Bloodthirsty Jew Ben Shapiro Upset That Trump Didn’t Attack Iran

So Trump apparently called off some kind of airstrike on Iran in response to the downing of a US drone over their waters, and Jewish neocon huckster Ben Shapiro is upset about it.

Disproportionate response to attacks on US assets are a good way of showing our enemies that we will mash them if they continue to escalate. The US doesn’t want war. You know who doesn’t want war even more? The ayatollahs who will find themselves quite dead if war occurs.— Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) June 21, 2019

I wrote a whole book about how Jewish neoconservatives literally conned the West into attacking various towel-head regimes that Israel doesn’t like.

Zionist Jews like Ben Shapiro act as a fifth-column inside the US, spewing nonsense that enriches his Jewish friends and himself, while writing propaganda encouraging white Americans to go off to die in Zionist wars for Greater Israel.

Jews like Shapiro are so bloodthirsty that three wars in the Middle East just wasn’t enough, there’s always another one to be started so his boss Benjamin Netanayhu can complete the Greater Israel expansion project of taking back every inch of territory that crazy religious Jews believe must be won before their Messiah returns.

Little Zionist Ben playing his little violin.

No true alt-righter ever took Shapiro seriously, but he has major sway among the intellectually stunted alt-light crowd who think he has ‘woke’ takes on things like abortion, free speech and the transgender plague. Whatever ‘woke’ stances Shapiro has, he has just as many rancorous ones that aim unequivocally towards privileging his Jewish tribe over the founding stock of the United States, that being whites.

That’s why the little Jew came out so hard against the alt-right and the white nationalists who supported Trump. Little Benny hates white nationalists even more than he hates Muslims because he knows that Muslims are too stupid to ever pose any real threat to the elite Jews in power, of which Shapiro is a prominent member, play-acting disingenuously on the “right-wing” side of the Jewish paradigm.

Right-wing Jews are about as useful a friend to us as termites are to a home builder. Rightist Jews counter-signal the radical left on issues like ‘white privilege’ and feminist lies, but they only do so in a devious effort to shepherd right-wing dissent against the left, making damn sure it doesn’t get into the hands of the real rightists who tell the truth about Jewish supremacism.

Right-wing Jews were the ones who suckered us into Iraq, so that Israel can be the master of the Middle East. Thousands of white males came home in body bags, deceived and rail-loaded into a war that exclusively benefited a clique of Jews in Israel which wants to make war with all of its towel-head neighbours by proxy, using goyim foot-soliders to do its dirty work.

That’s Shapiro’s job. To continuously lie to you about the real nature of power in the West, about the real culprits behind the left, massive immigration, globalism, feminism, the LGBT plague, and all the other viruses eating away at our civilization.

Ben Shapiro is an enemy.

7 thoughts on “Bloodthirsty Jew Ben Shapiro Upset That Trump Didn’t Attack Iran

      1. In fact this could be a deliberate slip to get people looking at:
        israel – palestine ?
        Not accusing you or anything but just a thought

  1. Ben Shapiro
    I don’t know a lot about him because I have steered clear of people like him, even though he is recommended by some on the alternative right.
    This is a flow chart for being suspicious.

    Mainstream and censored selectively but not outright censored (alarm 1 – ding).
    He has a jewish name (alarm 2 – ding dong).
    He is jewish (alarm 2 – ding dong clang clang).
    What he says and promotes (alarm 3 – klaxon sound – evacuate area)

  2. taking back every inch of territory

    should that read instead?

    taking every inch of territory

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