A Chat About Zionism & Censorship w/ Adam Green

I spoke with YouTuber Adam Green/Know More News about the YouTube crackdown on criticism of Jewish supremacy at the behest of the state of Israel. We also got into the pitfalls of anti-Zionism and the “truther”/anti-war/libertarian milieu and how people on that side consistently ignore the clear agenda of the chosenites elites to erase white people.

6 thoughts on “A Chat About Zionism & Censorship w/ Adam Green

    1. Right, but what am I to do? They want to scare us and intimidate us into silence and accepting our own genocide. If they come for us, they come for us. Our enemies are ruthless, aren’t they?

  1. It’s not the first time they do this, Pedro Varela was also arrested a few years ago. This site is not as edgy as DS so maybe they won’t notice you.

  2. The fight between Muslims and Jews is a brotherwar within the semitic world. These people have very similar and in many cases the same customes like mutilating baby dicks.
    For the whites its not just a waste of time but utterly stupid to involve themselfs into this. Its like seeing two dogs on the street fight and putting your hand between them.
    Remember Kayla Mueller? She was one of these pro-palestine Activists that then ended up as an ISIS Fucknugget. I would go as far as to say we as white people can not tolerate any pro-palestine activists because they endanger the integrity of white people the same way these evangelicucks who worship Israel do. Its like having a campside and there are predators in the woods and some idiot goes around the campside throwing bacon everywhere.

    1. Arabs are a semitic people and so are Jews; maybe not that intelligent but with the same level of ethnocentrism. The enemy of my enemy is not my friend:

      This is well-illustrated by a 1953 letter written by an exasperated Francis Parker Yockey from Egypt, where he had hoped to enlist a few allies against the Jews:

      These people are terribly stupid and incorrigible (not capable of being enlightened) . . . They’re simply too roasted by the sun to be able to accomplish anything. . . .


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