He is forcing the normies to do a bit of research, either cleverly or maybe unintentionally.
    Which is a good thing.

    The purpose of wickets was to avoid the risk of having to open the main gates to the castle or city for just one or two individuals on foot. Because the wicket was only one person wide, it only allowed entry one at a time and enabled the guards to better control access.

  2. This – “Civic nationalism is a vain ideology, focused on trivial economic matters instead of cultural and racial ones. Economies have always ebbed and flowed throughout history. It’s like a game of poker, you win some and lose some. But races and cultures, on the other hand, they’re something more permanent. Even if the economy crumbles, the race endures, it fights on. You can’t just change your race or culture on a whim, it’s embedded and hardwired in our very DNA. Race, culture and nation – that’s what lasts, what endures throughout history, not trite matters of economy.”

  3. I love this guy: he is a nationalist, he is a Protestant, he says Bible is the best book ever, he is a proud German American, he is filthy rich, he is a womanizer, a “john”, a pornstar lover, a stand up comedian, a motivational speecher… bloody hell!!!

  4. Come on, Trumpie… Say it! say it! stop restrain yourself!!!

    And don´t foget he loves the Slavic thing. He has a strong relationship with Slovenia and Czechia.

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