How Jews Rule Us: Undercover Doc Inside the Israeli Lobby

Even though it’s the trashy anti-white Arab network Al Jazeera, this undercover doc shows exactly how Jews lobby and scheme behind the scenes to rule us, extract our resources for their interests, and smear their critics as “haters”.

This is the Semitic squabble playing out on our territory in a nutshell. On one side we have corrupt Jews bribing our politicians to give Israel untold billions in military and financial aid, and on the other side we have pro-Arab leftists activating the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to support Arabs. Disgracefully, whites have been sucked into both sides of this, dedicating their lives to shilling for one side or the other.

Ideally, both of these troublesome groups, Jews and Arabs, would be out of our countries, fighting it out in the desert far away from us. But they have both tried to suck us into their dogfights because they can’t win on their own.

This vid really exposes how devious Zionists are, how willing they are to lie and deceive to portray themselves as victims of people they’re murdering and stealing from.

We need to show this to blue-pilled cuckservatives who still think “Israel and Jews are our friends.”

But it must also be said that the pro-Palestine crowd are not our friends either. They’re increasingly enmeshed with the radical left who push anti-white narratives and team up with the Globalist Jews promoting mass immigration of their kin into the West.

Whites have no friends among these quarrelsome semites. We can only count on ourselves to liberate our territory from the backwards, authoritarian culture inherent in both Judaism and Islam. Those two groups both want to subdue us under their desert, bedouin jackboot, forcing our people into bondage to Abrahamic savagery.

63 thoughts on “How Jews Rule Us: Undercover Doc Inside the Israeli Lobby

  1. “Those two groups both want to subdue us under their desert, bedouin jackboot, forcing our people into bondage to Abrahamic savagery.”

    I hate Abrahamic religions, including Christianity. Christianity doesn’t even have ties to Europeans, it’s a Semitic desert cult that sprang from a Semitic desert cult. Before Christianity we used to have stronger ties to blood and soil, ethnos, identity and we used to honor and respect our ancestors. One way we honored our ancestors was to not dilute our bloodline by race mixing. Not all race mixing is the same, if an Italian mixes with a German it’s not as bad as an Italian mixing with a Negro because Italians and Germans come from the same European Racial branch, Italian and Negro are two completely different main racial branches.

    I guarantee the will of the European people decades ago and even now wasn’t to become minorities in their own countries. So called democracy and our republics clearly aren’t supporting the will of the European people. Back when Europeans were 90% of the population in the US they wouldn’t be happy to know that they would only be 60% of the population by now and to become minorities soon and maybe surpassed by one the minorities in the future creating a new majority. Europeans across Europe probably don’t want to become a minority either. This is a slap in the face to our European ancestors who would definitely not like what is going on even beyond the demographic problem.

    1. It’s funny how significantly more Christians are pro-small government than atheists, isn’t it? Or are you part of the delusional pagan cult which thinks clown pagans are “pro-white” and “pro-male” before all these alt-light clowns recently adopted the religion and started pretending they were/are “pro-white”? (We know these pagans in the alt-light sure ain’t pro-male).

      1. I’m an agnostic theist, not an atheist. Screw your desert cult. I’m not attacking individuals, I’m attacking their religion. That books is bullshit and its full of hundreds of contradictions. The old testament makes up like 70-80% of the bible, but even the new testament is bullshit. Jesus even tells you to hate your family. Christianity doesn’t originate from Europe, it sprang from the Jews and their desert cult. There’s some good in the damn book, but overall it’s bullshit.

  2. The “slight” problem with comments like “Jesus tells you to hate your family”, other than moronic pagans like Vargina Varg Vikernes repeating them and then other dummies parroting him, is that Christians as a collective don’t hate their family. So, either Christians are blind as a group, or dummies are taking shit out of context.

    Have you ever looked into any of the links these foolish atheists have made about these supposed “contradictions” in the Bible, for example? What does the IQ of these atheists have to be? Know why I ask?

    BTW, what is up with agnostic theists who live in the desert? Are they too dumb to know other agnostic theists like you don’t like deserts or what? You better check their privilege, dawg.

    1. Dana, for somebody who claims to be so rooted in logic, reason, evidence and critical thinking, how is it that you have come to believe the fairy tales of Christianity? You said you believe in an afterlife, which is impossible to prove and certainly sounds like something out of science fiction. So you apply rigorous standards of evidence to earthly matters, but throw it all out the window to believe the Christianity myth.

      Many of these Christians are awaiting the return of Jesus who they believe will come on judgement day and rapture them all up to heaven. It’s utter lunacy. I question the sanity of anyone who believes any of that is possible.

      1. Brandon, I’ve said many times over here already that modern, mainstream Christianity has all kinds of problems, haven’t I?

        However, there are endless clowns and dummies who attack Christianity for invalid reasons. When people do this, they wind up wasting a bunch of people’s gotdamned time, and worse. For instance, I’ve seen people put up that atheist link on Christian contradictions. If you look at the link, all you have to do is look at adjacent passages right next to the ones given to be able to easily tell those “contradictions” are not contradictions as all, but a bunch of lies put together, confusing people and wasting their fukin time. I’ve asked people who’ve put that link up if they had actually *fact-checked* that link. Not only have I gotten no responses, but I’ve seen the low-IQ fools keep sharing it.

        I mean, I could say your dad robbed my house and that he keeps doing so, like he’s an enemy inside the gates. And if I really believe it, me and you are gonna have problems, aren’t we Brandon?

