“Story Time” Drag Queen Exposed As Registered Sex Offender

A drag queen participating in the despicable “story time” program of readings to small children has been exposed as a registered sex offender who molested an 8-year-old boy. This is what our world has come to: parents allowing their children to be exposed to sexual predators and their downright uncivilized behaviour and lifestyle choices. This is a Marxist war on the West.

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12 thoughts on ““Story Time” Drag Queen Exposed As Registered Sex Offender

  1. One thing is for sure – Cultural Marxism needs to be kicked out.
    Libraries need to be treated as serious places for reading, study and learning and not as public areas where subversive and obscene activites and events can take place.

    Indoctrination of children with minority perversions (often approved of by their already indoctrinated parents) in the name of tolerance, is really subversive and obscene and needs to be stopped immediately forthwith.

    Our hardworking ancestors built a society with decent standards and values.
    Nowadays the same subversives who have in the past successfully destroyed other countries, work tirelessy day and night to do the same to ours, to erode our values and ideally to remove our influence and to eventually destroy us.

    The media is very nearly a lost cause, it is well funded and well infiltrated with cultural marxists.
    Marxists and feminists and trans individuals, indoctrinating, brainwashing, blatantly and sometimes subliminally. Setting the guidelines and always inventing new ones.
    Criticism of enforced diversity is labeled as hate and intolerance.
    The diversity is ever expanding and we did not ask for or want any of it, at all in any shape or form.

    That layer of uncivilized degeneracy, mentioned in the article, is part of a far-reaching agenda planned long ago and it is rotting our society from within, the enemy is within the walls.
    We need to expel and separate from all the degenerates (let them carry on elsewhere if they so wish), we do not want them anywhere near us, or our children, or our society.

    1. When applying for jobs these days, especially in teaching etc. one has to sign a diversity agreement.
      Well don’t sign it . . . in fact use that opportunity to write an objection to such an outrageous proviso.
      You won’t get the job, but then your conscience will be clear and you will have had your say.

  2. Hitler indeed knew about this agenda of screwing with gender roles and subverting normalcy. I’m afraid only someone with his character can stop it.

  3. Children are impressionable and bow to peer pressure.
    They want to be cool – like their friends and will usually follow the latest trend or fad.
    Even if . . . and especially if . . . the trend is strange and unacceptable to their boring parents.

    1. Relaxing music . . . also quite fast and furious in places . . . like a lot of classical music is.
      I like the speed and mood to remain constant (relaxed).

  4. Over 95% of the non-normal mentally sick types (lgbt) had fuckup parents and were molested as kids.

    This is a SIN in our Creator’s eye’s. This does not lead to God’s plan. This is anti family hell, Satan’s plan.

    These sickos want to get your young children to believe that this normal and good.

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