CRINGE: Spencer & Striker Interview Canadian Commie

This stream was absolute cringe. Spencer and Striker cordially interviewed/debated this Canadian Maoist Jason Unhrue, and effectively agreed with all of his leftist Chomskyite foreign policy and economic views.

This stream really confirms everything I’ve said about Striker, that he’s a far-left entryist zealot hell-bent on bringing the West to ruin so that non-white third world regimes can rise up over us.

This is all so very telling, isn’t it, that Spencer and Striker are willing to interview this Maoist kook and agree with a lot of his shit, but they absolutely refuse to debate me. That’s proof that they know they hold positions that they cannot defend against my logic, and fear being challenged by me.

10 thoughts on “CRINGE: Spencer & Striker Interview Canadian Commie

  1. First time i saw this fat canuck i already knew he was a spoiled weirdo and i think he just picked “Unruhe” as Nickname cause thats what Google Translate gave him when he asked it what Riot means in German, which by the way Unruhe is not the correct term. Unruhe is more like discomfort or disturbance, which is more fitting because all that people like him are are a discomfort, a annoyance to the average joe who doesn’t want to pay see his income redistributed to the lowest of the low newly importet lumpenprolls. He wants to be a third world advocate and he can’t even get this detail right about a first world culture. What a fucking joke just look at the way he draws his beard out so that his fat face doesn’t look so fat like the face of a sated first world bugman.

    I can’t even look at this cringe fest. Eric Striker turns out the Skinhead Version of Sargon of a Cunt more and more day by day with his halfbaked ideological patchwork ideas which make no sense.

    Now there are just two possibilities left as far as i see it:
    Striker is a communist u-boat with bad intentions for the alt right and he does his best to subvert it.
    Striker is a power hungry fanatic for whatever cause that can give him more power and such people can not just change ideologies, but they also make deals with supposed ideological enemies who want just the same. More power.

    1. And just to make it clear:
      Iran unironicaly supported Bernie Sanders for President in 2016. They don’t give a fuck about US domestic policy, they care about how they can push back to US influence internationaly and if some ancient communist Jew makes it possible for them then so be it.

      So if you have Guys like this Unruhe and Ryan Dawson apprearing on PressTV that doesn’t make them “Journalists”, that makes them foreign Agents working against the policy of their government and they belong on the FBI Security Index like any other filthy communist and should be arrested in case of war.

  2. By the Way, if you wanna see what a total Joke “Third Worldism” is just watch the Retro-Dokumentary “Concerning Violence”. Its old video reports from the decolonization of the mid 60s to the 80s with the Voiceover of some uppity black power liberation struggle angela davis type about how the evil white man now that hes gone has to uplift africa because of exploitation.

    Or maybee watch one of these shitty music videos where thes shitty artists in the early 90s made music against the apartheid government in South Africa where they all have these headphones on like faggots and sing something about “we have to help the peopleeeeeee” in a climatized recording studio and Steven Van Zandt doing some stupid dance.

    How did that turn out.

    Communists/Socialists/Thirdworldist these fucking people have no Ideologie, they have a pathology. These are mental people thats why their politics can go around in circles. The only one who has any gain from these idiots being subversive are foreign powers that wanna destroy the west and have the means and infastructure to do so.

  3. What is the alt right’s position on the forced circumcision of male babies? Have you given it much thought? The barbaric American obsession to denude the penis is a war on gentile men. A good place to start is to watch the documentary “American Circumcision,” now available on Netflix. It will open your mind.

    1. The alt-right is not a centralized group, so I don’t think everybody shares the same opinion, or that there is a “position”.

      In my opinion male circumcision in as bad as transgenderism. It is butchery. And it might be even worse than “sex change” because the baby doesn’t get to decide.

      However if a mentally defective group chooses to practice that butchery, who am I to stop them. Unfortunately in this world, children suffer because of being born in certain families, groups, religions etc.

    2. I was circumcized, 59 years ago, American. My sons are not. I took the Red Pill. The video you linked is excellent.

  4. I think that you could smoke these guys. Too bad they ingore you and are probably afraid of confrontation with you. Especially when you are in agreement with most of alt-right ideas. You have more in common with Spencer that Spencer has with Unruhe.

    What do you think of having a livestream with Nick Fuentes? Could it it be possible to furnish alliance against (or at least an alternative to) Spencerite right?

  5. Turks get the red carpet rolled out to them when they immigrate to the U.S. because they are a “strategic NATO ally,” then they throw mud on the Founding Stock of America.

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