        And logic and critical thinking? Yes indeed. What have you done to expose both lies against Christianity, and evolution itself, Brandon? Nothing or what? And yes, I’ve already put up many vids over here on NDEs. I see you must have ‘taken the time’ to watch them. What did I say about those NDEs? Why are NDE groups rapidly growing?

        1. I used to be into that NDE stuff. Not everyone has the same experience in their NDEs. I even know people who had NDEs. One person said it was black and peaceful, but they still were conscious, the other person was my grandfather that died on the operating table, he said he only remembered coming back to life when the doctors resuscitated him. There is a vast variety of NDEs, i bet some of them are even lies.

          1. NDE’ers all say they were conscious after leaving the body. There are obviously differences in what they might experience though. Very often they report seeing themselves leave their body and then going towards a tunnel. This tunnel might lead to a heavenly experience or a hellish experience. Other times they wake right up in either heaven or hell/purgatory with no tunnel.

            What people can’t explain about NDEers are many. Like how could they have known certain things they knew were happening in their bodily surroundings while unconscious: like things they couldn’t have seen, heard, or known. Many NDEers also have profound life-changing experiences upon returning to their bodies where their value-systems are heavily changed. Many also experiences cases of rapid or divine healing. There have been many people who’ve been dead for long periods of time when being so would have made coming back to life impossible.

            There are many common threads among NDEers, for example often including a ‘life-review’ experience where they watch their whole life flash in front of their eyes and they can remember not only everything they ever felt, thought, heard, tasted, etc., but they knew exactly what everyone else was thinking and feeling simultaneously.

            I wouldn’t be surprised of there were lying NDEers, but that’s why I’ve always examined those experiences from people who’ve had serious/major accidents. That’s much more credible than, say, somebody who was sitting at their computer and suddenly had an out-of-body experience.

          2. So, they don’t all say they saw Jesus or God, (some say they never saw him at all) but interestingly a large number of them do: Maybe 60% or so, I’m guessing. They often describe a figure who they say they knew immediately was Jesus, or they say they saw God. I’ve even seen a black dude from Africa report a hellish NDE and he said Jesus was white and God looked like a cloud. In fact, many NDEers say Jesus looked white. I haven’t heard anyone describe him as black… even blacks lol (we know many black Americans are big into the “Jesus was black” belief, lol). It is interesting that in the Old Testament, Ashkenaz was a descendant of Japheth, not Shem. Jesus came from the Shem line, but he was a case of divine intervention, so when people say he himself was a ‘Semite’, they could very easily be wrong.

            There are all kinds of doctors studying these experiences, forming groups and writing books about them nowadays when they weren’t before… this information has been largely covered up and Marxist indoctrination in medical school teaches them nothing about life after death. NDEs have been reported thousands of years ago. This is one of my favorite go-to channels that has put in a lot of quality research and info on the topic:


        2. Defending Christianity on a theological basis is a waste of time. I don’t believe there’s any truth in the claims of Christianity, so why would I bother defending it? I’m not a believer. All I have to say on the matter is that christianity is slightly better than Judaism and Islam because it was civilized by Europeans. But religion has little importance compared to race. Christ cucks who put religion above race are useless.

          But it seems all you wanna do is argue with people in comments and not anything productive for our cause. You should at least start your own blog or youtube channel to get your ideas out. Or spread links of this website. But you probably won’t even do that now because you don’t like what we’re saying about Trump.

          1. What do you believe then and why, Brandon? And what’s the problem with confronting people spreading misinformation? I mean, is the whole story of the Bible based in the desert? Do Christians dress up like they live in the desert or what? Lol. Can Dale mention a religion/view that is exclusively ‘pro-white’?

            I’m not gonna be starting any blog or channel for a long time after this, man, I’ve told you that. I was done commenting on this site until you began making replies to me again on the Trump thread. To you, not being something like pro-Trump is unproductive. Total joke, man. In reality, being blind/silent to things he’s doing wrong and spreading disinformation about how the “establishment media is against Trump” is stupid. And I’ve said many times before, that yes, he does have establishment media on his side, like Fox News. Extremely annoying for me to have to bring this back up after saying it so many times before.

            1. Please don’t ever leave Dana.
              That would be a terrible thing to do. 🙁
              Your comments are always interesting and never boring.
              I agree with many of your ideas and have said so before.
              It would be impossible for everyone to agree on everything.
              Sometimes people’s opposing views are both correct.
              Brandon makes good thought provoking points and speaks up when he has had enough of something.
              That is much better than tolerating something he doesn’t agree with and politely remaining silent.
              It also means you have given him a premise and a discussion vehicle on which to voice some of his other views.

              1. Lol, well thanks Dorset. You know, a good portion of my intensity and anger comes from feeling low on time and being in the middle of trying to do too many things at once. I’m still researching like a fiend, although much of it doesn’t pertain to activism (besides what I’m doing in studying the economy). I wouldn’t be so abrasive and hurried if I had unlimited time and wasn’t trying to do so many different things.

                Brandon’s site is good overall, but we differ quite heavily on some things. One of course is Trump. Two is religion. Three is the economy. I don’t know why Brandon isn’t spending time listening to any of the gold mine of podcasts out there on it. Schiff has a great podcast, but you can for instance go to Greg Hunter’s YT channel where he does shows with all kinds of different economists. I always listen to them while I’m doing something else simultaneously. Those casts are very valuable though.

