Fembot CNN Writer Calls for “Sex Strike” to Extort Men

So the fembots are getting more and more creative with their clever extortion rackets to control men. The #metoo scam is apparently not enough. Now the skanks demand that women launch a general “sexual strike” to punish and subdue the men in their lives so that they submit to feminist demands.

A fembot writer for CNN, Wednesday Martin, has called for women to go on “sex strike” before the midterm US elections in order to extort men into giving up their positions of power to inferior and incapable women, which the Democrats will help them achieve.

The fembot wrote:

Plenty of us have sex once in a while to make our partners happy. But regular service sex is something else — an arguably destructive habit fostered by specific social conditions, a symptom that something is amiss in not just our sex lives, but in our larger lives, and the culture more generally.

It’s time for a revolution. At the polls, and in the bedroom. And in our understanding of who women are, sexually and otherwise. Given the tight interweaving of economic and political power with sexual entitlement, female sexual autonomy has never been more urgent, and women’s sexual pleasure has never been more political. Let’s consider what it might mean to go on a sex strike of sorts — to get what we want, rather than give what we think we owe others.

That’s basically a call for sexual extortion of men, to cull us into submitting to feminist political demands.

Damn, that bitch be ugly! Here’s her Twitter, let her know what you think of her misandry.

She wrote of the bogus phenomenon of “sex service,” that of women having sex with their male partners to keep them happy but not out of their own pleasure. Women should only have sex with their partners when they feel up to it, says the fembot. But what about when the man is not up for it, can he “opt out” too and deny his woman sex? She will throw a temper tantrum, most likely, and threaten all kinds of repercussions when she doesn’t get her way. Men are expected to jump through rings of fire to keep their spouses and girlfriends happy, usually sacrificing much of their free time to listen to their partner’s emotional venting and child-like impulses for entertainment and material attractions (vacations, movies, restaurants, parties, etc). Yet no thanks is given for that male sacrifice.

That is the modern feminist mindset in a nutshell: no thanks given to men for anything, we men exist merely to serve the whims and desires of females.

The CNN fembot trotted out the standard feminist talking points of the gender wage gap and other non-issues that fembots harp on, then proposed “a women’s sex strike”  in order to force men “to confront these basic inequalities (of female underachievers).”

We all know that women use sex to manipulate men and obtain resources from us. They are natural vixens. But this is a new level of female extortion. Women already have immense sexual power over men. In the #metoo age, a simple accusation without evidence of sexual misconduct from a woman can ruin a man’s life, including and especially powerful men with a lot to lose. And now the femcunts are upping the ante, telling average women to use sex as a weapon to control the men in their lives and men generally, in order to obtain more collective political and social power for their gender. The evil of feminism never ceases to amaze.

The CNN fembot later goes on to argue that women are biologically inclined to sexual promiscuity, more so than men:

Meanwhile, surprising newer science — much of it done by female researchers, field scientists, and other experts — is telling us what women want and need. In a radical upending of long-held stereotypes I think of as The Great Correction, they have discovered that when measured correctly, the female libido is as “strong” as the male. They have learned that the overfamiliarity with a spouse and the institutionalization of the relationship that accompany companionate domesticity actually dampen female desire in ways they don’t male desire — suggesting long-term, monogamous relationships may actually be harder for women than for men. …

It is women, not just men, and women perhaps even more than men, who pine for sexual adventure. Without it, many of us find our libidos wither. And then we may resign ourselves to serving what we think others deserve, rather than feeling entitled to get ours and get off.

Beware married men, the fembots are now trying to convince your wives that their true desires are being suppressed by the oppressive institution of marriage, and that they’d be much happier slutting it up.

And she ends with this vomit-worthy suggestion:

Women don’t owe men a thing. If anything, the statistics show, we are owed. It’s time to make sex and sexual pleasure female-centric. Each couple, each woman, will have to find out what female sexual adventure and pleasure means for them. But the idea of a sex strike suggests exciting possibilities beyond the bedroom. What would not just sex but the world look like if we prioritized what women want in every sex act? How might the political, social, and sexual landscapes all shift if we acknowledged that in many cases, the server is unsatisfied — and actually believed it was important to set things right?

So apparently women owe men nothing, except for all modern technology, science, education, and civilization itself. Without men, women couldn’t survive a week, especially in an inhospitable climate, because they are weak and inferior. Men are what make society function, women simply tag along for the free ride. Without men, women perish.

These fembots are the most selfish, narcissistic cunts to ever walk the earth. Modern society is already disgustingly gynocentric, where females are given preference over men in all areas, yet it’s not enough for these wenches. I’ve said many times that women are never satisfied with what they have, and will always demand something bigger and better.

The fembots won’t stop until all men are castrated and enslaved, and female world domination is achieved.

Here’s another red-pill take on this article:


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