Sleeping With the Feminist Enemy

I tell a story of my recent romantic encounter with a Spanish feminazi and prove the point that modern single white women are largely on our leftist enemy’s side and will sexually discriminate against right-wing white males.

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11 thoughts on “Sleeping With the Feminist Enemy

  1. I would say 80 percent would avoid a right wing single white male, women’s brained are wired differently in that seek out the difference from the common or norm. Sad but true, white men need to be more forceful against mixed race couples.

  2. Better luck next time Brandon.
    Be careful of the split personality types and the mood swing types.
    I won’t use the official terms here.
    Gotta be politically correct these days.

    1. Some might have financial issues . . . like senselessly spending too much money, also known as retail therapy . . . buying stuff because they are bored.
      Getting involved with such a person might become a bit of a nightmare.
      If they are rich then not so much of a problem.
      Then ask youself are they rich temporarily, or through debt and credit cards?
      Sticking with your ‘pump and dump plan’ might be the safest option as you have less pitfalls to consider.
      Joking here – Are you good at hiding in wardrobes and climbing down drainpipes?

      Beware of getting very drunk as it means you become a target for theft.
      Practising holding your drink and pretending to be sober is also a foolish option as this habit will eventually lead to addiction.
      Best to stick with non-alchfrolic drinks like coffee or go out later.
      Be in control and stay safe.
      Maybe daytime is safer.
      Good luck.

  3. My 2 cents:

    Don´t argue with her, don´t debate her, don´t polimicize her. Say “yes” to her all the time. And do what you want all the time. Don´t take her seriously.
    BUT… don´t let her drag you into a conservative nightmare.
    These southern Spanish femicunts turn into deep conservatives in a blink and they can drag you into a sexless conventinal marriage, plenty of inlaws, etc. You will work your ass like a Chinese to support her and the “cabezones” (the children). And you will be stucked in a “status” trap, always living for other´s opinion, comparing yourselves to the neighbors. It si all about status and money. Think about it,
    The problem is not that they are femicunts, the problem is that they are tradthots.
    Better go with hookers. They are way cheaper.
    Other option: a rich Russian divorce. Become a gigoló. Plenty of Russian women in Costa del Sol.

  4. I actually have a 50-year-old Ecuadorian mother that’s really into conservative politics. She listens to Rush Limbaugh in her car on a radio, and watches Fox News on TV, but she’s still far from perfect in my mind. She was married to a 45-year-old black man for twenty-six years who’s really into leftist politics. That man basically believes everything from the enemies of the West, leftists, internationalists, politicians and the entire politically correct establishment. They are entities that are mentioned by Mark Collet in that YouTube video entitled “The Holocaust: An Instrument of White Guilt.”

    It’s sad that you have to try hard to find that YouTube video. You have to go to the channel of Mark Collett to watch that YouTube video. It’s one of my favorite YouTube videos of all time. One of my favorite YouTube videos of all time is entitled “Richard Spencer CNN Interview With Kamau Bell.” It’s eight minutes and twenty-four seconds.

    It was published by TheBigKK to YouTube on Monday, May 1, 2017. That’s ten days before Richard Spencer turned thirty-nine years of age. That’s two hundred forty hours before Richard Spencer turned thirty-nine years of age. Richard Spencer says things that I totally agree with when he is there. He says that if you look at the history of philosophy or politics it’s a man’s game. Men are more interested in domination and exploration and power, and women are more suited to maintaining the household.

    I almost totally dislike or hate women. It’s unfortunate that humanity needs them to produce children, but that’s really the only good or positive thing that they have are capable of. They’re emotional, illogical, irrational, unemphatic, and unintelligent. Men are more chill, compassionate, empathetic, intelligent, and logical. There are for sure times when I’m angry, and it’s men are never ever emotional, and I don’t think trying to hide our emotions 24-7 is healthy. I wish that we could create babies without women.

    I am for sure not talking about all men. It’s likely that white men and enlightened non-white men are better than womankind. Like I said in another post, I hate being heterosexual or sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex. I think I can be blissful or supremely happy just being close friends with a couple white men and enlightened non-white men, and by enlightened non-white men I mean non-white men that aren’t brainwashed by leftist lies or Marxist lies. I like going to mostly white Christian churches just to talk to white people there. I downloaded Anime Music on my cellphone, and you can listen to a lot more than just anime music. You can listen to mainstream artists like I Prevail and Taylor Swift.

    You can listen to Battle Hymn of the Republic, The White Man Marches On, a David Duke Internet broadcast, and Awaken The Giant Within by Anthony Robbins. I listened to that David Duke Internet broadcast many times, and it’s twenty-eight minutes and fifty-four seconds. He talks about how there are Jews in synagogues that are active and open atheists, and he knows many cases of Jews that have anti-God or Satanists perspectives. I wish Christianity was like that at times because it would solve a lot of problems. There are a lot of Christians and religious people that use Christianity and religion as a subtle form a selfishness that masquerades as spirituality.

    I know that because I just paraphrased a sentence from All In by Mark Batterson. I think that all and especially Christians should read that book I got it when I was at a Bible college or Christian college. It’s a really interesting book. I went to a Bible college or Christian college where you just learned about the Bible or Christianity. I was there for close to two years, and it’s not like a normal college. Most Christians think they’re following Jesus, when in reality they invited Jesus to follow them.