                I must indeed hurry on outta here though, brotha. Too many things I’m either in the middle of or need to take care of. I definitely will come back to social media sometime just to challenge my ‘clairvoyants’ out there, lol. Competition can be a great thing. BTW, thanks for all the effort and consistency, D. 🙂

          2. Personally, I don’t care or really give a shit if someone is a Christian or agnostic. Christian Zionists need to be exposed to red-pills if possible though, just like agnostic Zionists. I said my beef/issue with anti-Christians is when they spread misinformation about the religion. Like this Vargina talking about how Christians ‘burn to the ground’ everything everywhere they go, yet somehow countless cities and inventions have been built by white Christians since it became the prominent religion in Europe and spread to the West. For agnostics who attack me for being Christian-leaning though, I also have attacks for them.

          3. I don’t necessarily mind agnostics in most cases. However, and I’ve said this many times before over here: people of the atheist-bent, including many agnostics, have extremely hard times fathoming that elite/Kabbalistic Judaism is real-life Luciferianism. This also means that the pyramid and all-seeing-eye on the back of the US Federal Reserve note and found rampantly throughout the entertainment industry is a reference to Lucifer the “light-bringer”. They also don’t grasp that there’s a real war on Christianity out there (Christianity is being demonized and disenfranchised). And when people start throwing around the idea that it’s a “Semitic religion” or like it’s just some “extension of Judaism”, they have a very hard time fathoming why Jews are anti-Christian and why Christians have expelled Jews so many times before.

      2. Dispensational prophecy doctrines.
        The rapture nonsense was 100% invented in America.
        Prophecy preachers and dispensational bible teachers are obsessed with modern israel.
        Read this and learn how the Scofield Bible brainwashed most christians into becoming christian zionists.
        The problem with fervently believing things comes when those things have been just plain wrong or were deliberately served as part of an agenda or cunning plan.

        Sweepingly dismissing something is just as bad as sweepingly accepting something.

        Censorship perpetrators and their motives must be distrusted and we must ask why they clamp down on certain topics . . . are they afraid of being exposed as liars?

        Research and debate are the order of the day.

    2. It’s pretty funny that you posit that atheists have low IQs, yet your average Christian believes things that defy the laws of physics and that have no scientific basis whatsoever, like the existence of some magical spirit world called the afterlife. Most honest religious people admit that they lack evidence to sustain their religious beliefs and fall back on “faith” to justify their continued belief in something so implausible.

      1. Brandon, honestly, I’m starting to think you’re just kind of slow to learn or something. Fact check the link I put up and tell me how “valid” it is.

        Now for example, when I start making false claims about evolution, like for example, pigs invented and generated the “simple cell” (no evolutionist believes this for obvious reasons), I’m gonna start pissing evolutionists off for distorting and/or lying about their system of beliefs, aren’t I? Some higher-IQ evolutionists are gonna start questioning my IQ, aren’t they? Of course.

        Yes, people who make false claims about shit, time after time, especially when they’re easily fact-checkable are often highly likely to be fukin stupid. Or you don’t think so, Brandon?

          1. Dale, the little I’ve looked at your skeptics annotated site, I already see it has some legitimate material to work with. On the contrary, the atheist site I put up is different, but one I saw atheists keep sharing. When I first looked at the site, I did what many people consider unheard of and started actually fact-checking what it was saying. I soon realized it was stupid AF because I took the time to go through damn near every one of the verses and found they were totally taken out of context, just by reading nearby passages. I kept asking these atheists about it but they were stupid as shit and wouldn’t reply. And yes, you have to be a low-IQ atheist with poor comprehension to be so blind to put a site like that together (shhhh, don’t offend Brandon over here… lol… never say there are low-IQ atheists, lolz).

            I’ve said this over here many times already, but when it comes to Christianity, there are definite things Christians need to keep in mind in regards to the religion:

            #1. Many people will interpret many of the passages differently. Certain passages are also quite ambiguous. Many of the passages in the Bible are from long ago.
            And yes, cult-like thinking can and does form amongst certain Christians. Thus it pays not to get too extreme with the religion. It also pays to use what’s practical and to try and discard what isn’t practical.

            #2. Christianity is a right-wing-leaning religion and so it does have validity among the alt-right. Especially when it comes to being anti-sorcery, because Kabbalistic Jews are sorcerers/black magicians indeed. When pagans, atheists, agnostics etc., just say it has no validity and/or that’s it’s nothing more than a desert cult, and/or just some Jewish religion: Well, these people simply don’t know what the fuck they’re talking about. And yeah, they’re annoying mofos.

            #3. There is definite, ongoing, blatant demonization and disenfranchisement happening to the religion today and it has been going on for many decades. Anti-Christians have virtually nothing to say about this, including many, if not the vast majority of pagans, Jews, atheists, etc. Many sure do have shit to talk, though. Thus, why do I care about many, if not the vast majority of their views? I don’t.

            1. I agree with Christians on some things.

              1.When their European nationalist i agree with them and this is big because I have so much love for my people that I come to tears with some videos I watch. I believe Europeans (main racial branch) are all like cousins and people within the sub racial branches of Europeans like Germans are all brothers and sisters. I believe your people are like an extended family and your own tribe and you should put them first before the interest of people outside your tribe, you can and should care about people outside your tribe, but you should put your people first just like you would put your kids and family first.

