Brazilian Lesbo Couple Decapitated Son After Cutting Off His Penis in Botched ‘Gender Reassignment’

A Brazilian lesbian couple decided to force their 9-year-old son to have a “gender reassignment surgery,” ripping off his penis and sewing a fake female organ to his crotch, before beheading him and dumping his remains in a sewer.

From Paul Watson’s website:

Ghastly new details have emerged about the tragic case of the Brazilian boy who was subjected to forced ‘gender re-assignment surgery’ by a lesbian couple who later beheaded him.

As we previously reported, 9-year-old Rhuan Maycon was murdered by his mother, Rosana da Silva Candido, and her partner Kacyla Damasceno Pessao on May 31st.

Maycon had been suffering for a year as a result of a botched gender re-assignment operation performed by the pair with no medical supervision after his mother decided he “wanted to become a girl”.

Following the arrest of the couple, macabre new details about exactly what they did to the poor victim have emerged.

Candido and Pessao are accused of “ripping off” the boy’s penis before allegedly sewing “a fake female sex organ onto the body because he ‘wanted to be a girl’ before scraping the boy’s skin off his face.”

After Candido stabbed her son a dozen times the pair tried to gouge out his eyes with a knife. The boy was eventually beheaded by Candido “because he reminded her of father, who allegedly abused her,” according to reports.

So the psycho lesbo murdered the boy because of his gender, stemming from daddy issues.

Most lesbians and feminists have an ingrained hatred of all men, usually because their fathers were stern with them growing up, and so they feel the need to exact revenge on the entire male gender.

This case shows the dangers of homosexual “parents”. Most homosexuals carry with them deep psychological and emotional problems, and end up viciously abusing their adopted “children”.

Homosexual couples should be disqualified from adopting children, as those children will most likely be abused either physically, sexually or emotionally, and grow up to be a danger to themselves and others.

2 thoughts on “Brazilian Lesbo Couple Decapitated Son After Cutting Off His Penis in Botched ‘Gender Reassignment’

  1. What’s can bring more dispise and hate than this news? Ow yeah… The total blackout by our legacy MSM media in Brazil about the case, to further their gay agenda and try to push LGBT schoolbooks trying to teach our boys how to sodomize his friend…. Not on our Captain Bolsonaro watch again…
    The “news” of the weak was about a father who snapped when his daughter presented him her boyfriend and killed him.
    Mysogonulyyyfss.. Patriarchy…!!
    The guy was a loan shark, pimp psycho on crack…
    These LGBT ativists never learn… Goddamn degenerados

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