Christina Hoff Summers Destroys Male Privilege Myth

Women are actually the ones with vast privileges in society, the biggest one being that they do all the safest and easiest jobs and leave all the dirty and dangerous jobs for men.

When will these crazy feminists start demanding that more women enter the following dirty and dangerous professions:

– deep sea drilling
– plumbing
– forest clearing
– bricklaying
– farming
– sewage inspector
– street sweeper
– garbage collector
– oil rig worker
– construction
– roofing
– mining
– excavating natural gas
– deep sea fishing
– bulldozing
– hanging electric wires
– car mechanic

Currently, almost entirely men do all these gruelling, dangerous and sometimes life-threatening jobs. In fact, men account for more than 90% of workplace deaths.

We all know why feminists are not interested in these fields. Most women don’t want to do anything that involves physical labour and dangerous environments (the tough, gritty work that needs to be done), hence why feminists only ever talk about the lack of women in certain fields that are more comfortable such as engineering (most likely office and some light field work), computer programming (office), and corporate boards (office). Men still dominate those fields because they are highly technical and mathematical, which women naturally don’t excel in. Whiny feminists obviously want the highest paying and least laborious jobs, but want nothing to do with real work that makes our society function smoothly. In other words, they’re spoiled little brats who deserve much scorn!

We can thank men for putting their lives on the line each day to light and heat our homes, obtain the gas that fuels our cars, for harvesting and bringing food to the citizens in abundance, and all other life essentials. And we can thank feminist women for being ungrateful little brats.

2 thoughts on “Christina Hoff Summers Destroys Male Privilege Myth

  1. People should have only as many ‘rights’ as they have responsibilities. Any woman that takes on as many responsibilities as a man should have the same individual rights. Otherwise, they are just overgrown children. But they’ll never have ‘equal rights’ as a group and neither should any man who is not willing to take on the responsibilities that a better man has. The more responsibilities, the more rights. That’s the way it is naturally before the collective, communal mind virus steps in to corrupt clear thinking.

    This you tube commenter has the right ideas:

  2. Brandon what happened to your YT channel?

    i have another question
    in these times with jewish run internet what is the best place to get domain ?

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