Top Jews Hold “Combat Anti-Semitism” Conference in Russia

Officials from the World Jewish Congress and its Russian counterpart have held a conference on “anti-Semitism” in Russia, with the support and attendance of some top Russian officials of the Putin government. The Jews applauded Russia and said that compared to neighbouring countries like Ukraine, there is relatively little “anti-Semitism” in Russia thanks to Putin’s crackdowns.

The Putin cucks among us never talk about this and falsely maintain that “the Jews hate Putin/Russia” because of a political/economic feud between Jewish oligarchs in Russia, in which Putin sided with one faction against another.

Putin upholds a “multiethnic and multicultural Russia,” outright banning white nationalists and their organizations, forbidding “Holocaust denial” and biblical “anti-Semitism,” but he’s the greatest ally and friend of the white race, say our Putinist cuck friends in the alt-right.

5 thoughts on “Top Jews Hold “Combat Anti-Semitism” Conference in Russia

  1. Anti-semitism is a disease – says every European leader. What’s wrong with semites living and staying in the middle east? Why is that such a crazy thing to ask? Europeans are not demanding footholds in the Middle East yet these semites are demanding Europeans bow to them.

  2. Interesting vid about the new “operation Hot Musket” internet boomer/patriotard/sub 95 IQ conspirotard catnip. Most likely a Russian destabilization/demoralization op.

    From vid description:
    “LARP & ORDER SYU : Some YOUTubers are pushing Operation Hot Musket once again only the parts that will suck you into it, and leaving out the parts of it that are false, and the parts that are even shocking. I’ll bring you both sides, and show you the motivations of the people behind Operation Hot Musket. Will it debunk? Will it be real? will it be both? take a look, what I found will shock you on Larp & Order : SYU”

    Operation Hot Musket | LARP & ORDER SYU | Dangerous Larpers Using This Topic, Or Is It REAL

  3. What’s your source for this?:
    “outright banning white nationalists and their organizations, forbidding “Holocaust denial” and biblical “anti-Semitism”

    Of course, Russia would ban denial of Nazi Germany crimes. But why would you assume this for Jews, rather than ethnic Russian nationalism? Likewise for Ukrainian nationalist groups, which Russia is in conflict with.

    1. The TRUTH about the Holocaust:

      “In 1992, a brilliant jewish revisionist named David Cole made a groundbreaking documentary about the Holocaust. This is an edited version of his work. The complete documentary ‘Cole in Auschwitz’ can still be viewed on the internet.”

      Holocaust scripted / predicted in 1915 New York newspapers years before Hitler ?? WTF ??:

      Countless false accusations and claims of “six million jews” about to die in a “holocaust” reported by the press (mostly by jewish journalists) since the mid-1800s:

      The First Holocaust : The Surprising Origin of the Six-Million Figure:

      Jewish Gematria – The Mystical 6,000,000 Number:


      [Chutzpah is a Yiddish word that derives from the Hebrew word ḥutspâ (חֻצְפָּה), meaning “insolence” or “audacity”. It is the quality of Jewish audacity or brazen nerve. The individual Jew receives much praise from the tribe for the amount and quality of chutzpah uses against the European or Arab. A perfect example is expressed during a Holodomor presentation that a Jew manipulates into the “Holocaust” construct.]

      1. Cole 100% believes in the Holocaust, you think the little Jewish rat debunks it?
        Read the whole article as its interesting.

        In is his own words;

        Holocaust denial is dead, but no one knows it. Worse, it appears as though no one wants to know. Not the media, not Jews, and especially not Jew-haters. But it’s true. Denial has gone the way of the woolly mammoth.
        It exists these days as a bogeyman, a bugbear, an illusion in the minds of hardcore anti-Semites and harder-core Semites. It’s a scarecrow that Jew-haters erect to frighten Jews and that Jews maintain to frighten themselves.

        Of course, the actual deniers are the ones who profit most by the reluctance of those in the know, and those in the press, to honestly confront the problem of Auschwitz as “the very center of Holocaust belief.” Like parasites, the deniers thrive off the myth that Auschwitz is the totality of the Holocaust. It allows them to use my work while screaming, “Lookit the Jew who debunked the Hollycost!”

        What needs to be debunked is “Auschwitz or nothing.” That, and that alone, will put a bullet in the brain of the denial zombie. And indeed it is high time to put the corpse of Holocaust denial where it belongs”six feet under. Sadly, those standing in the way of the burial include not only the zombie’s minions, but its supposed slayers as well.

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