Anti-Whites “Horrified” At ‘It’s Okay to be White’ Flyers

The anti-whites don’t even hide their deranged malice these days. This recent news clip features a chick claiming that she was ‘horrified’ to see ‘It’s Okay to be White’ flyers in her increasingly non-white neighbourhood in Vancouver, Canada.

This is white genocide, folks. Simply stating that it’s “okay” to be white is offensive to non-whites and self-hating white libtards because they are offended by our very presence in the societies that our white ancestors built. Non-whites are endeavouring to replace us demographically, so it stands to reason that any and all pro-white sentiment must be crushed.

The non-white invaders will stop at nothing to extinguish our culture, which is why they won’t even let a little piece of paper remain that expresses mild sentiments defending our race.

Our enemies are waging a racial holy war against us and we must fight back.

Please download and spread our flyers to get the message out.

4 thoughts on “Anti-Whites “Horrified” At ‘It’s Okay to be White’ Flyers

  1. Charlemagne requested I spread this in Britain.
    Just for you Charlemagne.
    I put a prominent thumbnail link on the home page.
    It links to Brandon’s article . . . that is all I am prepared to do on that one.
    Sorry about that 🙁
    Britain is a bit (a lot) becoming a police state and we have to be very, very careful not to cross certain lines.
    We can voice our disgust, almost and that is about it.
    Soon our freedom to complain will be completely outlawed.
    Corporatocracy is already here, I think communism is following not far behind.
    White genocide is working on the ratchet effect principle and proceeds relentlessly via many orchestrated schemes.
    Street protests and the like seem to work ok for the leftists.
    Right wing equivalent protests attract the negative spotlight of the media and the wrath of the state enforcers.
    White europeans face a bitter struggle for survival.

    1. I found this footer on a stormfront comment (from Caradoc).

      “Diversity” and “multiculturalism” are euphemisms for the insidious, ongoing hate crime of the White Genocide.

  2. We have many examples of schemes and agendas enacted by governments without our knowledge or consent.

    Documents can be kept secret in britain under the ’30 year rule’ and that gives the traitors in power time to enact their evil schemes.
    Joining the ‘common market’ was one such scheme.
    From the start it was really all about the federalisation of europe.
    Not many people have heard of the 1960 ‘Lord Kilmuir Letter’ sent to edward heath (the uk prime minister from 1970 -1974).
    The kilmuir letter warned heath of the treasonous act of handing sovereignty to an outside foreign power.

    The comments in red, interleaved in Lord Kilmuir’s letter, clearly show that the Heath Government was prepared to commit acts of sedition and treason in taking the UK into the EEC.

    So folks, technically britain is in the EU, but only by deception and in my view that is illegal.
    Trouble is the con-merchants in power write the laws and they say what is legal.
    The perpetrators should have been executed for treason.
    They will never be brought to any kind of justice as they have too many contacts in the legal profession.

  3. A Little Criticism
    AZL says:

    So let us make this clear, molested or not, the Jews forcefully assert their ideology even in the face of apparently hopeless odds. Never have they approached their masters cap in hand with the phrase [please sir it’s okay to be Jewish!] Although the Jewish slow march through our institutions is almost complete we are still on familiar territory and it perturbs us that those that take leadership positions believe that an insipid phrase obviously spun by a Jewish think tank could serve anything other than Jewish interests.

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