Jews Boast of Anti-White Immigration Conspiracy

Following the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting, several Jewish media personalities have boasted of International Jewry’s central role in bringing hordes of unassimilable third world immigrants to white countries, and that these activities are rooted in Jewish religious doctrine to “love thy neighbour.” That phony standard is of course only applied by Jews living as a minority in Western nations, but not in Israel where non-Jewish refugees are promptly labeled “infiltrators” and tossed out of the country.

Bari Weiss, a Jewish opinion writer for the Jew York Times, said in an interview that Jews are “proud” to be at the forefront of immigration and refugee promotion:

The Jewish connection to the refugee is not a conspiracy. That’s something that we’re very, very proud of. The organization that Robert Bowers was constantly calling out is an organization called HIAS, which brought people, including Sergey Brin, to this country. It started in the 1880s to bring Jews who were fleeing the pogroms of Eastern Europe. Now they help Jews and non-Jews all over the world fleeing persecution. I met a man in Arizona on Sunday, a Jew from Cairo who was helped out of Egypt following the 1967 war. This synagogue exemplified those values. It participated in something called Refugee Shabbat. The previous Saturday, it was one of the participating synagogues nationally. And the concept, you know, as in all Jewish synagogues that reflect the most sacred of Jewish values, is the value of hachnasat orchim, of welcoming the stranger and especially of welcoming the weakest in our community, which – there’s no weaker category in our society than the refugee. And we’re really, really proud of that.

Peter Beinart, writing for the Daily Forward, confirmed the Jewish attitude:

Robert Bowers accused Jews of “bringing” Muslims and refugees to the United States. To him and all the other white nationalists Trump has emboldened, our answer should be: Damn right. We will demand a humane policy for people seeking refuge in the United States and defend those immigrants — no matter their race or faith — who are already here.

Will do so not only because we were once strangers but because we know that, at some level, like Lot, we always will be. Rather than seeking a separate peace with Trumpism, we will look for allies among the despised and abused. And in that way, we will defend not only Jewish ethics, but Jewish lives.

Another Jewish female, Michelle Goldberg, urged non-whites and white liberals to vote for the Democrats in the mid-term elections in order to “do to white nationalists what they fear most. Show them they’re being replaced.”

We can call all these Jewish quotes admitting Jewish culpability in forcing “multiculturalism” and race replacement immigration on us a “Spectre Moment,” where Jews openly confess to the harmful policies their critics accuse them of, but predictably spin their evil as a universal “good” for the world. This is the standard MO of Jewish supremacy: patronizing their gentile victims as benefitting from their tribalist policies when in fact only the Jews benefit.

As racial aliens themselves, Jews view non-white immigrants as a shield against white Gentile nationalism. By breaking down ethnic homogeneity among whites, Jews believe that it’s less likely a nationalist resurgence will arise to toss them out of their privileged positions ruling over us, as has happened so many times in the past.

So Jews are purposely killing our race and culture so that theirs can survive. How is this not the definition of parasitism?

The Jewish kingpin of open borders globalism, George Soros, is likewise motivated by his Judaism as admitted by his son Alex who told the New York Times:

When the caffeine finally kicked in, Alex told me that for many years, his father had not been eager to advertise his Judaism because “this was something he was almost killed for.” But he had always “identified firstly as a Jew,” and his philanthropy was ultimately an expression of his Jewish identity, in that he felt a solidarity with other minority groups and also because he recognized that a Jew could only truly be safe in a world in which all minorities were protected. Explaining his father’s motives, he said, “The reason you fight for an open society is because that’s the only society that you can live in, as a Jew — unless you become a nationalist and only fight for your own rights in your own state.”

As is plainly noted, Jews are doing everything in their power to blend out the white race in a sea of dark-skinned immigrants, while simultaneously acting irreverently against the entry of non-Jews into Israel.

Israelis call African migrants “nigger infiltrators” and kick them out, almost immediately, in addition to ransacking the businesses of Blacks (a Zionist Kristalnacht) who’ve established themselves in the Jewish state.

So why should whites tolerate this maniacal double standard, where Jews are free to violently assert ethnic homogeneity in Israel with little protest from the outside world, but whites are demonized for doing so in our countries? This is evil. Jewish supremacism is clearly the root cause of the majority of our woes as whites. They want us dead and forgotten, while they establish a global government headquartered in Jerusalem.

But we won’t let it happen!

One thought on “Jews Boast of Anti-White Immigration Conspiracy

  1. The goal behind mass immigration is twofold. First of all, it creates a fractured society through which tiny but extremely wealthy (((minorities))) can create coalitions to promote their interests. In the case of our favorite (((minority))), it involves creating a bloc focused on identity politics and promoting sexual deviance that is designed to gather all the minorites who, whether justified or not, feel intimidated by the majority population.

    (((They))) then create a second bloc comprised of the majority population who feel justifiably anxious about being displaced by these minorities, but use this bloc to push (in the case of English speaking countries) capitalist economic policies, usury and Zionism. Because after all, if Muslim migrants are bad, then the Jewish state responsible for destroying their countries and making them refugees must be our friend, right?

    The second purpose is to drive down the wages for the worker by increasing the overall supply of labour for all classes. The reason South Africa enacted Apartheid laws was not because the wicked Whites were racist and wanted to impoverish Blacks but rather to protect the mostly Afrikaaner blue collar working class from having their wages decimated by a glut of Black labourers. Milton Friedman actually admits this in one of his “Free to Choose” mini documentaries.

    This second point is critical, because it provides you with an argument against mass immigration that can be used on economic leftists who presumably want to improve the lot of the average worker.

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