Lauren Southern & “Trad Girl” – BUY ME A F*CKING COFFEE, GUY!

Lauren Southern interviewed another one of these “Trad” girls who says she won’t even date you unless you can buy her a starbucks and signal your “provider” status. Gold digger confirmed!

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14 thoughts on “Lauren Southern & “Trad Girl” – BUY ME A F*CKING COFFEE, GUY!

  1. Used up whore wants free meals and free drinks. what else is new? I blame the thirsty cucks who keep giving money to whores.

    1. My friend is the kind of used up divorced milf who likes “going Dutch”. She is a lady.
      Regarding the professional… I think that €70 for a shag with her is a bargain. That is why Spanish femicunts want to ban prostitution in this country, which, by now, is legal.
      “NO PASARÁN!”

      1. I don’t think a hooker is worth 70 euros. You’re being fleeced for a quick orgasm. I’d pay 30 bucks tops. The point of being a strong man is to resist female scams to fleece you. The sex industry is just another female scam to rob men of their hard earned money. Strip clubs are probably the biggest scam of all, you’re literally paying to be sexually teased and you go home frustrated. At least you get to fuck the whores.

        1. Correct. But don’t be too cheap. If you find a girl that doesn’t want too much of your money, she’s far more likely to be psychologically manipulative. Soul diggers are more dangerous than “gold” diggers. A few thousand shekels you can replace; psychological damage, unless you have professional help, you can’t.

          Confidence is worth a hell of a lot more than 30 bucks a pop and you won’t find hookers that cheap that don’t look like beasts this side of the border from Tijuana. And that’s mainly because the age of consent over there (and in Spain) is something like 12 years old.

          You should only use hookers to gain confidence in yourself for girls who give you eye contact. This is why there are many guys who pay hookers to just converse with them and often do not even bang them.

          Any guys who don’t want to be suckers to the toxic feminist agenda should read both Tomassi and Roosh V, two guys well known in the manosphere. Roosh’s golden law is this:

          If you get eye-contact, especially held for more than a few seconds, you already have a “hot” prospect and you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting laid that night and unless you act like a complete idiot, a gal that gives you E/C will not be rude, even if she rejects you. Whereas with “cold approaches,” you have something like a 1 in 20 chance and plenty of chance to be treated rudely and rejected. Most guys don’t even notice how many women who are 4’s and 5’s on the beauty scale constantly give them E/C because they are set on someone with a bit more value in the sexual marketplace than them. Funnily enough, most of these guys are 4’s and 5’s themselves but think they deserve better. lol

          I think that for young guys just starting out, if they’re shy “Betas” who don’t have the confidence to talk to so-called “hot” chicks (or what the culture has determined are the symbols for “hotness,.”

          Once it no longer gives you confidence but makes you feel like a “loser” because you can’t apply it to so-called “non-hookers” or “regular modern sluts/ thots” etc., then you should stop because it’s becoming a crutch.

          Also, Roosh recommends to young guys that, no matter how much blue balls you get, you should not whack off more than 2 times a week. That way you’ll be so horny, you won’t be able to help but approach.

          1. If you get eye-contact, especially held for more than a few seconds, you already have a “hot” prospect and you have a 1 in 5 chance of getting laid that night and unless you act like a complete idiot,

            I think that’s pretty ridiculous. Making eye contact with a girl means nothing really. You’re just in her field of vision. Roosh has been selling pick up nonsense for years, most of which is just overblown body language reading.

            Tons of chicks these days will passionately make out with guys at nightclubs when they feel “in the moment,” and not bang those dudes. It’s happened to me plenty of times. These broads are out for a little attention, a little kissing, and go home with wet panties to their vibrators because they don’t want to be seen as a slut going home with a random guy.

            Chicks are extremely bipolar these days when it comes to “mating signals” and all that overhyped jazz. They can change their mind about you from day to day, so there’s no point getting your hopes up with ANY chick, even if you’re close to banging her she could end it all on a dime.

            1. True, but it’s a lot more involved than that, a lot more.

              Roosh doesn’t advise his PUA followers to get their hopes up at all. He tells them that the West is screwed and not even bother looking for a girlfriend here, only short term “booty calls,” since the girls are too screwed up. He was the first one who started going overseas and writing “Bang Ukraine,” “Band Estonia,” “Band Argentina” “Don’t Bang Latvia” and books like this in the 2000s and 2010’s. You should get him on your show. You’ll get more viewers than ever.

              Remember he says 1 in 5 if you play your cards right and I’ve personally tested this in the past couple of years and it does work to average out to that ratio, not for getting long-term girlfriends, which you don’t want anyway, unless they meet your standards, but to get some fun bangs and good times out it.

              But then you could argue that I’m a better-than-average looking dude right now as opposed to let’s say 10 years ago when I was drinking because I have a swimmer’s body with less than 10% body fat. I’m in my early 50s but look around 35 and have athletic abilities now (as a result of High Intensity Training and Martial Arts) that I didn’t have in my 20’s.

              1. (continued . . . )

                I also eat a Carnivore Diet (raw meat, raw dairy and raw eggs every day; hardly any veggies or fruits and cooked foods only eaten in small portions to satisfy taste conditioning, never for nutrition) which rips you down to your best physique in no time.

                Like (((David Lee Roth))) used to say “I don’t get all the women I want. I get all the women that want me.” So even a rock star has to deal with that law.

