Money for Nothing: The Dopamine Economy

You might have noticed by now, but online content has changed. Youtube has been superseded by streaming based websites such as twitch and subscription services such as Patreon. Now at first this might appear to be just basic economics, with consumers looking to get around corporate middleman services like Youtube so that they can keep supporting their favorite creators. But these websites and the payment methods they offer have significantly changed how people interact with creators, and how they spend their money.

A large majority of the top earners on twitch are women, specifically women who stream themselves playing video games in revealing clothing. For subscription fees and live donations these women will dance, pose, or simply say your name and a brief thank you. And by doing this they are able to rake in thousands of dollars.

Men across the west, both young and old, have become enamored with these streamers, and have become addicted to the brief moment happiness of being acknowledged by these women.

Online you can find countless examples of men sending absurd amounts of money to these women, so much so that it has spawned disturbing fetish for financial domination, in which meek and subservient men desire to be bullied into donating large sums of money.  Women have been able to establish entire careers around receiving donations from strangers in exchange for nothing, not even sexual imagery.

This lifestyle has never existed before in our history. Imagine explaining to your grandparents that you have spent hundreds on simply hearing someone say your name and a message?  That you’ve spent your hard earned wages on watching a woman play video games in attempt to have her notice you, but also to provide you with a brief moment of satisfaction when your name is read out. This exchange only makes sense to addicts.

Due to this false sense of satisfaction that comes with being recognized for making large donations, men, and even some women, have become addicted to spending money, not even purchasing objects or services, but simply the feeling of recklessly spending money.

Just like other areas of modernity, pleasure is achieved through the easiest means possible, and with many countries in the west switching over to service based economies, it is no mystery as to why some are choosing to spend money on intangible pleasures to achieve their happiness.

Let this serve as a grim reminder to the young men of the right, that you must develop the skills required to produce tangible assets, or else you will end up sending money to strangers just for a brief release of dopamine.

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