              2. I agree with the Christians that are against usury. Usury is one of the worst forms of profiteering. Gottfried Feder (the original National Socialist) wanted to free the German people from the shackles of the capitalist usurers while avoiding communism. A good site on economics bullshit and usury is: another on problems with the monetary system is: and another on a system that could replace the monetary system we have now that eliminates usury and profiteering is: The guy that runs real currencies is an ethno nationalist, but he doesn’t show it much on his site. The other guy that runs the other two sites says he has no problems with nationalism as long as you don’t exploit or coerce other people.

              3. I agree with Christians who are against homosexual marriage. I believe homosexuals are inferior to heterosexuals just based on the fact that based on their relationship alone they can’t produce any offspring. That and their sex is just unnatural. The relationship between a man and a woman is more sacred.

              I agree with Christians on other things too, but these are the main points I find myself siding with Christians on.

              I really don’t like to argue, but i get mad sometimes. I’d rather find common ground, but am not interested in becoming a Christian. Even Plato was monotheistic, but he was an agnostic. Right now I’m just agnostic.

            2. So essentially you wanna go around insulting the intelligence of atheists, agnostics and pagans, but then flip your shit when Christians and Christianity are critiqued or questioned? So basically only you get to decide what/who can/cannot be criticized based on your self-proclaimed genius IQ. Ok, good luck with that. People will notice the double standard and call you out on it.

              Atheists, agnostics, pagans and Christians are welcome here on my site because I don’t give a damn what their religious beliefs are, so long as they want to preserve Western civilization and are pro-white. The only religions I seriously criticize are Islam and Judaism because they’re trying to destroy our people. I’ve also highlighted how Jews have a grudge against Christians (which is often used by them as a codeword for whites), so I’m not anti-Christian as some pagans are, I just don’t think the religion has any validity in terms of its actual supernatural claims related to Jesus, God, the spirit realm, etc.

              1. YO, I said what does the IQ of the atheists who made that link have to be? You’re acting like I said “all” atheists when I was talking specifically about *those* atheists who created that link. While we’re at it though: yes, many atheists ARE dumb. Just because there are smart atheists or semi-smart atheists obviously doesn’t mean they’re smart as a group. I “insulted” their intelligence you say? Oh my “bad”, Brandon… lemme “think” about it beforehand next time, right?

                Atheists are also significantly more liberal than Christians across the board culturally. And we know as Marx said, “Atheism is the opiate of the masses.”

              2. And you have not explained how it’s possible people can be clinically dead for MANY hours, with some cases being dead for days yet STILL come back to life? That’s supposed to be “impossible” isn’t it?

                You haven’t explained evolution for me, either, Holmes. Evolution is one big ass fairy tale, you know. And apparently you’re thinking these Kabbalistic Jews/satanist right? “Hocus pocus” right?

                And no mention or criticism of these lying ass pagans like Varg or what? Yeah, sorcery fits “right in” with Christianity.

              3. ^ Kabbalistic Jews don’t do the satanic shit they do just for jokes, laughs and looks. And out of alllll the famous people we have on record straight-up talking about their spiritual/demonic experiences and rituals, it’s “prolly” just a “figment of their imagination” after all.. Yes, you have to be very slow, at the very least, to think so.

                Not only did Marx seriously say that *religion* is the opiate of the masses, but as another example, what did the Protocols of Zion say about it?

              4. ^ Kabbalistic Jews don’t do the satanic shit they do just for jokes, laughs and looks. And out of alllll the famous people we have on record openly revealing their spiritual and demonic experiences, influences and rituals, it’s “prolly” just a “figment of their imagination” after all.. Yes, you have to be very slow, at the very least, to think so.

                Not only did Marx seriously say that *religion* is the opiate of the masses, but as another example, what did the Protocols say about it?

                1. So you believe in satanic demons, too?

                  Wow, you’ve gone off the deep end there, Dana.

                  So you demand incredible levels of scientific evidence to “prove” evolution, and you claim there’s not enough so you dismiss it, yet you tout flimsy testimonies from weirdos and kooks who claim they’ve danced with the devil. That’s pretty typical of religious people, though, no evidence required for their faith-based religion but extreme evidence required for anything that may invalidate their beliefs.

                  1. I’ve gone off the deep end?! Lmao, OK muh psychiatrist. Better yet, muh “quick” psychiatrist, lol.

                    Naaah, it’s all ‘fake’. Of COURSE I’m a believer in demonic entities. An entire encyclopedia could be written about spiritual and/or supernatural experiences.

                    True or false: In your mind, anybody who talks about spiritual experiences is a ‘weirdo or cook’, but anybody who believes in evolution is ‘rational’ right? There’s “no” Marxist agenda to try to make people believe in evolution or anything, right? Academia only teaches disinformation about things like gender and race, but when it comes to evolution, they’re feeding you da truth.

                    First of all, how long does the human brain last on average without oxygen, without incurring permanent brain damage?

                    1. Do you want to continue to waste my time with kook shit about demons and devils, or will you actually do something productive for our movement for a change?

                      I won’t hold my breath. Stick to poker, I say.

                    2. Stick to poker?! I’m not only just good at poker.

                      Do you remember when you were calling Ryan Dawson a gimp because of what you perceived as his lack of grappling skills? Dawson is a dummy in a lot of ways, but I could immediately tell that out of the two of you, Ryan would tap you out in a quick hurry and that you don’t know shit about it, lol. BJJ/submission grappling is another red-pill area I caught onto immediately when I was 14, although I had some wrestling experience to help me figure it out. Back then it was damn hard to tell people about the validity of BJJ. It even still is to this day, but these days MMA fighters learn firsthand that if they don’t know submissions then they’re just gonna get tapped, no problem.

