Richard Spencer Rips & Chews Up Clown Ryan Dawson

Richard Spencer chewed up and spit out the “geopolitics” clown Ryan Dawson, calling him a “dork” and “meaningless person” who should stick to comic-con goofiness.

Dawson is like a grown child who still wears superhero and comic book t-shirts while spouting textbook libertarian gibberish and meaningless punditry about geopolitics. He’s little more than a clone of Ron Paul and pushes the geopolitics of American weakness in order to give the Russians and Chinese a leg up so he can get more shekels appearing as a lame-ass pundit on their media networks like RT.

Why is that douchebag even invited on an alt-right podcast to begin with? He hates the alt-right and white nationalism, while he shills for Arab interests and nationalism in the Middle East. He’s got nothing interesting to say beyond “Israel/America are bad,” “Russia is good” and “stop the wars.” All he does is ramble on about obscure economic intrigue with oil pipelines, “predatory IMF loans” and other boring crap that few people care about beyond social justice warriors who want to “save the third world” from the “predatory first world.”

The punk had no good comebacks to Spencer, so he resorted to challenging him to an MMA fight like some school kid on the playground.

This one was good for the lulz.

3 thoughts on “Richard Spencer Rips & Chews Up Clown Ryan Dawson

  1. Dawson is immature shit all the way. Behaves like every low-IQ subhuman: laughs at anyone who disagrees, and if laughed at challenges to a fight. Mockery and physicality – all that the low-IQ hordes of this world have to compensate for their dysfunction.
    He made a doc attacking Jews/Zionism, which is common currency in the left-libertarian/proto-leftist (one might call it “RT-Left”) circle he orbits. That shit ingratiated him with JF Gariepy and some bizarre elements like that “Weronica Clarke/Kuzniak/whatever” (apparently an ADL informant). I think JF interviewed both on the same day. It was a mistake to have him on for sure, nothing constructive comes from these people (or informants for that matter).
    Spencer, for all his flaws, behaves with some dignity and keeps it on the level.

    1. Precisely.

      left-libertarian/proto-leftist (one might call it “RT-Left”)

      Excellent description of that loserish crowd.

      It is puzzling that JF and Red Ice continue to promote Dawstein. Problem is they’re both desperate for content and have to continuously put out new shit to keep the audience happy, so self-promoting opportunists like Dawstein are always available for interviews.

      1. Its funny cause the anti white RT left was bragging about how much “muh intellectual freedom” the network gives them, since they’re allowed to criticize Israel or something.

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