Trump Plans to End Birthright Citizenship

In another bold move against globalism, Trump says he plans to sign an executive order to end birthright citizenship, a crazy policy which grants immediate citizenship to babies born to illegal aliens in the US.

From CNBC:

President Donald Trump told Axios he is planning to terminate birthright citizenship, potentially setting up another constitutional standoff.

Trump said Monday he will sign an executive order that would remove the right to citizenship for babies of noncitizens and unauthorized immigrants born on U.S. soil.

“It was always told to me that you needed a constitutional amendment. Guess what? You don’t,” Trump said in the interview by Axios on HBO, the news site’s new documentary series.

“We’re the only country in the world where a person comes in and has a baby, and the baby is essentially a citizen of the United States … with all of those benefits,” Trump said. “It’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous. And it has to end.”

This is a fantastic move, if he follows through. Trump’s anti-immigration polices are as strong as ever. We’ve never seen a president tackle immigration the way Trump has, moving defiantly against the open borders globalism championed by International Jewry and their leftist stooges in the Democratic Party.

Trump’s immigration proposals are solid, and lean towards a white nationalist policy, even if he won’t say it.

Trump recently derailed with silly rhetoric signalling a preference for censorship of anti-Jewish criticism after the synagogue shooting. But it doesn’t appear like he will actually do anything to hinder us “anti-Semites,” unless he wants to tear up the US Constitution completely and do away with the First Amendment. That wouldn’t play well with his middle America, constitutionalist, libertarian-conservative base, so it’s doubtful he’ll shoot himself in the foot on that one.

But, oh boy, if he tosses birthright citizenship out, the radical left may begin active terrorism to bring him down. The brewing leftist insurgency is shitting itself at Trump’s border policies. They don’t know what to do, and he’s not backing down.

What Trump needs to say is that only white immigrants should be permitted into the US for either asylum or normal immigration. Trump should grant asylum to persecuted white farmers from South Africa who are being slaughtered by vengeful blacks who want their land and resources for themselves. They have a lot to offer America as skilled farmers, unlike the narcotraficantes from Latin America who bring little more than, as Trump himself said, drugs, crime and rapists. On the other hand, Trump should say that white Hispanics, those descended from Spaniards, Portuguese and other European races, will be given preference to enter above the Aboriginal types who are mostly low-skilled, low-IQ peasants.

Obviously the US should put a serious halt on all immigration right now, as more immigrants are not needed for much of anything, but if immigrants are permitted, they should be white Europeans who resemble the founding stock of America.

3 thoughts on “Trump Plans to End Birthright Citizenship

  1. Once we started into secular welfare in 1965, it voided any righteous cause we had in immigration. Before we were getting the creme of the crop, although quota’s did damage that also. The Statue of Liberty was desecrated with a poem that was put on her and caused a division among us of what the purpose of immigration was about.

  2. Coming from a Canadian, this post is much appreciated. America has been a dumping ground for decades and I’m sure it’s not helped Canada.

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