Democracy Ain’t Gonna Work for White Interests: Ethnostate Now!

The radical left anti-white Democrats won the House of Representatives, although the Republicans still control the Senate, and Trump is obviously still in the White House.

But this will give the filthy Dems more leverage over Trump:

First, and most significantly, Mr Trump will no longer be able to pass legislation without support from the Democrats.

For the first two years of his presidency, he has been able to rely on Republican majorities in both chambers of Congress, and sometimes even that has not been enough.

For example, Mr Trump’s push to repeal his predecessor’s signature health care law, Obamacare, failed when a few members of his own side went rogue.

Now even perfect, iron-clad discipline from the Republicans will not be enough. To pass anything, he needs the Democrats’ help.

Is there any hope at all of something productive getting done? Maybe. …

The Democrats will now assume control over powerful congressional committees, whose responsibilities include oversight of the White House.

They can investigate Mr Trump and his associates. They can subpoena executive agencies, officials and departments for evidence, documents and testimony.

They can even compel the President to hand over his mysterious tax returns, so the world can discover whether he is as upstanding — or as rich — as he claims.

Keep a particularly close eye on Congressman Adam Schiff, who will now chair the House Intelligence Committee.

Yeah, well, with the entire media-establishment on the side of the rancid Dems, it’s not like there wasn’t pressure already.

This is why we need to make a clean break from democracy. Democracy can only work when the nation is ethnically homogenous and racial realism is common wisdom in the society. Multi-racial/multi-cultural democracies are a deranged mess. It’s merely a gang/turf war between different ethnic groups vying for more power and special privileges. Well, actually, white people don’t demand any special rights. We’re a hard-nosed, hard-working people who achieve what we desire through merit. It’s the weaker races that require special rights bestowed upon them to artificially elevate them to our level, to be able to compete with whites.

We need a white ethnostate, now! This multi-racial democracy nonsense ain’t working out. The non-whites will forever push for anti-white policies that elevate their own groups over us. Their hatred of the white race is clear as day. We can’t live with these people, and why should we? The multiculturalists and globalists want to enforce integration upon the races, largely with the intention of breeding out whites, but nature fights against it. We want to live separately from these foreign races, and why shouldn’t we?

We whites need a state of our own without leftists, liberals and unwanted races. Why do leftists and liberals want to live among us? They hate us, but they want to control us and force diversity down our throats. Because they are tyrants. The libtards and leftists can be given a certain plot of land to forge their utopia melting pot, and we can have our safe space away from their destructive policies and ideas, where our people can thrive and pursue our destiny.

Trump won’t be able to get much done in terms of immigration with these maniac Dems standing in his way. Us racialists can’t win in this kind of system. The process of white genocide can only be slowed down, but the next president can pick up right where the anti-whites left off before Trump tried to reverse some of the damage. It’s the same scenario for European democracies, Australia, Canada and New Zealand, as well. This kind of representative system is not in our interests right now, and will only work against us as our nations become filled with non-white voters who demand our extinction through mass immigration of their co-ethnics from the third world.

The best Trump can do at this point is popularize and mainstream our ideas. We’ll run with that to recruit more whites to our cause, but completely reversing the damage is a far cry at this point. The only way forward to build a safe and prosperous future for whites is our own ethnostate, ruled exclusively by an intellectual vanguard committed to the interests and wellbeing of our people.

We must strive towards a white ethnostate away from the control of our globalist, Zionist and leftist enemies. We must create something new, a new dawn, a new man, where we can reach the stars and watch our enemies eat each other alive from afar.

Hail Victory!

7 thoughts on “Democracy Ain’t Gonna Work for White Interests: Ethnostate Now!

  1. The system is built against us. Politicians care more about the interest of their donors rather than the common man. For a republic to work, you have to have a fair monetary system in place and a system that prevents oligarchic rule and the people have to be well educated with an honest media (none of the bullshit in academia and media today). We don’t have that.

    1. What has to be done is to beat the extreme hard left at their own game and lie like they do to win elections. Real conservatives should start running as Democrats in very liberal areas they know will win then once in govern as true real conservatives. Hey the hard left has people running as moderates when we all know none of them are moderate they are radicals that lie because they know they can’t elected if they told the entire truth of what they really stand for.

      1. Lying will just give them (the extreme left) more ammunition.
        Lying becomes a tangled web and they could easily expose a liar.
        They could record you speaking your mind,when you think the microphone has been switched off.
        Or they could catch you covertly at an informal meeting.
        Going down to their level of dirty tricks and tactics is not a good idea.
        Honest white people want a way forward and do not want to be deceived or to deceive anyone in our struggle.
        It is better to firmly state your beliefs and what you are fighting for and stick to that.
        Flip-flopping and conniving are for the baddies.
        If we stoop to the level of the opposition and only care about money and lying to get it, then we lose all our credibility.
        We are working hard to raise up our credibility.

      2. “Real conservatives should start running as Democrats in very liberal areas they know will win then once in govern as true real conservatives. ”
        That wouldn’t work, the Media investigates EVERYTHING about a candidate’s life. There’s no way to escape that. Let’s see how Little does as a democrat, I’m still supporting the goy.

  2. It was white shit libs that got more energized to vote because of “DRUMPF!!” The demographics didn’t have alot to do with it. Although this was more of a blue trickle than blue wave, every other president in the last 30 years gets btfo’d in the senate and House during his first term . Trump did very well in comparison to the past presidents of the “cable news era”.

  3. I used to believe that secession was the answer to achieve the white ethnostate, the problem with that is, the response many other countries would take against it and hostilities toward the new country would be rampant.
    Brutus the British offers an electoral solution that I doubt it would be ever be carried out

    Let’s not forget that there are ethno-states already like Lithuania, Poland, Japan etc. and globalist institutions are pressing these countries to go multi-kulti.

    Really whites have their back against the wall and a violent outbreak seems inevitable.

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