Commie Pablo Iglesias Incites Mobs of Trannies, LGBT Freaks & Fembots Against VOX

Pablo Iglesias, the chief commissar of Podemos, a powerful Spanish communist party, has incited mobs of trannies, LGBT freaks, and blue-haired feminists against VOX, the rightist party that just won 12 seats in the Andalucian parliament.

He put out this “alert antifascista”:

En nombre de Unidos Podemos, alerta antifascista. Quiero hacer un llamamiento al movimiento feminista, a las organizaciones de trabajadores, a las plataformas de afectados por la hipoteca, al movimiento estudiantil, a los colecitvos LGTBI, a las organizaciones de pensionistas, toca movilizarse para defender las libertades, para defender la justicia social y la democracia.

So these commies are already mobilizing left-wing terrorist antifa and LGBT zombie mobs to attack patriotic Spaniards who voted for the civnat VOX.

It’s no surprise that a leading figure of Podemos is this disabled guy:

Let that image sink in, folks. This is who you want ruling you? A weak, disabled communist cripple?

What a clown show this is. In their endless capacity for virtue signalling, the manginas at Podemos made this cripple a leading voice of their party. That says it all about the radical left: they’re engaged in a process of extreme dysgenics where they aim to elevate genetically and mentally defective dregs into power over normal people.

This is all part of their berserk agenda to topple traditional society led by Western civilization’s natural custodians, white heterosexual men, and replace it with a decrepit dystopia ruled by abnormal, abominable freaks of all stripes.

This is who the left doesn’t want in power: a strong, proud, traditionalist, white, Christian, heterosexual Spanish patriot.

Based purely on aesthetics, who would you rather have governing your country? The Cripple or the Chad?

12 thoughts on “Commie Pablo Iglesias Incites Mobs of Trannies, LGBT Freaks & Fembots Against VOX

  1. No dog in this fight. I hate postmodern “leftists”, but VOX is the most pitifully Zionist and generally stupid party of all the European far right groups. I notice a major double standard here with the attitude toward Nazbols vs. Zionists. Lukashenko keeps his country all white and free of queers and Zionists, yet you dont give him credit for being a based/Chad leader who happens to be wrong in being a Nazbol. Instead you call him an evil Marxist tyrant and an enemy. Whereas with these pro-Zionist groups, it doesn’t matter how Zionist they are, you still acknowledge the good things they do.

    VOX is also neoliberal capitalist whereas the true far-right parties you mentioned are all economically socialist, even the catholic Alternativa Espanola. So you should call them nazbols too. I can’t have nice things with any Spanish rightist though because of their position on the Basque issue. I don’t care about Cuckalonia but fully support liberation of Euskal Herria, the purest white nation on earth.

    1. I haven’t written much of anything on Belarus. The one good thing I saw recently from Lukashenko was when he severally insulted and contradicted Putin over the Ukraine policy. Seems he’s not a mindless drone towing Putin’s line. These ex-commie regimes need to throw off any semblance of communism and embrace full nationalism. Any mixing of Soviet/communist ideology and modern nationalism is a recipe for confusion and Judeophilia. Communism/Bolshevism must be denounced as a Jewish conspiracy against whites. Belarus is certainly not free of queers, but is not bending to LGBT agendas, which is good.

      So far I’ve only heard rumours of VOX’s Zionism. They don’t take any serious positions on the Israel/Palestine squabble on their website and are focused entirely on Spanish domestic issues. And, frankly, who cares about Palestine. Worthless issue for Spaniards. They do speak against radical Islam, which probably upsets Islamophiles like you and makes you call them Zionist. Most likely they are blue-pilled on Jews and see them as unproblematic because they’re a small minority in Spain. They need further red-pilling for sure, but right now they’re the only mainstream party talking about deporting illegals.

      Morons like you would actually sympathize more with the antifa commie homos of Podemos over VOX because they’re Marxists and they’re probably less sympathetic to Israel for leftist, egalitarian reasons. This is why you “right-wing” commies are extremely dumb and easily manipulated. Anyone who pays homage to bloody communism gets your instant sympathy and approval even if they’re anti-white SJWs. It’s hilarious really. Nazbols are simply a nuisance causing confusion about right-wingers with revisionist disinformation about Stalin’s non-existent “nationalism”. This is just another way to sell communism through the back door to our people and trick us into accepting a Judeophilic ideology.

  2. Many voters of VOX are former PODEMOS voters.

    Read this comment:

    “Llamamiento a las “feministas” (Si es que se les puede llamar así) a los lgbtiq+3,1415926535, a pepito y a fulanito, allá os pudráis. Mientras no paráis de sembrar el odio con vuestras políticas de género de amargadas de sobaco teñido, al resto, a nosotros, los trabajadores que vivimos a pan y agua por 700 míseros euros que nos den. Habéis pasado de ser el partido del pueblo y de los trabajadores a un partido de imbéciles cuya máxima preocupación es decir tonterías 24/7 en twitter y pegar voces en la calle enseñando las tetas porque os ofenden todas las palabras si no acaban en “a”. Sois una parodia de lo que fuísteis, aquí tenéis a un exvotante que no os quiere a volver a ver el pelo. Nos vemos en las urnas, a tí y a Irene montera, hembrista escocida y amargada donde las haya.”

    “Appeal to the “feminists” (if you can call them that) to the LGBTIQ + 3,1415926535, to Pepito and to So-and-so, there you can rot. While you do not stop sowing hatred with your gender politics of embittered dunks, the rest, to us, the workers who live on bread and water for 700 miserable euros they give us. You have gone from being the party of the people and workers to a party of imbeciles whose biggest concern is to say nonsense 24/7 on twitter and paste voices in the street showing their tits because they offend you all the words if they do not end in “a” . You are a parody of what you were, here you have an exvotant who does not want to see your hair again. We’ll see you at the polls, to you and to Irene montera, scornful and bitter bitch”.

        1. How would you tackle the JQ in Spain? I find it hard since there are not many jews in Spain and their presence is not as prominent as in the US.
          The Spanish DS writes some good info from time to time like this:

          SOS Racism is Soros funded
          ALerta Judiada had good videos on the jewish support for Cucktalonian independence
          And also Jews from all over Europe went to Spain to “fight” in the Republican side:
          Essentially while the jews were very heavily represented in the volunteers who went to aid the Spanish Republic and also among the ‘advisers’ sent to Spain by the USSR and the international Communist parties. (2) They were under-represented in terms of combat troops in that they only formed a company on their own (3) in spite of jews being massively over-represented among European communists. (4)


  3. The left deploys these defective people because at this point the young, white, able bodied leftwing man who would be able to fight the peoples revolution is in his existence alone a discrimination against the black, lesbian in the wheelchair. So far they are the rights best recruitment drive. It bindes all these defectives in their camp while it makes it unattractive for everyone who is just half-sane.
    Thats why social democrat elements change over to the new right wing populist parties in europe. They are not right wing by heart, but simply because they have no place on the left anymore.

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