How Modern Women Destroy Civilization

This vid is a candid, unapologetic takedown of modern defective women and how they’re destroying civilization. Brace yourselves!

9 thoughts on “How Modern Women Destroy Civilization

  1. Good vid. One thing that needs to be made mention of though is that it’s not like these over-30 broads can’t land dudes. They sure can, it’s just that they can’t get dudes who really make their panties wet anymore. In America, it’s not very uncommon to see older broads with much younger dudes. For example, I know of a female who’s 61 and was still in a ‘relationship’ with a dude with medical problems. He had an accident and thought he might die so he told her to find another dude and she did instantly, no problem. She’s fat and old, but still found a dude over 15 years younger than her who wasn’t fat. I’ve met friends of friends where the female is thirty fukin years older than the dude… like old ladies in their 70s dating dudes in their 40s.

    Any broad can get laid in America and much of the rest of the West because these clowns are so desperate/thirsty. Huge bitches at popular bars still routinely get hit on by dudes almost half their size, lol. When broads say they can’t find a dude, what they mean is that they can’t find one that meets their laundry list of criteria. Conversely, the only standard most dudes have is that she has a vajajay and she doesn’t have some life-threatening STD or crazy disease like leprosy or elephantitis or some shit, lol. Many dudes wouldn’t even mind if she used to be a dude and got her genitals replaced and got hormone therapy, lol. The mental sickness is real, and these clown white knights and manginas love, love, LOVE enabling the shit. Doooon’t criticize the ‘poor’, ‘sweet’, ‘precious’ little ‘princesses’, lol.

    1. In commercials they love to talk about erectile dysfunction, but they always treat it like it’s the “man’s” problem. What they never say is that erectile dysfunction is largely the fault of these nasty ass females, lol. When a dude has to combine Cialias and Viagra to get it up for a 260 pound fewhale, like a former room-mate of mine, because “pussy is pussy”, you know you’re living in a sick society.

        1. Yup. Governments and society in general need to realize that prostitution and women go together like peanut butter and jelly or like hand and glove. They’re naturals at it, and virtually all women as a collective today are, are nothing more than glorified prostitutes.

          In times of major economic turmoil (especially in the face of what’s coming) where the state isn’t giving them men’s money anymore, their true ‘value’ comes to light. What are they good at? Things like gardening? Farming? Building/construction? Plumbing? Hauling water? Mechanics? Electrician work? Or working long hours? Nope.

          But they are fairly decent at one thing, and we know what that is, lol. There’s another article I’ve read written by an immigrant from a former Eastern European country that collapsed terribly a few decades ago. I can’t seem to find the article, but one of the things he said, as you can imagine, is large numbers of females turned to prostitution. It happens everywhere.

        2. Better start getting used to it bimbos, lol. Let’s be socialist so we can use the government to steal money from working men and give it to us for nothing in the name of “equality”, and then expect the money will never run out, lol.

          This dude has the right idea, lol:

          “Gul Dukat
          1 month ago (edited)
          Pussy is almost always overvalued. I see nothing wrong here.”

          Actually, many women find prostitution exciting anyway, and many also have rape fantasies. Part of the many reasons they naturally gravitate towards prostitution. It’s their rightful place though, no doubt.

        3. I forgot to post this over here and it’s a shame so many good Leykis vids have been deleted from YouTube because a lot of times I don’t even bother trying to find them anymore, but speaking of glorified prostitutes, listen to the sheer audacity and entitlement of these twats debating him:

  2. Usually I lean pro-life but after looking at that photo above I think this is one time where Planned Parenthood could’ve done something good if the mother of those freaks had gone there

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