                You’re a good looking young dude in good shape and have excellent conversational abilities, you can express yourself clearly, so you probably have it a bit easier than the guys Roosh has to rescue from frustration. Sure, some girls will be drunk enough to make out with you right there and then and nothing comes out of it but you will increase your chances to 1 in 5 if you always apply the E/C rule. If you get 5 girls to give you long eye contact (or come and sit next to you when there’s tons of other seats available) and one to make out with you which doesn’t pan out, 1 of the others who didn’t make out with you, will, as far as the tested field statistics of PUA’s are concerened, most likely be in bed with you a few hours later if you were smart enough to pick the venus close to your home. 1 in 20 if you approach cold. Those are tested stats you can take to the bank.

                1. (continued . . . )

                  As far as I’m concerned, if you want “state-of-the-art” as far as PUA is concerned. Chateau Heartiste, Roosh and Rollo Tomassi (an ex hair-metal band member in the 80s and 90s who got endless groupies) are what ALL young guys starting out need to read. They have to read all three and especially Roosh’s latest book which is the magnum opus of “game” theories.

                  Since nearly all his books got banned from amazon, you can get his entire life’s works, all 10 of his books in pdf and 3 different types of audiobook plus his latest “Game” in hardcover for something like 65 bucks. So basically I donated 65 bucks to him and have everything he ever wrote on audio and pdf. Tomassi’s book I have in softcover. It has too many grammatical errors but is definitely well worth reading, with a highlighter. He has two new ones out which I don’t have but his podasts are pretty damn good when he gets going. Takes a while for him to get his ideas together though and he’s not all that articualte, whereas with Roosh, there is no wasted time, he’s running on all cylinders all the time and every two or three minutes he throws some real words of wisdom out there for the manosphere.

                  But, alas, Roosh is hated by most WN’s for that article her wrote comparing the fact that there is no such thing as “rape during marriage” under Islam since you are, effectively, the PRIVATE property of your husband and only worth half of a man under Islamic law, to what would happen if a similar rule of “no rape if you’re on a man’s private property.” He was speculating and not advocating but WN’s already hate him for his ancestry being from the middle east and were only looking for a chance to shit on him and that article gave them the perfect excuse.

                  As far as I’m concerned, that stupid article is nothing compared to all the good he’s done for men everywhere and even if the WN’s don’t agree that Persians are ‘white’ (while Hitler did, he even considered them the Original Aryans), they should at the very least admit him as an honorary Aryan. But knowing WN’s and the fact that Blacks will accept 3/4’s white people as “black” whereas WN’s will not accept even a quarter Black person as “white,” that’s not likely to happen. Would WN’s accept even Jimi Hendrix as White because he was a quarter Irish? Of course not! But Blacks will accept him as Black, no problem, regardless of his half Irish and Indian blood


                  Hilarious “rubbing the shekels” video. I wonder how that one got through under the Jadar. It could be Jews doing it on purpose to start getting the shekel-rubber cartoon of the Jew banned.

          2. .”And that’s mainly because the age of consent over there (and in Spain) is something like 12 years old.”

            Actually, it is 16 y/o here.

            1. They must have only raised it in the past 10 years. I see they also raised Mexico’s age-of-consent to 17, which is, unenforceable in that country. Too many poor people who need to eat and who have no employment opportunities half as lucrative as teenage prostitution.


              11 to 12 years

              Nigeria has the lowest age of consent in the world at 11 years followed by Philippines and Angola- both countries being 12 years.

              13 to 14 years

              The legal age of consent in Japan is 13 years same as South Korea, Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic, Niger Comoros and Burkina Faso.

              In other countries Peru, Paraguay, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, Bolivia,Federated States of Micronesia, Serbia, San Marino, Montenegro, Macedonia, Liechtenstein, Italy, Hungary, Germany, Estonia, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Austria, Albania, Myanmar, East Timor, China, Bangladesh, Sao Tome and Principe, Mauritius, Malawi, Madagascar, Chad, Cape Verde and Democratic Republic of the Congo the age consent is 14 years.



              Here’s the more outdated chart I was referring to: The “primary source text” age of consent chart for an entire century up to 2007

              Christians in the USA have nothing to be proud of with their ridiculous 10 to 12 year old ages-of-consent in all the states until 1920. The lowest U.S. age of consent was 7 years old in Delaware until 1920! Imagine that.

              Roosh has a good idea in this respect:

              Ideally, women should dedicate themselves to raising kids from the ages of 16 to 35 when they are most fertile. They are fertile for only about 20 years but can still work until at least 65 years old. Therefore they can leave having a “career” for after the age of 35 when their kids are grown and out of the way. No need for the two propensities to clash unless women DO NOT really want a career as they claim they want it but it’s all a ruse and merely a vehicle for having more time to endlessly search for and find the elusive and probably non-existent “right man” before they hit a wall.

              Around the age of 35, they usually hit a wall that reduces their options heavily as far as their choice of men is concerned. So, if they’re honest about “wanting a career” only (lol, yeah right!) after 35 is best, when not too many men would be bothering them on-the-job and they can concentrate on being scientists and ditch diggers. lol

  2. “If you want a trad wife…”


    I don´t want a trad wife, thanks. I just want a slut friend who pays her coffee. Trad wives are for tradcucks.

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