Feminism is Enemy Number One

Many in the alt-right have failed to come to terms with the fact that feminism is our greatest and most deadly enemy. The reason being that many young men in the alt-right are blue-pilled manginas who believe in the fairy tale “princess” image of the white female, pedestalizing these thots in the hopes of getting laid.

If the primary goal of the alt-right is to increase and stabilize the white birthrate above replacement level, then feminism is clearly the main obstacle to alt-right objectives.

Feminism is mainstream and widely accepted as a social norm across the debauched West. I don’t need to cite a bunch of studies proving this point as it’s already self-evident. The idea that women “don’t need men” and that having a career is more fulfilling than family is the standard belief of the vast majority of white females in the West.

With each passing generation, feminist beliefs are becoming ever more entrenched and militant amongst the female population. Women are social lemmings of the highest order, dutifully following along with whatever is deemed popular and de jour by the globalist elites.

Very few millennial women are choosing family above career, and that trend is unlikely to change any time soon unless the alt-right immediately seizes control of the mass media as well as the universities and begins propagating the traditionalist narrative to convince women to change course.

Until that happens, we are squarely on course for the racial replacement of whites in under a century. Millennial white women don’t want to have kids, and the kids that they do have are either aborted, put up for adoption or born out of wedlock and thus raised by single moms who brainwash them with feminist and leftist poison. On top of that, the modern economy doesn’t permit large families to form without serious financial strain. So we can thank feminism almost exclusively for our current predicament.

Sure, Jews promoted and popularized this rancid ideology to white women, but white women have been willing accomplices in its proliferation and implementation. You can convince women of just about anything if you appeal to their base materialistic instincts of “what is good for me is good.” They embrace feminism, propagate its tenets to other women, and propel it throughout academia and the media where women have become dominant alongside their Jewish masters.

On immigration, the majority of single white women side with our enemy, cheering the invasion of our countries by non-white usurpers and spreading their legs for these savages. It’s now “cool” to glorify low-IQ sub-saharan black African men as superior übermensch, so white women do what comes natural to them by bending over and taking it from these apes. Since women are seldom swayed by logic, and since they are largely conformist lemmings of the highest degree, winning them over to our side is an arduous, if not impossible, task.

The West as a whole cannot be saved because large segments of white females have sided with and become militants for our enemies. The only hope now is to salvage some smaller part of the West by forming an enclave of like-minded individuals, including what’s left of the sane white females who embrace our ideas, and rebuild our civilization from the ground up.

2 thoughts on “Feminism is Enemy Number One

  1. Fortunately interracial couples are still a minority despite media pressure. But whites as a whole are a minority world wide, that’s why we must stop immigration from third world countries because we don’t fucking need them and we owe these muds fuck all. Way to accomplish this is to ban miscongenation, pay white workers a decent wage so they needn’t scrounge of the state. If and when we repatriate non whites from the West , our countries will be cleaner, safer, happier, healthier and more financially better of.

  2. “The only hope now is to salvage some smaller part of the West by forming an enclave of like-minded individuals . . .”

    You better figure out how to do that in centers of power (i.e., cities) because if you don’t you are isolated targets.

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