                    3. Do I have any more kook shit?!

                      Yeah, you ‘learn’ about random things like this in biology class n stuff. Brain damage is supposed to be underway somewhere around 7 minutes without oxygen. If, for example, you choke somebody out without releasing the hold for 10 minutes, they could *easily* die, to put it politely.

                      There are many cases like this out there. Some natural questions people have when they see cases like this might be:

                      What was it like to be dead for that long? What do they last remember? What did they see, hear or feel, if anything?

                      I mean 7 minutes and 17 hours “isn’t” much difference without oxygen, is it? Seems “natural” to me n stuff…

                      “Thanks” for “telling me” n stuff:

                    4. You claim you’re so high IQ yet usually resort to low IQ threats and fight challenges when the debate doesn’t go your way. That’s some brute African-style behaviour on your part.

                    5. Your constant use of “lols” and other infantile jargon in comments also doesn’t lend much credence to your claims of genius IQ.

                      Again, go do something productive for our movement instead of wasting my time with religious nonsense. But you just love an argument and your low impulse control will draw you back here again and again to continue this pointless conversation.

        1. Brandon, honestly, I’m starting to think you’re just kind of slow to learn or something. Fact check the link I put up and tell me how “valid” it is.

          You say that about everyone who disagrees with you. Apparently you’re the lone genius on the planet, and we’re all just dummies who should follow your lead.

          Anyone who believes Jesus Christ is a real entity that can perform magic tricks and rapture us into an eternal paradise is likely to have a low IQ. Do you believe that?

          1. I say it to many people who disagree with me, no doubt, and now I’m saying it to you Brandon. But um, why are you only talking to me on this thread and saying nothing to Dale over here? Has Dale exposed any anti-Christian agendas or any lies aimed at Christianity, including from pagans? “Prolly” right?

            And are any alternative belief systems ‘white’ per se?

            1. So me and my website were essentially the only sources you liked in the entire alt-right, until I started voicing pro-Trump sentiments. So now I’m just another “low IQ dummy”, in your book, because only low IQ dummies can see the merit in a president voicing/popularizing some of our talking points.You sure know how to burn bridges. You remind me of Brendon O’Connell who attacks/insults literally anyone who doesn’t agree with him on 100% of issues. Even if there is 90% agreement, that 10% is enough to pit him against someone. That’s self-destructive behaviour that needs to be rooted out of our movement if we are to accomplish anything.

              1. Your site overall is good. There are some issues you’re way off on and/or haven’t researched much yet, though. It’s understandable to not be researched on certain issues. I still have lots to research on the situation of economics worldwide, but I’ve been rapidly making ground in that department and will continue to do so. I do know enough to know though that Trump is actively making things *worse*, NOT better, and this also has global implications. And I certainly have a better understanding and grasp of economics than the average person. When it comes to Trump, it’s insulting to me to take a pro-Trump stance after we’ve covered Trump quite in detail beforehand.

                One of my issues is when people start talking about shit they do NOT know much or anything about. That means they’re spreading lies and confusion, which can potentially manifest in very negative, harmful, and even dangerous ways. Yes, I AM fond of insulting their intelligence… ALL DAY.

                I didn’t say you have a low IQ. I don’t know what your IQ is… above average. You’re an exceptionally good writer for your age. You’re definitely slow on some things though. I’m sure you’ll get faster and more savvy as time goes on.

                How can I only be over here to flame-war, attack people I disagree with, and entertain myself when I’m not playing poker if your site was one of the only sources I liked in the alt-right? Yeah, that’s a dumb ass statement, and you’re making some false conclusions and accusations there, Brandon. Here’s a real and obvious question: How come you didn’t have a problem with my ‘flame-wars’ with other people on articles I agreed with you on?

                FYI, I don’t find this shit entertaining. I don’t like arguing, either. I generally find it fucking boring and time consuming but a painful and necessary task nonetheless to get movements like this off the ground. If arguing isn’t done, people will most often take their sweet ass time figuring things out on their own, IF they ever do. I also really don’t like people telling me shit they don’t know… it takes some ignorance and often arrogance, and it’s an insult to my intelligence.

                1. Your site overall is good. There are some issues you’re way off on and/or haven’t researched much yet, though.

                  Right, like the non-existence of satanic demons, eh? I must be way off on that. Only champ researchers like you know the whole score, though, and we should all follow your lead.

                  How can I only be over here to flame-war, attack people I disagree with, and entertain myself when I’m not playing poker if your site was one of the only sources I liked in the alt-right?

                  Because you only come here to argue in the comments. You generally don’t comment unless to argue with someone. So on posts you agree with you don’t comment at all, or you’ll only comment if there’s someone in the comments of that post that you disagree with. It’s pretty obvious what you’re doing and you’ve been doing this for years as a side hobby, it seems.

                  I don’t think you have any interest in helping the alt-right or white nationalism and are mostly just concerned with making yourself feel good and important by one-upping people on the internet.

                  1. So if I don’t argue with people, that now means I’m a “white nationalist”? People who argue “can’t” be pro-white, pro-male, or even against anything else which is Marxist. People who argue are only trying to make themselves feel good by one-upping others, correct?

