Antifa Member Tries to Kill ICE Agents in Terror Attack, Fails & Gets Killed

You won’t have heard this on Antifa-loving CNN or MSNBC, but a deranged Antifa member recently tried and failed to murder ICE immigration agents in a botched terror attack.

From the National Review:

Mostly unnoticed beneath the storm of idiotic presidential tweets and the Democratic struggle session over exactly how minority legislators should behave, a 69-year-old man conducted a terrorist attack on a government facility this weekend.

Willem Van Spronsen, armed with a rifle and “incendiary devices”, set a car on fire and was shot and killed by police officers who were responding to the scene. He also attempted to light a propane tank on fire, which “could have resulted in the mass murder of staff and detainees housed at the facility had he been successful,” according to Shawn Fallah, head of the ICE Office of Professional Responsibility.

Van Spronsen reportedly had been arrested for lunging at and grabbing a police officer during a 2018 anti-immigration protest at the Tacoma facility. Presumably, he attacked the facility out of anger at ICE’s role in the crisis on the border.

This hardly registered in the national media. Granted, all the major outlets ran news stories — but there was no outcry of protest, no concern over political violence directed at government officials.

It is very easy to imagine how a similar attack, with political loyalties reversed, would have been reported. In fact, you don’t have to imagine it: Look to last year’s Cesar Sayoc “pipe bomb spree,” which became a referendum on whether President Trump’s “violent rhetoric” somehow encouraged violence of this kind. Conservatives warned then, and should say again now, that tying lone attacks by obvious lunatics to some kind of aura cast by controversial politicians is a toxic kind of discourse which needlessly and dangerously escalates the moral stakes of political disagreement.

So no one should be blaming any politician or political group for this assault (except possibly Antifa, of which Van Spronsen was a member — the Seattle branch posted a eulogy on Facebook). But the comparative lack of interest in this attempted bombing should be concerning.

The Antifa nut sent out a manifesto to his friends before his attack, calling it “I Am Antifa”. Later, his Antifa friends praised him as a martyr and applauded his attack on the “fascist detention centre”.

These Antifa freaks are truly mentally ill, sick, twisted individuals who will stop at nothing to facilitate a white genocide in America and the West. Everything they do is animated by an intense, sadistic aversion to the white race and Western civilization. This hatred was bred into them by anti-white Marxist professors in most American universities. Being anarchists, they seek the demise of civilization itself, and aim to throw the world into chaos and barbarism.

Antifa are dangerous criminals who need to be taken off the streets. Trump’s recent statement that he’s considering listing them as a terror group is promising.

A truly white, homogenous society wouldn’t tolerate vermin like Antifa. It is a clear manifestation of alien influences on white culture, imported from the Jew-run Soviet Union.

“Anti-fascism” was always a Jewish endeavour, because “fascists”, which is now just a derogatory word for nationalists, have stood in the way of Jewish global power and designs for world government from Jerusalem.

Fascists represent traditionalism and emphasize blood and soil, the roots of any functional nation-state that seeks to preserve the essence of its people. Although Jews hate that for Gentiles because they’re often excluded and ejected from such societies, they embrace it for their own people, as we can discernibly see with Israel.

Therefore Antifa in its modern form is little more than an offshoot of the Jewish-Communist groups of the old-guard Soviet Union, like the Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee. A chief member of that group was the bloodthirsty Jew Ilya Ehrenburg who wrote propaganda exhorting Soviet troops to mass rape German women during World War II.

Antifa represents everything that is wrong with modern society, and the self-hatred consuming so many white people to the point that they’ll kill themselves, or in the case of this nutcase, die trying to assassinate immigration enforcement officers who are doing what little can be done to stop the ongoing brown invasion and conquest of White America.

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