Al-Qaeda’s Congresswoman Says “White Men” More Dangerous Than Muslims

Well this isn’t the least bit surprising. Here we have Al-Qaeda’s favourite Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, declaring that white men are a more dangerous terrorist threat than Muslims.

Even Wikipedia disputes that, documenting dozens upon dozens of Islamic terrorist attacks globally year after year, outstripping that of any other group.

There have been a few major recent attacks by right-wingers enraged by the white genocide policies of our Jewish and Freemasonic elites, but these outbursts pail in comparison to violence by Muslims globally.

Organized Muslims are by far the most successful terrorist force in the world, and have been diligently terrorizing the globe for 1400 years since the birth of the death cult of Islam by the marauding pedophile called Mohamed.

“Radicalized white men” as Omar likes to call them are the by-product of an intensely hostile anti-white system being forced upon them. Before committing a violent last stand out of desperation, these white men saw white nations being systematically invaded by the third world. They saw white culture being trashed and belittled at every turn by the mainstream news and entertainment media, with its anti-white hysteria reaching a fever pitch in 2019. They acted out of a genuine fear that their culture and heritage was being targeted for extinction.

Islamic terrorists on the other hand are acting offensively, shooting, stabbing, ploughing trucks into crowds and detonating bombs with the aim of spreading some demented caliphate over the heads of the unbelieving kaffir. Omar sympathizes with the aims of those radical Muslims, so she must shift the blame for incalculably savage Islamic violence onto white men.

Omar represents the brewing fifth-column of non-white partisans entering Western governments to push their covert agendas, whether it be Islamic or radical black/non-white nationalism. There seems to be an unholy alliance between Muslims and anti-white “progressive” shills like Ocasio-Cortez. Omar is better suited as a lawmaker in Al-Shabaab’s territory in war-torn Somalia where she came from.

Putting Muslims in prominent positions of Western governments is like planting the Trojan Horse inside the gates of Troy. Muslims are loyal not to nations, but to the barbaric seventh century law code explicated by the pedophile Mohamed and his ruthless gang of Arabian caravan raiders.

Letting Muslims in your government is national suicide. Soon enough these “Muslim” lawmakers will be legislating over us kaffirs in Sharia Courts, where unbelievers will be sentenced to hundreds of skin-piercing lashes or death by beheading for “insulting,” or merely questioning the validity, of their monstrous faith.

People like Omar will do whatever is within their power to bring as many Muslims as possible to the US and other Western countries, so they can continue their religious breeding war and conquest through demographics.

We would be stupid not to ban Muslims completely from serving in government, police, military and anything else of importance, unless we want to be stealthily absorbed into the future “caliphate” and subjected to the most cruel barbarism the world has ever known.

2 thoughts on “Al-Qaeda’s Congresswoman Says “White Men” More Dangerous Than Muslims

  1. As I said before. Britain needs a nationalist government. If those cunts! like Mugabe and Mandela the terrorist can do it, so can we protest for our rights. But we need to do more ‘passively ‘ unless provoked, instead of cowering behind a faceless membership and emails we need to be heard. Council housing in the UK is a joke, we must put third worlders who don’t give a toss about us first. Britain and the west will be cleaner, safer, wealthier, healthier, and happier without forced third world communities amongst us.

    1. There are too many “nationalist” parties in Britain. Some have been deliberately set up to split the nationalist vote. Only parties like the NF and BNP will deliver: free Britain from these barbarous parasites. The socialist/liberals are pure vermin “tolerating terror”. If you want your civilisation to endure for thousands more years. Then voting en masse for the NF or BNP is the way forward. With these mussievermin no prisoners can be taken…they must all be deported from America, Britain and the West. These sand parasites are not needed here.

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