Violent Muslims & Tommy Robinson

Violent Muslims and their sympathizers continue to physically assault Tommy Robinson for calling out the Islamic danger in Europe.

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4 thoughts on “Violent Muslims & Tommy Robinson

  1. The positive thing about “Tommy”(not his real name) is that he can gather some of these football Norf FC plebs around his cause who are rather impulsive and throw stuff at the cops. I remember when these EDL guys drove around in some fucking landrover from the british army in London to look for muslims to harass, back when the Powers that are allowed such shenanigans because of War on Terror and so on. So where is his security detail now? Imagine that milkshake would have been acid.
    I just hope he creates more opposition for them, one more distraction they have to deal with thats the best the right can go for with these cucks.

  2. Headz,
    So you despise the plebs and the people who have the balls to stand up in public and take physical risks to say what a lot of the “plebs” are thinking. We’ve been betrayed by our political class in favor of foreign influences, mass migration and multinational corporations.
    Now here’s my analysis: You whine about the EDL being too hard on Muslims, but Tommy Robinson is not pure enough for you. That looks like either a back-stabber or an imbecile. I’d bet I know which one.

  3. Headz said:
    I remember when these EDL guys drove around in some fucking landrover from the british army in London to look for muslims to harass

    It served to highlight certain problems.
    I am all for communities organizing themselves into vigilante groups to protect their neighbourhoods, as the authorities seem to be the enemy at this point in time.
    Vandals, arsonists, noisy squatters, anti social youths really need to have the living daylights beaten out of them.
    Bring back ‘the birch’. Old Skool style.
    I think the landrover vigilante outfit was Paul Golding and Britain First.
    There were probably people who supported both the EDL and also Britain First.
    I always try to convince people (usually unsuccessfully) that those organizations (EDL / Britain First) are not where people should be looking for a solution to our woes.

    1. People need to be aware of the groups, organizations and individuals that are infiltrators or paid gatekeepers. Groups that help to misdirect the conversation, shill for israel etc.
    Groups that fixate solely on islam and muslims.
    Groups that will not highlight the driving forces and movements enabling all the immigration, diversity and multiculturalism.

    2. We need to fight the root causes and not just the symptoms.
    People are afraid to criticize the powers that be.
    Good honest people need to stand up and fight for their beliefs and values.

    3. Whites need to organize as white nationalists and not sell out as civic nationalists.
    Britain for indigenous Brits only – anything less is not going to make Britain Great Again.

    4. We need to steer clear of infiltrated nationalist parties and cults and ones that will not tackle the taboo subjects like jewish power, psyops, hoaxes and corruption in government.

    5. Brexit means Brexit.

    6. We need to fight and circumvent internet censorship of our white nationalist media.
    The groups with a revenge fantasy against us need to be pointed out to everyone, their lies and manipulations need to be exposed and they need to be brought under control. At present the they have too much power and it will only get worse.

  4. A FRIEND OF JEWS IS AN ENEMY OF WHITES. A FRIEND OF WHITES IS AN ENEMY OF JEWS. That’s all. I thought of that recently. People who are brainwashed by the establishment support people who already control the three elements of real power in America and the Western world or the mass media, international finance and banking, and politics. They’re opposites.

    I learned that from Christian Identity or Identity Christianity. I learned that from life. There are people that have been brainwashed to believe that disliking or hating most Jews is a bad or negative thing. They created Communism or the most destructive ideology in history. They own the mass media and the largest international banks. Politician and white nationalist David Duke describes our problem perfectly in YouTube videos that have certain features disabled.

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