                  2. Speaking of one-upsmanship, I remember you saying you “weren’t a fan” of “the one-upsmanship” between me and that clown you had on your FB list named Mohammed El Ella. Mohammed was the typical, anti-white, Arab/Muslim first talking shit about whites, but I was “one-upping” him, lol.

                    You’re so slow that you told me “You fight over it” with dumb ass pro-blacks on your FB page, lol. Ain’t like you knew practically anything about white and black flight and racial demographics of US cities back then, lol.

  3. I can already beat over 99% of atheists blindfolded in chess. Are there atheists in the world that can beat me, and not only when I’m not blindfolded, but in standard style? Of course. A very small % of atheists could even beat me badly. But don’t worry boyz, I’m soon to be back at the poker tables. When I get back, I’m gonna be challenging all Trumpians and all vegans to some heads-up matches and/or marathon full-ring cash game matches (like who can make more money in two weeks, or maybe a month or longer). Why? Both groups are convinced of their mind/soul-reading, and clairvoyant skills. I’m also gonna be challenging all evolutionists and pagans (cuz they’re not the brightest mofos to have come down the pike, as a group, either). Just to give them a chance to put their money where their fukin mouth is and to give them a shot at vengeance. Sad to say though, that on the whole, they’re dummies who are easy money. I figure if I had to spend/waste so much time arguing with them over things like politics and religion, I might as well try to make it pay off as much as possible. Been a long time comin’.

    1. Dude, you’ve said this blind fold chess thing a million times after every “debate”. And your chess skills are irrelevant to any of those topics. Basically you’re just in love with yourself and don’t really have any interest in this cause beyond sporadic comment wars and one-upping people on our side. Either you get serious or get out. You’re doing no good constantly swinging at people who are on our team over trivial issues like christianity vs. paganism, evolution vs. creation, and other dead ends that lead nowhere. Whites are faced with a genocide here and all you wanna do is argue with people on our team about side issues. I think you should stick to degenerate gambling and bow out of this. I used to be into poker too, but it’s ultimately a Jewish industry that attracts airheads who care for little else besides money, like the Jews who own the casinos they play in. It’s certainly not a healthy outlet for our people. Playing once in awhile is fine, but trying to make a living off of it will most likely lead to addiction and depression when things go south.

      1. I’ve said this blindfolded chess thing various times before because for one, chess does take logic and critical thinking, and two, I’m dealing with morons who either refuse to fact-check the shit they say, or they can’t make logical sense of what’s going on, yet wanna run their mouths about it and jump to a bunch of faulty conclusions, regardless. If a person’s logic and critical thinking skills suck, it makes obvious sense they might wanna spend much less time talking and more time thinking and researching, doesn’t it Brandon?

      2. Maybe have a website rule here that religion or comments about UFOs etc are banned.
        Then get down to the nitty gritty activism minus all the side-tracking and dead-end false trails.

        1. Dana only shows up here when he sees a comment or post he disagrees with so he can argue and flame war with someone to entertain himself when he’s not playing poker. Then he insults someone’s intelligence, says he can beat everyone blindfolded in chess, then runs off back to the poker tables. Rinse and repeat. How is this a productive member of our movement against white genocide?

          1. Productivity-wise for the cause you are correct Brandon.
            Your activism is the most important thing – that is why you have the website here and you have every right to call the shots.
            Dana has been useful in flaming some of the trolls, I have been helped out by him more than once.
            It is like knowing you have a body guard ready and waiting to see off any trouble.
            That said – I think we all can fight our own battles if we have to.
            I sometimes read obvious trolling stuff on here that I disagree with and really don’t want to get involved and so I wait for someone else to comment. When nothing happens I often feel compelled to chip in with a comment. The trolls are sometimes drive-through one-hit wonders, although they sometimes stay for weeks and months.
            I agree we need to be specific to be terrific.
            Less digression into unimportant areas.
            I think Dana has a strong personality and will find it difficult to tone down his exhuberance.
            Maybe just post one word Brandon, when you have had enough of anything you read.
            The word is:

  4. If you see my comment Dana after it’s approved just ignore the economic part. After finding out you’re a Schiff fan i don’t think you’ll like one of the sites I linked to. I really don’t want to argue anymore. In my comment that hasn’t been approved yet (it had several links) I was trying to make peace and find common ground, not start another argument, so please ignore the economics part.

    1. No worries. I mean it’s not like I’m a Schiff dronebot or something lol. Just that he does put out a lot of good, up-to-date information on his channel and he does have a great understanding of many facets of economics, including a bit on SJW politics. There are things he doesn’t really expose, like the J-tribe, the private Federal Reserve; he has done badly in terms of precious metals in the last 8 years or so, and he is pro-Monsanto, which is very weird; but overall he does have a great cast. When it comes to economics, no one economist is going to know everything so they have to be diversified like a portfolio. People who listen to only one economist working in the red-pill zone are really leaving themselves in the dark; that includes those only listening to Schiff.

      But like I said, Greg Hunter has a wide array of different economists on his show, and those economists lead into many other economists’ own channels, and on down the line. One thing is, many of these are close to hour-long podcasts and a good deal of time has to be put into them, but still well worth it.

  5. Brandon said about Dana:

    You’re doing no good constantly swinging at people who are on our team over trivial issues like christianity vs. paganism, evolution vs. creation, and other dead ends that lead nowhere. Whites are faced with a genocide here and all you wanna do is argue with people on our team about side issues.

