Trump Considers Listing Antifa Scum a “Major Terror Organization”

Trump just keeps surprising us with gems like this:

It doesn’t get much better than that. Trump certainly knows that the vast majority of his enemies are on the radical and centrist left, and not one to back down from a fight, he keeps hitting them where it hurts.

This would be a major victory for the right. Antifa has been able to wreck havoc across American cities, terrorizing civilians who don’t align with their monstrous Bolshevik ideology of death. Police are notoriously lenient with Antifa, largely following the orders of leftist mayors who sympathize with these radical far-left mercenaries of Global Jewry.

Antifa are little more than the thuggish footsoldiers of international Jewish banking interests. Why don’t these gutter-punks ever smash up Jewish businesses if they’re so opposed to “capitalism” and “the system”? Why not go after Jewish banking houses like Goldman Sachs or the Rothschild family? Why is ultra-capitalist vulture George Soros not one of their targets?

That’s because Antifa are pathetic little weasels doing the bidding of the aforesaid bankster Jews. 

Years ago in Canada, Jewish organizations like B’nai B’rith would lobby local governments to fund Antifa battalions who were making life hell for Ernst Zundel, the German-Canadian Holocaust revisionist publisher who single-handedly exposed the Holocaust as a giant fraud and scam. Antifa would stalk Zundel, threaten him, and protest outside of his house day and night. They did the same to other minor white nationalist figures in Canada. They do the same to anyone who criticizes and opposes the International Jewish Power clique currently running the world into the ground.

Antifa are not really anything more than hired thugs that Jews pay to harass their enemies. Their ideology is pure mush. It makes no sense whatsoever, and is not even the slightest bit coherent. Your average Antifa member is a heroin-injecting street walker who sleeps on sidewalks and under bridges, or some kind of meth-addicted tranny.

Antifa is literally a collection of the most noxious human bile on this planet, all rolled up in one loose-knit cult organization, where they all share needles and engage in raunchy group sex before staging an “anti-Nazi” demo outside of a right-wing event.

Let’s hope Trump lists Antifa officially as a terrorist organization, which would mean that it will be a prohibited group, giving law enforcement the green light to round up all its current members and charge them with participating in an evil terror group.

Death to Antifa vermin!

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