Leftists Outraged Over Planned Straight Pride Parade

Leftists continue to expose themselves as vile anti-white, anti-heterosexual bigots who despise and seek to suppress any expressions of identity that don’t conform with aberrant “alternative” lifestyles.

No better example is the leftist intolerance towards the planned straight pride parade in Boston. Look at these two loony lefties whine about it:

Their argument comes down to this: “straight people were never oppressed, so they can’t be proud of their sexual orientation.”

They always play this oppressed vs. oppressor card to justify their singular support for minorities of any kind and destain for the majority culture.

One of the nutcase leftists on that video is Francesca Fiorentini who used to work for AJ+, a branch of the Qatari Al Jazeera network pushing leftist propaganda in this west. So this communist bitch worked for the media arm of an authoritarian Islamic dictatorship that executes gays, yet has the nerve to lecture Westerners about the mistreatment of gays?

But leftists have never cared about contradictions, have they?

Gay pride parades are deviant demonstrations of sexual immorality. These gay mafia thugs trot around in public, often in front of children, wearing black leather underwear and choke collars, while they fondle, grope and kiss other homosexuals. Witnessing these events will make any sane person ill.

But this is what the left are shoving down our throats as a show of force. It’s all designed to show us non-deviants that “the gays are in control” and can impose their unhealthy, perverse lifestyles on others.

The left is waging an implacable culture war against straight white culture and seek our total demise. A straight pride parade is one way we can fight back against these monsters!

4 thoughts on “Leftists Outraged Over Planned Straight Pride Parade

  1. Witnessing these events will make any sane person ill.

    Yeah, definitely. I hope that old-school gays might also feel enstranged in these flashy, ridiculous events. But they will probably team up with any fag, if it is LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ vs Straight.

    A straight pride parade is one way we can fight back against these monsters!

    No. I respectfully disagree.

    1) I have no reason to be proud to be straight. It’s just what I am. It is like being proud of having brown hair.

    2) It creates a climate of emulating the enemy’s methods. And they are quite lame and low-confidence methods. To gather around with other straight people and march?! For what? Do we want to whine about new laws or rights, as LGBTQRSTUVWXYZ people do? No. So what’s the point?

  2. There’s a faggot on Instagram who thinks he’s a girl, he dresses like one, talks like one, and acts like one. He actually fucking disgusting. His Instagram is bbeekind if anyone wants to hate on him or send him mean messages.

  3. What is there to be angry about being normal? The alternative lifestyles are driven by the devil and an abomination to God

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