Male Survivors of False Sexual Assault Allegations

Here are testimonies of numerous men detailing their nightmare of being accused falsely of sexual assault.

Generally, there are no consequences for women who falsely accuse men. The man is immediately presumed guilty, treated like a dangerous criminal, and put through intense stress and legal hell until they can “prove” their innocence or the accuser admits to lying.

This is the nightmare we get in a gynocentric society that privileges women over men. Modern women are given a license to lie, cheat and scam their way through life, and the state aids and abets their transgressions every step of the way. As a result, thousands of men have decided to leave the plantation and “check out” of modern dating and relationships. And who can blame them?

Men are the more rational and responsible sex, and should therefore be given more rights and responsibilities in society. Women are often emotional, irrational and infantile who can’t make proper decisions. For that reason women weren’t historically afforded full legal rights in every society on earth. Even today, only Western (and some Asian) countries give women full rights, and this has sparked an intense civilizational decline.

2 thoughts on “Male Survivors of False Sexual Assault Allegations

  1. The worst part about it is that the internet peanut gallery will also excuse the women by saying (paraphrase):
    “It’s not their fault, these guys were not ‘alph’a enough, the women had no choice. Had they been more ‘alpha,’ and stood with their shoulders back, none of this would’ve happened, so it is perfectly OK for this to happen to them. C’mon dude, what were the women supposed to do? Do you blame dogs for barking bruh?”

    Basically what every “game” blogger/commenter would say.

  2. 01:50 in the vid

    “I know my husband, he is an idiot…” (…? pretty weird sense of humor)

    In the video again, we see different men, speaking at different sets (presumably a different setting, for each man, corresponding to their houses/rooms).

    So at 00:47 and then at 02:16 we see this hat wearing dude, next to some electric guitars.

    Well the thing is that, at 03:06 we see the same setting, with the guitars, but a totally different guy speaks.

    So unless the hat wearing dude, and the other dude sitting on the same set, are brothers or co-habitants of some sort (who BOTH got accused of sexual assault allegations), then we have some very weird interview setting picking.

    Either I am missing something, or that video looks staged. Of course, it is relatively easy to find men who got falsely accused these days. So if it is staged, it’s bizarre. Something looks a bit off. But maybe that’s me.

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