Destroying Zionist Boomer Cucks on Paltalk

I was messing around in Paltalk the other day and decided to record my interactions with some of these retarded baby boomers who are, by their majority, absolutely brainwashed Zionists who would die for Israel at the drop of a hat.

These boomers are a lost cause, hopelessly brainwashed by Zionist propaganda, which tells them that defeating the Nazis was the West’s greatest achievement and now we must destroy Muslim countries that Jews don’t like, so that “our greatest ally” Israel can be strong.

These boomer tards are so deluded by Jewish propaganda that no amount of evidence will sway them from their Zionist stupor. They’re also incredibly dumb and low-IQ, unable to form rational arguments against my critique of Jews, always resorting to cheap ad hominem attacks, insults, diversions, and even threats of violence and doxxing. When their Jewish masters are questioned, they literally become violent and savage. Or they just ban you from their chatroom when defeated in debate.

Fuck these boomer cucks!

8 thoughts on “Destroying Zionist Boomer Cucks on Paltalk

  1. I don’t think it is a good idea to attack Jews. THIS A STUPID BEHAVIOUR. The problem are not Jews but Muslims and the political Left.-…don’t miss the target.. the threat is this alliance of Islam and Socialism in the western world.

  2. Brandon is spot on. They were active and complicit in every aspect of 9/11 and most if not all false flags/hoaxes past and present. Isis is mossad in turbans and those HBO style beheadings are Rita Katz productions. It’s like watching Fox news listening to these morons parrot news propaganda.

  3. My connection is not brilliant but also I noticed your video is 2.2 Gbytes.
    Some of us with lower speed connections or limited data allowances would appreciate a smaller file size (if you can please).
    Consider converting (using ffmpeg in linux for example) to something more manageable and easily ‘viewable or downloadable in a snap’.
    I am getting the rotoating progress wheel and it keeps stalling every 10 seconds.
    Thanks for the great content and ‘keep the momentum going’.

    1. They’re anti-Israel for egalitarian reasons, we’re anti-Israel for anti-Semitic reasons. Why would right-wingers support a parasite nation that sucks our money and drags us into their wars with Arabs?

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