8 thoughts on “Debate w/ Peruvian Duginist

  1. OMG this guy sounds like a resentful third worlder, I couldn’t stand his anglophobia, Anglos are germanic, therefore white and European. Today they are the Golem of the Jews just like Spaniards and others were a few centuries back.

    I read your comment fight about not debating in English(Come on, really?) and Pedro Varela did adress the London Forum in 2015 in English https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3045115/Nazi-invasion-London-EXPOSED-World-s-Holocaust-deniers-filmed-secret-race-hate-Jews-referred-enemy.html
    I remember listening to the audio I just couldn’t find it.

    The Founding Fathers were white nationalists, they didn’t call it white nationalism back in the day but they made it clear in the first immigration laws. I value intellectuals and what they do but I can’t stand this “if you haven’t read [insert author here] then you don’t know what you’re following” stand.

    Then he went on on saying “you’re wrong” when you mentioned him the facts on Dugin and Eurasianism.

    Anyway happy new year!

    1. OMG this guy sounds like a resentful third worlder

      Yep. I got that impression too. Which is why it’s so strange that he’s palling around with white nationalists. He was just trying to frustrate/confuse white nationalism by pointing to contentious issues like “who is white” and where the cut off line is for that. That’s a typical tactic of leftists also, to say “you can’t properly define white so white nationalism is invalid.”

      The Founding Fathers were white nationalists, they didn’t call it white nationalism back in the day but they made it clear in the first immigration laws. I value intellectuals and what they do but I can’t stand this “if you haven’t read [insert author here] then you don’t know what you’re following” stand.

      Yeah he was trying to play a weird “gotcha” angle by asking for names/books of the “founders” of white nationalism, as if to say that if I can’t tell him the names of every white nationalist intellectual I can’t be a white nationalist or supporter. I’m familiar with all the names he mentioned, anyway. He wasn’t even making an actual argument there, just playing a stupid angle to make himself look intelligent and well-read.

      Then he went on on saying “you’re wrong” when you mentioned him the facts on Dugin and Eurasianism.

      Yep, he had no good response to those quotes from Dugin, and just kept dodging by saying “Dugin only wants to destroy the ‘fake west’ and not the ‘real west”. I countered with Dugin’s links to and praise of Jews and Judaism, his lack of hostility to Israel itself, while he holds Western forms of Christianity in total contempt, and advocates an alliance with Muslims, Asians and blacks against whites.

  2. This is cringe.
    This is third world revolutionism all over again where now a new ideology imported from overseas just as marxism has to explain why someone else is at fault that third world societies can’t run functioning institutions. The eternal Anglo isn’t at fault that a shithole like Peru has nothing to offer than Coca Leaves. A duginist imperialist might is right worldview has no place for these countries and these people that want high technology with microchips and electronics in exchange for their primitive agrarcultural output. These little bitches in their rentier states who complain all day about western imperialism, they realy deserve the asiatic style colonialism of russia. They often rightfully see third worlders as just squaters who happen to live on top of some resource they can’t even use themselfs. The Russians totaly crushed Chechnya so that their pipelines still can go through uninterrupted.

  3. Martinez. you shouldn’t get into the game of these scumbags, they always try to mess you up in their pun, you just waste your time, better because you don’t organize a day without trade against Jewish brands. do not buy, walmart, mercadona, starbucks etc, what do you think?

    1. There is barely enough outreach from this site to gain a few followers on Twitter how spaced out do you have to be to think this is the starting point for a popular boycott movement against “jewish brands” no one realy buys anyway that has a right wing view. How often do you encounter a white nationalist who is realy into pumpkin spice starcucks coffee. They don’t give a damn about boycott movements they gladly lose money to gain capital on a political agenda.

  4. Spencerite faction is now openly pushing UBI and trying to get people to stop attacking communism – this is key. The MAIN trick of applied Duginism is to shift blame from socialism/communism (which the elites created and have always financed – read Anthony Sutton) into “capitalism”. They don’t care for these distinctions at the top, since aristocrats and high financiers like Soros always finance socialist projects. But those below for damn sure identify as commies, push their symbols forward and fight for it. So yeah attacking communism hurts the system much more than “neo-liberalism” or whatever, since socialism is the technique of control from the top – AND the symbol that draws people into their globalist project. Duginists might say whatever they want, but they effectively act as just another basic-bitch leftist group.

    1. I rather got the impression the introduction of a universal basic income is from resignation and the Charles Murray position he explained in his book “in our Hands”. Resignation because its a simple fact that most of the jobs will be over time replaced by KI and robots and it won’t end with a service industry where we all make espreso for one another. Either its UBI with a resulting inflation or corporate feudalism, where you get effectivly company money and you work in a fullfillment center while all your shopping is done on amazon. There are worse possibilities then a UBI as short sigthed as the concept is. We simply don’t need these masses of factory drones and grenadiers anymore so why not just park them away if they are not usefull as either high quality breeders or specialized soldiers. Give them their soma and keep them on reddit so that we don’t have to see them marching anymore for whatever grievance cause they adopt this week.

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