    Either you get serious or get out.

    As a reader of this website I like both the articles and the comments sections. “Trivial” issue conversations might seem irrelevant, but are interesting, and add to the -free speech- profile of this website, which is refreshing (if you compare it to censorship champions like AMREN for example) and most importantly it is a punch in the face of liberals and leftists who really like to claim that the alt-right movement is inherently authoritarian/fascistic/centralized.

    Different people have different characters and talk about different things, and like to read different things. I think that the only people that should “get out” are obvious shills and spammers.

    Christianity is something that is an issue (it is relevant) for the white movement because the religion that white practice (if they practice one) is Christianity. Attacks on Christianity by enemies of whites is quite obvious. It might seem an issue that divides and derails..

    …but doing articles exposing Putin (brilliantly and correctly) is also an issue that divides our movement (because of the russobots that exist in our movement). But it is factually correct! And relevant! And interesting! I like getting such information.

    What I am trying to say is that my humble opinion as a reader of this site (and sporadic commenter; I dont have much time anymore because of personal and work issues) is that no one should be intimidated to “get serious or get out”. Even absolute bullshit should be heared (and refuted). The only people that should be banned (IMO) are those that could be agents of the opposition. Those who make 1488 gas jews and such garbage comments, to make an outlet (like this website) seem extreme and idiotic.

    That’s my opinion but this is Brandon’s website 😉

    1. Dana is fond of attacking people and insulting their intelligence, especially people on our team. The only commenter that deserved such attacks was that Nazbol freak and actual Jewish and SJW commenters, but the ones on our side shouldn’t be approached in that way at all. If anything, Dana drives commenters away from the site who would otherwise participate because of his divisive attacks and purity spiralling.

    2. The Putin issue is far more pertinent than Christianity because whites are being falsely led to the slaughter thinking Putin’s Russia is some kind of white man’s paradise and a good place for disenfranchised whites to move to, when it is nothing of the sort. The theology of Christianity is a total and complete waste of time to debate because it’s all hocus pocus and up for interpretation. I don’t push any particular religion or irreligion on whites, they can believe whatever they want. We just need a coalition of pro-white individuals to work together towards common goals instead of getting caught in the weeds of religious infighting.

    3. Christianity is also the primary religion among blacks and non-white Hispanics, so it is not necessarily a ‘white religion’ even if the majority of whites are Christians. The problem I see with Christianity is that it is a universalist faith and has an anti-racialist character, preaching that ‘we’re all god’s children’ and seeks global conversion of non-white races. Even the Jew-wise pastor Steve Anderson goes to Africa and Latin America to “win souls” of non-whites and he preaches an anti-racialist message. Most Christians seem to adhere to the anti-racialist idea that race is not important, only a belief in Christ to get you a ticket to paradise. Anderson thinks the solution to the Jewish problem is converting them, which was tried before and ultimately failed, as the Jews simply go crypto. People like him are completely silent on white genocide because, thanks to their Christian religion, they don’t care about race. The only Christians that are avowed racialists are the Christian Identity sect which is pretty nuts and posits that whites are the real Hebrews/Israelites.

  6. The problem I see with Christianity is that it is a universalist faith and has an anti-racialist character, preaching that ‘we’re all god’s children’ and seeks global conversion of non-white races.

    Most Christians seem to adhere to the anti-racialist idea that race is not important, only a belief in Christ to get you a ticket to paradise.

    Unfortunately you are correct there. This universalism is a massive sell out, it is like marketing. Like a very lame marketing hoax. Posing as “you can all join us if you accept Christ” but smelling like -WE NEED MORE FOLLOWER$- from underneath. This is not very different from Democracy. Yoohooo! Everyone’s opinion matters! But from another point of view it can be described as -we need everyone to participate in our $ystem (so it can be as big as possible)-. All of this stuff is incompatible with in-group ideologies, like our pro-white tribalism. We have to exclude people by definition of being a group of people (the white race). This is the opposite of universalism.

  7. Brandon, I asked you on the other thread HOW you know the reason why Trump disavowed and condemned the alt-right was, as you said, because “the media was hounding him”. Unless I missed your answer somewhere, I wanna know HOW you know that. You must be watching the US MSM, right? If NOT, then HOW do you know?

    I’ve said many times before over here that he HAS establishment media on his side. Fox Jews and Infowhores are some prime examples.

    This footage for example was made some time after Trump disavowed the alt-right and is concerning what happened some time ago at Charlottesville. I’ve said this many times before and it gets extremely redundant: When you repeat stupid shit like “the establishment media is against Trump”, you’re parroting Fox Jews and Trump himself. That’s “genius”. Notice* what Hannity says here: “News and information you will NOT get from the destroy Trump establishment media”. IS Fox News establishment media or NOT, Holmes? And is it NOT virtual 24/7 pro-Trump propaganda? Was Fox News “hounding” Trump about it?

    1. Because of his very slow response to the media’s calls for him to disavow the alt-right, and the disavowal itself was pretty limp and robotic. Trump knows that he has serious support among the alt-right/alt-light and he’s reluctant to come out too hard against people who support him, even white nationalists.

      The only mainstream media network that isn’t against him is Fox News, and they’re moving in a rightist/populist direction because they realize that their largely white audience base is moving in that direction too.

      Only a blackpiller/pessimist like you would discourage this kind of thing. We want to force the mainstream to move in our direction. Multiple hosts at Fox are now pushing an anti-diversity message. We want to become the establishment, you apparently want to be a fringe character in the dark corners of the internet forever.

