Mussolini Birthplace a Booming Tourism Hotspot, Jews & Leftists Worried

Mussolini’s birthplace is a popular destination for right-wing tourists.

The Guardian:

Dressed in black T-shirts, their arms inked with tattoos, Fabrizio and Mameli Gamberini are on their yearly homage trip to Predappio, the birth town and burial place of Benito Mussolini.

“We’re fascists,” Mameli proudly admits as she leaves Predappio Tricolore, a souvenir shop teeming with Mussolini memorabilia, on Friday morning. “We come every year at the end of July to buy a few new keepsakes, visit his tomb and leave some flowers in his honour.”

The couple, from Varese, are in Predappio, a town nestled among the hills of the Appenines in the Emilia-Romagna region, to celebrate the 136th anniversary of the Italian dictator’s birth on 29 July.

It is one of three occasions over the past two years, including the anniversary of his death on 28 April and the march on Rome on 28 October, that the Mussolini family crypt has been opened to the public since it was closed for restoration works in 2017.

The anniversaries have always attracted thousands of fascist pilgrims from across Italy and beyond, who join a parade that leads to the tiny San Cassiano cemetery, where they pay tribute to Il Duce (The Leader) with a fascist salute, leaving messages of admiration in the guest book. A card attached to a bunch of flowers left recently said: “Thank you, Duce”.

Leftists aren’t happy about it, though.

Needless to say, Canali’s plans triggered a sharp rebuke from Italy’s anti-fascist association, ANPI, which is planning to protest on Sunday (the day the crypt will be open).

“This muddies the memories of the many victims of fascist crime, its racial laws and collaboration with the Nazis that led to the massacre of innocent women, men and children,” the association said in a statement.

Luca Capacci, a spokesperson for Possibile, a small leftwing party, said: “It’s very sad and worrying that the opening of the tomb is seen as an attractive element in a territory that has much more to offer. It’s not a historic monument like the Colosseum … the people who go there do so to celebrate a dictator.”

These are the same leftists who worship Lenin, Stalin and every other murderous communist dictator. They want to be able to adore their blood-stained communist idols, they just don’t want the goyim to venerate nationalist heroes who took on the International Jewish Power Structure.

Are leftists really that stupid to think that commies were the good guys?

Leftists are complete morons, aren’t they? So blinded by their ridiculous ideology, their brains go into meltdown self-destruct mode when confronted with facts that Adolf Hitler’s Germany and its allies were fighting on the right side of history against International Judaism and Freemasonry, which seeks to bring the world to ruin under globalism and race-mixing.

Why do these leftist morons think Hitler, Mussolini, Franco and other nationalist European leaders are so vilified by the Jew-approved history books and television series? It’s because they implemented nationalist and traditionalist systems of government free from Jewish and Freemasonic influences.

That was their big “crime”.

Some innocents died in the crossfire of the bloody struggle for the fate of Europe during that period, as innocents always do. But to write off their whole legacy as morbid because some deluded anarchists and communists got purged for siding with the internationalist enemy is foolhardy.

But then again, leftists are incapable of rational thought.

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