  5. Even though I hate my father’s Marxist victim mentality I can learn a lot from people like him. To act as if the Transatlantic slave trade was so bad that it permanently changed the entirety of a race is wrong for so many reasons. First it minimizes or makes bad things that other people have experienced seem smaller or less significant than they really are. It’s a selfish and unempathetic way of looking at history. I talk about how black slavery in the Muslim world was far worse, and then he acts as if it’s not significant because it happened far away.

    I totally like Mark Collett’s channel on YouTube. One of my favorite YouTube videos is entitled “Slavery: An Instrument of White Guilt.” I wish that I knew more YouTube videos like that to silence blacks who blame everything bad about themselves on poverty, white racism, and the legacy of slavery. My father and others like him will say that they were bred to have bodies that certain ways. There is a pattern of racial differences that is due to evolutionary and genetic causes, rather than purely social, economic, or cultural causes. I paraphrased Race, Evolution, and Behavior: A Life History Perspective.

    I don’t know why it’s an instinct or natural tendency for blacks to avoid taking responsibility for their own bad behavior like the plague. They evade that at any cost, and I don’t know why. I am thankful for for the alt-right, David Duke, Don Black, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer, Henrik Palmgren, Lana Lokteff, and Ayla Stewart. I watch most of them everyday on YouTube. I’m not that familiar with Don Black. I have had interesting experiences with women.

    I don’t have a lot of people that I can talk to in my life now. So I call numbers where others will just listen to anything you say for ten minutes and then you can call twice a day in Pennsylvania [from], and there is another number that I call where you can talk about anything for fifteen minutes from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm on weekdays [from]. I had an interesting experience on Thursday, May 3, 2019. There was a mouthvreather or a person who is really dumb at Broward County, and that’s a woman from a number from She didn’t even want to listen to me talk about race.

    I said that she didn’t even have to respond, and she could just listen to me talk. She didn’t even want to do that because for whatever reason she was deathly afraid or extremely afraid to hear me talk about race, and she said that it’s just my opinions on that subject. Henry Kissinger once said, “The elderly are useless eaters.” People like her are just useless eaters, and I’m talking about people who think that there are things in our reality or our universe that are just subjective opinions rather than objective facts. I believe in absolute truth or things that are true at all times in all places, and I especially believe in that when it relates to race.

    It’s sad that there are people who see race the same way they see their favorite sports teams. No matter what you say or think about certain sports teams there is a points system that will determine who is really best. I don’t watch sports at all, and I just watch alt-right, atheist, Christian, techno videos, and National Socialist music YouTube videos. You may like the Dallas Cowboys or the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but there where times when they had winless seasons in the NFL. There is a way of determining what team is truly best.

    In the same way, there is a way of determining what race is really or truly the best. There was a white Columbia University student who declared, “We built the modern world.” He said that Europeans built the modern world. He said, “White people are the best thing that happened to the world.” He was right because when you just do Google searches you will see what white people have accomplished and what they have given to the world. That’s from just normal or regular Google searches.

    It’s not as if this information is on alt-right, Nazi, neo-Nazi, or white nationalist sites. Whites are to be revered and venerated. It’s unfortunate that they aren’t greatly admired and respected. I worship the ground that whites walk on. I know that I in my non-whiteness may never ascend to the heights of whiteness, but I am special and unique in my own way.

  6. I have just read “Serotonin” by Michele Houellebecq. It as about a 46 year old guy, high public servant, with lots of money.
    The guy has a nice flat in Paris and a beach house in Cabo de Gata, Spain.
    The novel starts in Cabo de Gata and becomes kind of “road movie” travelling across Spain and France.
    The guy has a posh shallow super-slut Japanese girfriend half his age. He has, as well, a milf ex girfriend who he can fuck whenever he likes. He has no much friends, but good friends. He has a lot of hookers, also. And a fantastic car to travel in.
    But… the guys is so depressed, then he takes anti depressants.
    It seems the novel is about the subconscious wishing of any single childfree middle aged man to get a proper steady marriage and start a family. According to the novel, any single childfree middle aged man who refueses marriage and a family will regret it and will get so void and depressed.
    The novel before by Houellebecq “Submission” is more or less of the same thing.
    I cannot disagree more with Houellebecq, although I share his views on Islamization of Europe.
    Plenty of hookers + a nice milf friend to fuck + a nice place by the sea in the Mediterranean = happiness.

  7. The “macho” comments should come after you give her multiple squirting orgasms that make her forget the names Chris Hemsworth and Brad Pitt for good and start calling yours, not after. Then she’ll be a devoted member of your harem of spinning ‘plates’ until you stop calling her because you found better, not her. Then and only then will you be so surprised at how quickly she turns ‘right’ wing and how little that counts in the face of squirting orgasms, lol. You should’ve brushed up on the 16 commandments before Heartiste/Roissy got banned off wordpress for not being smart enough to be on his own server, but here’s the whole thing saved for posterity in memetic form

    for those not interested in being ‘gamed’ out of their masculinity by women’s naturally hypergamic nature. The reason women prefer leftists is beacause they wrongly think that’s where the ‘real studs’ are, since most Hollywood ‘studs’ are lefty or forced to be to have a ‘career’ in a Jew dominated industry. Once they find out otherwise, game over for the shekel-pinching indoctrinators.

    1. The “macho” comments should come after you give her multiple squirting orgasms that make her forget the names Chris Hemsworth and Brad Pitt for good and start calling yours, not before – Correction

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