Three Spaniards Arrested for “Hate Speech”

Three Spaniards who produced content for the Alerta Judiada website have been arrested by the thought police in Switzerland:

Agentes de la Policía Nacional, en colaboración con Europol y la Policía Federal Suiza, han detenido a tres varones españoles de entre 21 y 23 años de edad, todos ellos presuntos responsables de la sección en castellano de una de las páginas web neonazis “más influyentes” a nivel mundial dirigida a sumar adeptos en España y Latinoamérica, según ha informado el Ministerio del Interior.

La página web está dirigida a diseminar contenidos centrados en el antisemitismo, la homofobia y el racismo. Los agentes han detenido a los tres hombres por su presunta participación en un delito de odio y han localizado a su líder, también ciudadano español, en Suiza.

La investigación sobre la difusión de mensajes de odio y violencia en Internet ha posibilitado la identificación y toma de declaración en Suiza de un ciudadano español de 29 años, un presunto referente neonazi con miles de seguidores online y que sería el ideólogo de la sección en español de la web.

We are in the eye of the storm, folks. Ever since the synagogue shooting in the US, world Jewry has stepped up the pressure in going after their enemies. The Hebrew government in Jerusalem even set up a “command centre” that has robots tracking and reporting to police “anti-Semitic” posts on social media. They’re so desperate and worried about people learning the truth about their nefarious activities that they’ve taken to employing Nazi-hunting Judeo-robots to track critics.

They are enforcing global noahide laws in which criticism of chosenites is totally illegal. How much longer can these maniacs get away with this before there’s an open revolt by the people being oppressed under chosenite domination?

Chosenites cannot sustain this evil system for much longer. It will collapse in on itself eventually. 

4 thoughts on “Three Spaniards Arrested for “Hate Speech”

    1. The genie is out of the bottle now . . . a better tactic would be to engage in honest discussion and to use a less adversarial approach and to allow scrutiny.
      Controlling everything and censoring speech is not going to win many friends.
      Only the sort of friends who are stupid or easily bought off (not really friends in that case).
      Brute force is not going to work . . . in the long run.

  1. The agenda is plain to see.
    Extrapolation of current trends clearly shows the eventual destruction of our wonderful people and european culture.
    In britain we have house building on green belt land at an alarming rate.
    Frantic and increasing house building when the indigenous population is on the decline?
    House building leading to more traffic congestion.
    Who are these houses for?
    Immigrants or white flighters from the cities probably.
    Cui bono – who benefits?
    Money mad types and immigrants imho.

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