Radical Left Wants to Remove Whites from Democratic Party

I’ve been saying this for some time now. The radical left in America and the West generally is becoming increasingly dominated by non-whites, and they’re now openly organizing along racial lines against our race. They’re waging a racial holy war against us.

James Allsup highlighted some of their most recent anti-white rhetoric about pushing “old white people” out of the Democratic Party:

This is a race war, folks. Non-whites have their sights set on usurping the Democratic Party for non-white and female interests at the expense of white males. They’ll stop at nothing to conquer America through the Democratic Party, where they can then enact violent anti-white policies to finish the job of white genocide.

Leftist whites won’t be tolerated among their ranks for much longer. Non-white leftists harbour an extreme hatred and jealously of the white race, and seek our extinction. There’s no doubt about it. The anti-white rhetoric of these monsters has come right out in the open in recent years. Whites who identify with them and cheerlead for their anti-white crusade will not be given a pass. They too will be thrown into the lion’s den once these villains take control and implement their anti-white Bolshevik state.

This is good for us in a way. The malignant anti-white rhetoric of the left is pushing more and more whites over to our side. Like in prisons, white people who had no racial identity before will be forced into one for survival purposes. This means that eventually the majority of Western whites will be forced to seek refuge under the protection of the alt-right, the only political force that has positioned itself as protectors of white interests.

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