Being An Alt-Right Bachelor

Despite what the tradcons say, there’s nothing wrong with right-wing white men looking after number one by avoiding relationships and marriage with soulless modern white women. The risks heavily outweigh the rewards right now. The white race cannot be saved through a demographics war as non-whites will always reproduce more and the immigration flood continues. First, immigration must be stopped and repatriation implemented for us to start to turn things around. Then we must address the woman problem.

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5 thoughts on “Being An Alt-Right Bachelor

  1. Ideal match?
    I would insist that they do not own, or want to own a smartphone.
    No facebook.
    They must prefer no TV at all.
    No leftie radio either.
    No feminist traits or urges.
    Must be good cooks of interesting, tasty and healthy food.
    Sense of humor, no whingeing, complaining or laziness.
    Will listen to reason during a dispute.
    Will be open minded regarding conspiracies and hidden agendas.
    Apologise when proved to be wrong.
    Submissive by default, rarely argumentative. ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. I have to say this to TradCon WNs:

    YOU ask us to sacrifice some of our freedom as men and go marry, for the goal of outbreeding non whites. (Lol, never gonna happen).


    WE ask YOU to sacrifice some of your Tradcon sexual political correctness, and your idiotic desire/plan to bring women into Alt-Right politics, for OUR goal to fundamentally change the Sexual status quo in society, and get rid of any feminism and gynocentrism. That’s what WE want.

    Unless we cleanse ourselves of this allied FemTrad bullcrap, our white men cannot reach their potential. And they, White Men, are the single most creative force in the world. White Society = White Men.

  3. I’m fed up with being around my father. We hate each other, but he dislikes to use the word “hate.” He thinks that the Transatlantic slave trade can be used to explain away how black people are naturally different. It’s as if the Atlantic slave trade and culture can be used to explain away everything. It makes me sick to my stomach. He said that Asians are smarter because they grow up in a different culture.

    I don’t know why humanity has such cowardice about race. My father angrily asked me if I think the KKK would come to our house with good intentions because he is brainwashed to believe that anything white people do is automatically infinitely worse than anything non-whites do. The KKK lynched a couple blacks in the 1800s. The first two images I saw on a Wikipedia page about lynching in the United States were from 1884 and 1889, and there haven’t been any lynchings in the United States since after the American Civil War in the late 1800s. Yet he’s terrified or very frightened of white organizations. It’s sad how he and others like him don’t feel that way about blacks and Muslims.

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