Sleazy Jew Jeffrey Epstein Goes Down Hard!

Sleazeball Jew billionaire Jeffrey Epstein is going down hard on sex trafficking charges.

It’s a surprise to nobody that a super rich, connected Jew was recruiting underage girls to sleep with. Don’t all rich Jews do that? But what is surprising is how easy it was for him to do it.

What I get from the testimony of these girls, is that they were willing to go along wth Epstein’s sexual advances because he was paying them.

Essentially, these were cheap sluts. White shiksa whores who were willing to get naked and massage Epstein in exchange for money. After some massages, Epstein eventually convinced these whores to fuck him and now, years later, they claim he raped them.

Clearly they’re trying to capitalize on the #metoo hysteria to get something out of Epstein now that he’s going down. They just want some quick cash, don’t they?

Epstein certainly was a pedo who coerced underage girls to fuck him. But, it’s doubtful he violently raped any of them. This chick claims she fucked him but only because she was “scared” of him.

She says there was no screaming, no violence, and that she willingly got on top of him and had sex, yet insists that this was a “rape”. She could have run out of the house at any moment, but didn’t. The fact is that these women were getting wads of cash to screw around with Epstein. Addicted to his money, they willingly agreed to his perverted escapades. This woman is a whore, folks.

I have little sympathy for these sluts. No normal girl would find herself in that kind of situation. How does a girl find herself in a strange man’s mansion massaging him in her bra and panties if she wasn’t already a huge skank? They will fall back on the “I was young and naive” bit to exonerate themselves, but that doesn’t cut it. They were young and hungry for cash, willing to exchange sexual favours for that cash. They were young prostitutes, essentially. Yeah, Epstein pushed them into it, but he didn’t force them to do it, he bribed them.

It’s funny that the rotten Jew Epstein is finally going to prison. It seems that even these sleazeball Jew elites are getting eaten alive by the feminist hysteria that their brethren created to injure the white man’s society.

But these women don’t deserve our sympathy, either. Not only do scores of white women fuck dirty Jews for money, they then turn around and spew the Jew’s feminist noise about “patriarchy” and how white men are dangerous and evil. Most modern white females have joined our enemy’s team, singing along to the enemy’s tune, because it pays well for them to do that.

Women chase money like rats chase cheese. You can only really count on them to spread their legs for the highest bidder, and Epstein was one of the highest bidders around. This story proves my central thesis on women: they are hard-wired to act as prostitutes, trading sex for resources. There’s nothing we can do to change their predisposition towards prostitution. It is ingrained deeply in their subconscious mind.

All women are, one way or another, prostitutes trading vagina access for men’s resources. Even “independent” career women do it, proven by the fact that virtually no independently wealthy “career women” marry men with less resources and income than them.

All women are prostitutes, folks.

Repeat it with me: all women are prostitutes.

One thought on “Sleazy Jew Jeffrey Epstein Goes Down Hard!

  1. Agreed. If the girls had been six, seven, eight yrs old, a difference this would have made.
    But fourteen, fifteen, sixteen yrs. old this day and age is totally different from the said age in the
    50’s and 60’s. Not that I defend Epstein as he is totally despicable.

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