Kook Leftist Abby Martin Now Shilling for Commie Rebels in Colombia

Kook-tier leftist Abby Martin is now shilling for FARC communist rebels in Colombia, claiming that they kill nobody and are not engaged in drug trafficking and that it’s all the fault of the Colombian government for civilian deaths in the conflict with the guerrilla group.

Martin is clearly on some kind of crusade to discredit any government that is allies with the US, and pump up its Marxist opponents as human rights champions and true democrats.

Where is Martin covering the murderous activities of Marxist regimes like Venezuela, Bolivia and Cuba, where political opposition is routinely jailed or killed. She has nothing to say about it, because they represent her political team: marxists, socialists, leftist authoritarians.

Leftists like Martin are incredibly dishonest “journalists” who only cover “war crimes” if it can be blamed on Western powers and their allies. All crimes committed by the BRICS and aligned nations are denied, downplayed or outright covered up by the left, just as they sought to whitewash the atrocities of the Soviet Union.

Martin literally works for the Venezuelan TV network Telesur, spewing that regime’s propaganda against the US, NATO, etc., in favour of Marxist world revolution.

We certainly want changes in the West, but not the ones that these leftists are calling for. We want to stop immigration and revert back to white ethnocentrism. Martin and company want to erase the white race (as do many of our elites), importing millions more brown and black people. She only opposes Western governments killing brown people in foreign countries because in her mind only brown lives matter. Funny enough, she supports murdering brown people in places like Syria if it’s Russia or China or an allied regime like Assad doing it, though.

Classic leftism.

5 thoughts on “Kook Leftist Abby Martin Now Shilling for Commie Rebels in Colombia

  1. Abby is a classic example of a lefty. Boring, carrying a -serious- face around in Caracas, exposing the “empire” blah blah. “Capitalism is killing itself” blah blah blah.

    These people are so predictable and boring. They obviously take a side, and then try to prove that they are non-aligned. They fail.

    The whole “Empire Files” series is good for just a laugh. Everything in Venezuela is a-ok. Right.. we got that.

    It’s undeniable that America has been a parasitic empire in the world. Her history of meddling in Latin America is unacceptbale if you are a non-interventionist (which I am), but that doesn’t mean that her enemies are right. It’s simple logic. If A is bad, and B is fighting A, doesn’t mean that B is good.

    Lefty illogic.

  2. Boring SJW Chomskyite, doing nothing but railing against some imaginary “empire” lol. She is irrelevant to White men anyway, so who cares.

  3. Abby makes some salient points, but ultimately she is driving those nations in question towards the communist peril. People today still fall for the left/right illusion that serves to destroy nations. As we all know, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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