Call to Action: It’s Okay to Be White Posters

The simple meme “it’s okay to be white” has been triggering leftists and the Jewish-owned press for some time. Every time someone puts one of these posters up on a college campus, the media goes absolutely berserk, showing how anti-white they truly are. In cucked Canada, the Jew-owned police actually “investigate” instances of this poster going up as a “hate crime.” They of course, have not been able to do this, as there is no way to say that ‘It’s ok to be white’ is hate speech, in even the most anti-white authoritarian jurisdictions.

We are calling on all supporters and readers of this website to download, print off and post these flyers (below) everywhere (especially universities, shopping malls, and other public squares) to trigger our enemies and attract normies to our website.


This is how revolutions start, folks. We need to red-pill millions more whites, and this website is a good place for them to get started.

We need to be doing more real-life activism of this kind to kickstart this revolution to save our race and civilization.

Good luck and thank you!

9 thoughts on “Call to Action: It’s Okay to Be White Posters

  1. The idea for this poster is rather effective.

    AVfM and other pro-male sites/organizations started doing stuff like this about 6 years ago, just with gender instead of race. The flyers would say things like ‘misandry permeates society’ and all kinds of other pro-male things. I don’t know if any ever said anything like, ‘It’s okay to be male’ or anything, but similar statements to it. The pro-male flyers triggered a bunch of misandrists and a bunch of flyers got pulled down, but it did help to spread the word nonetheless. The flyers would also often have internet sites they could go to on them.

    I remember Angelo John Gage and Nathan Damigo would go around posting pro-white flyers on college campuses and things a few years back, but they got started at it later than the Manosphere did. Trying to tell Angelo that he needed to research his anti-MGTOW stance more before coming out against them went right over his head and he didn’t listen to a word I had to say. The mofo doesn’t listen to shit, lol, and this is a big problem with so many people today . He came out against them and got smoked, embarrassed, and deleted some of his anti-MGTOW vids because he had no debates and was looking fukin stupid. He might have come across some pro-male signs and sites while posting his flyers at these campuses, but if so, he obviously wasn’t fukin paying attention, lol.

  2. Every other racial group is proud of its heritage, culture, etc. And does not want their people marrying someone from a culture other than theirs. No one points fingers at them and calls them “bigots” or “racists.” Some people in those racial groups say vicious things about and to white people, and perpetuate acts of violence against us. And they expect to get away with it.

    Yet, when white people feel and express pride in our cultures and heritage and don’t want our people marrying anyone of a different ethnicity so we can keep our bloodlines pure and intact, we’re called terrible names undeservedly. If we stand up for our cultures, we’re attacked. If we suffer reverse racism, we’re expected to take it and say and do nothing about it. And we’re incorrectly called “bigots” by those who don’t want us to defend our heritage in an attempt to shame us and shut us up. If we defend ourselves against attacks of any sort, we’re not seen as standing up for what is right, we instead become objects of derision and scorn. The pendulum has swung too far in the wrong direction with this. It’s political correctness run amok.

  3. I printed 7 of these full size to distribute carefully around town and will print more when successful. Also shared this link to two of my Gab pages. It’s all I can do for now as I am “NEET”.

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