Cuckold Paul Watson Decries “Alt-Right White Supremacists,” Promotes Black Female As Our Saviour

Supercuck Paul Joseph Watson (who I’ll begin calling CUCKSON from now on) can’t control himself these days. Every chance he gets, he attacks the alt-right with virtue signalling garbage, like this tweet in defence of the “conservative black female” Candace Owens:

Cuckson just can’t help himself, can he?

Cuckson wants us to believe that black females will save Western civilization by persuading American blacks to vote for Republicans instead of Democrats, because we all know that American blacks are the traditional custodians of Western civilization, right?

Cuckson keeps getting worse and worse. He’s really only good at making fun of batshit insane SJWs. Apart from that, he’s as worthless as a flashlight in the daytime, like his buddy Cuck Shroyer, the supposed SJW slayer who got slayed by Adam Green on the Jewish question.

The alt-light is almost as bad as the SJWs at this point. All they do is pander to minorities, trying to find and promote token blacks, Hispanics, trannies, gays, and women who support Donald Trump and the Republican Party, in order to deflect allegations of “racism” thrown at them by the radical left.

The West cannot be saved by blacks, trannies, gays, or women. The only people who can save Western civilization are white, heterosexual males.

Watson and his cuck brigade will be thrown in the river by the very non-whites they support when whites become a minority.

3 thoughts on “Cuckold Paul Watson Decries “Alt-Right White Supremacists,” Promotes Black Female As Our Saviour

  1. PJW is some washed-up Britfag that got “fished” from the conspiracy underground by the Zionist machine. It’s just another sell-out little bitch. Many such cases – remember weirdo Molyneux crying over the whore-revolution in Iran.
    Nothing against recognizing conspiracies per se, but that underground of David Icke/Alex Jones/Jeff Rense and a bunch of dumb kids posting videos on youtube with “EXPOSED” on the title are absolute cancer.

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