SJW Jewess Says Alt-Right “Hijacking” Classic Literature

A purple-haired SJW Jewess is complaining that the alt-right is “hijacking” classic Greek and Latin literature to promote our noble agenda to win back the West for the white race.

From ABC Australia:

A new — and somewhat unlikely — group of candidates are emerging as ardent champions of Classic literature online: the alt-right.

That’s according to Donna Zuckerberg, a Classics scholar who argues that ancient Greek and Latin texts are being co-opted to promote dangerous narratives of toxic masculinity and Western supremacy.

She’s spent much of her adult life immersed in online culture; all of her siblings, including Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, work in the technology sector, and the Princeton-educated academic is the editor of the online Classics journal Eidolon.

This Jewess is going absolutely bonkers attacking the alt-right. She and other Jews are rightly alarmed at the rise of our movement because we’ve identified their corrosive central role in the destruction of Western civilization.

Jews are tripping over themselves trying to smear and derail our movement. She’s an SJW Zionist plant among classics “academics” and clearly outlines her subversive agenda: emasculating the West and white men into accepting their ethnic displacement:

And it’s possible to teach Classics in a way that doesn’t promote notions of Western superiority, or advance toxic masculinity and racism.

“One way to do so is to focus on the ancient Mediterranean as a set of communities for which ancient Greece and Rome were really the far western edge,” Zuckerberg said.

“[And] to think of the Ancient Mediterranean as an incredibly diverse place, which was by no means primarily — let alone exclusively — white, in the way the alt-right would like to believe.”

For Zuckerberg, it’s about countering these counter-narratives.

And there it is. She’s promoting the bogus notion that ancient white empires had “diversity,” a theme pushed by cultural marxists everywhere to undermine white nationalism.

This dumb Zuckerberg broad thinks of herself as some kind of expert on our movement and sub-movements like the manosphere. In the interview on that article, the purple-haired freak claimed that men’s concern about false rape and sexual assault allegations from lying females is merely a “defence mechanism of the patriarchy” that has no merit. These mentally ill SJWs will literally invent any fiction to uphold their baseless conspiracy theory of a patriarchy holding these poor, oppressed wahmen down. The obvious reality is that we live in a vicious gynocracy where batshit feminist women have all the power and privileges in society. The only way to fix this is to take away women’s rights and install a real patriarchy that they so fear!

The fembots, SJWs and their Jewish progressive masters are in a wild frenzy to shut us down because the truth is emerging so rapidly about their evil plots against whites.

Why do Jews so vociferously hate white nationalism? Because it necessarily excludes them from the power centres they wish to dominate and control for their own tribal benefit. They oppose and fight our nationalism tooth and nail even while they’ve enacted a ferocious Jewish tribalism in the Jewish racial apartheid state of Israel which has racial Jews-only colonies and periodic genocidal campaigns to wipe out Palestinians to make more lebensraum (living space) for Jewish usurpers.

We need to keep hammering this point until the Jews collapse under the weight of this maddening hypocrisy.

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