      1. OK, spillover comment from above.

        You keep making up these false claims like a falsely accusing fucking female. WHO specifically here have I challenged to any fighting besides loudmouths like Varg and that diehard commie clown, whose name begins in J, or that Islamophile who used to comment over here all the time whose name also being with a J? I know race, ideology, and religious wars are coming as a result of mass, forced multiculturalism, as do you, but WHO else here specifically have I challenged to a fight?

      2. WHEN did I ever claim to have a “genius IQ”? And WHAT do you know about my “lack” of impulse control? You CAN’T be a good chess or poker player with low impulse control, clown.

        And you don’t like lol’s? I often include lols to be lighthearted, but I can easily be SERIOUS instead. I’ll make this serious for you:

        Do you remember when you were calling Ryan Dawson a gimp because of what you perceived as his lack of grappling skills? Dawson is a dummy in a lot of ways, but I could immediately tell that out of the two of you, you don’t know shit about grappling and Ryan would quickly tap you out.

        ^NO ‘lol’s’ there, son. What were you implying when you called him a gimp?

        NO lols here, either:

        “Speaking of one-upsmanship, I remember you saying you “weren’t a fan” of “the one-upsmanship” between me and that clown you had on your FB list named Mohammed El Ella. Mohammed was the typical, anti-white, Arab/Muslim first talking shit about whites, but I was “one-upping” him, you say. NO, HE was the one talking shit first, NOT me.

        You’re so slow that you told me “You fight over it” with dumb ass pro-blacks on your FB page, lol. Ain’t like you knew practically anything about white and black flight and racial demographics of US cities back then. YES, what the fuck did you know about racial demographics of US cities back then? YOU hadn’t researched them. You haven’t researched much of any GRAPPLING either.

        1. Sorry, I missed the ‘lol’ above behind the words *FB page,*. Lemme knock that out:

          “You’re so slow that you told me “You fight over it” with dumb ass pro-blacks on your FB page.”

          There ya go. But yeah, I remember listing a bunch of US cities for pro-blacks on a thread of yours, all of which showed where blacks had moved in, en masse, and were causing a lot of havoc. I have a whole bunch of US cities listed with articles attached where white flight has occurred due to blacks moving in, including often eventual black flight from those cities into more white areas due to programs like HUD, or just the fact that living around blacks really sucks and there’s more money to be made around whites.

          No, YOU fight over it, buster.

          1. When I said *slow* above, what I more specifically meant was not that you’re slow compared to the average truther, but for someone who has been aware of a few red pill ideas like knowing western governments and medias are corrupt for so long and has been so politically active, you were very slow to notice much at all of the anti-white agenda/s compared to other pro-whites at the time, hence for example your snarky comment to me.

            When it comes to Spencer and Dawson, I understand Spencer’s sentiments and anger at anti-white Dawson, but at the same time, he went too far claiming that Dawson was just some dork who would just get made fun of and laughed at for being some kind of geeky pussy: in a vacuum he did physically provoke Dawson. In a grappling match and/or no-holds-barred fight, Dawson would beat Spencer easily.

            And I’m not a *pessimist* you fucktard. You don’t put so much training and effort into going to BUD/S twice, for an ass-whipping, thinking you’re not gonna succeed. I’m saying whites DON’T need Trump and so many Trumpians need to quit relying on Trump to do shit for them or mistakenly thinking he ‘gonna take care of us’. MGTOW has been taking care of business before Trump came along and they’ve been doing the vast, vast majority of it on their own. I didn’t get involved in MGTOW thinking I couldn’t make any change or that the message wouldn’t grow like wildfire. Same with the pro-white movement.

            You and I are going to be enemies for LIFE though, no doubt about it. And evolutionists, pagans, and the like, and Christians and/or Christian-leaners like me should just separate. I don’t like to deal with Trumpians in general, either. Outside of the poker tables, I really don’t care to see them.

            1. You’re an arrogant chest-beating fool, Dana, and you don’t do anything productive for the cause.

              Nobody cares that you were in BUDs, which you talk about all the time to boost up your ego and make yourself feel like a “real man”. Apparently you didn’t do much with that anyway. Seems to me like you got some self-esteem issues hence the constant need to proclaim yourself smarter, stronger, better than everyone else.

              You’re obviously the slow one here as you didn’t even realize all your “hard work” posting threads on Facebook would just go down the memory hole and get deleted. You could have been building up a website all that time, but were too stupid or lazy to do so. The reason you liked doing this on facebook is because you love to argue with people all day, hence your “no block threads” where you would tag 100 people that you could argue with and entertain yourself.

              You’re a lame hobbyist. You have nothing of value to contribute here other than to tell us how we’re all “slow” and how you’re lightyears ahead of us because you believe in ghosts, goblins and NDEs.

              You’ve overstayed your welcome here, buddy. You’ve insulted me multiple times, yet think you can keep coming back here with your meaningless mumbo jumbo and chess challenges. Get lost.

  8. Thanks for “answering”, Brandon. Maybe Charlemagne will answer for us or something, right?

    BTW, Charlemagne believes pro-whites need to start using the label “white nationalist”. Why would it be necessary, or even wise in many cases in the first place, instead of just saying pro-white? Like if I go to any non-white country like China to play poker (especially if the US dollar starts to really tank in the near future), how would it benefit me to call myself a white nationalist?

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