Buttsex Activist Hasan Piker Says America Deserved 9/11, Praises Mujahideen

Name: Hasan Piker

Occupation: Butt sex advocate and #MeToo activist

Accomplishments: is the cousin of obese Young Turks founder Cenk Uygur

Interests: When not promoting buttsex and satanic feminism, the millennial emofag is posting cringe selfies on Instagram or filming himself playing video games interspersed with SJW outbursts.

He also has some kind of job spewing leftist SJW cliches for TYT thanks to his obese cousin Cenk.

Just look at this masculine stud:

There’s way too much toxic masculinity in those selfies, Piker. You might want to try adding some makeup and a wig to tone down the misogyny.

Piker is a radical leftist with a burning hatred of White society. He hates White society so much that he said America deserved 9/11:

In the same clip he praised the Islamist Mujahideen as “brave soldiers”.

The irony here is just too much. We have a radical emo leftist who promotes feminism and buttsex praising the violently anti-gay/anti-woman Islamists of Afghanistan.

Classic leftism.

But the contradiction is actually consistent with leftist principles. Leftists will support opposite things when they are both seen as harmful to White society. Piker praises Islamists when they attack White soldiers on the battlefields of Iraq and Afghanistan, and also when they attack White civilians in the West. When Whites are the targets of violent brown people from the third world, leftists sing and dance. At the same time Piker supports buttsex and feminism because both things severely hamper White society.

For leftists, everything comes down to this question: what harms White society? Anything that harms White society is promoted and supported by leftists because their goal is White Genocide.

It’s all quite simple, isn’t it?

3 thoughts on “Buttsex Activist Hasan Piker Says America Deserved 9/11, Praises Mujahideen

  1. I’m no fan of Hassan Piker, but in that clip he said nothing wrong the mujahideen are brave because they risk their lives for what they believe, while I don’t support and do not think of the mujahideen as morally right they are brave in the aforementioned way. The only white people they hurt are the soldiers we send to their shithole countries for no reason, and these soldiers are disproportionately dumb asses because they can’t realise that the root of our problems are in ZOG and the banks that control it not muslims in countries miles away from our shores, lastly Piker did not say anything about 9/11 in that clip.

    1. The point is that Piker supports Mujahideen when they kill Whites because he hates Whites. We don’t have to defend the Jew-inspired wars to recognize that Piker’s positions are motivated by a hatred of the White race. Commies like Piker would gladly support the Islamification of the West simply to injure the White race, even if all his libfag “values” are antithetical to actual Islam.

  2. That is one clip of him reacting to Dan Crenshaw saying EQUALLY RIDICULOUS BS though two wrongs don’t make it right. However Hasan yeah may be a thicc thirst trap of an f boy on the outside and may seem like he may be the typical dumb f boy who streams and posts thirst traps at first glance but he is so much more than that. Not only does he get young people into politics on both sides of the aisle (those who agree with him and stay and those who are triggered and find alternate political media to consume that better caters to them so they don’t have to hear any real facts (haha just kidding…well half kidding). Sure from this clip it may seem like Hasan is a liberal sheep and extremist who vomits propaganda but THAT WAS JUST ONE CLIP. Plus Hasan a majority of the time is very well spoken, speaks facts, uses common sense, is more mature and intelligent than most of the trump administration and those who go to great lengths defending him because unlike them he can agree and disagree with things/people on both sides as well as admit he was wrong when he gets something wrong (unlike some who only know one approach…the spoiled rich 9 year old who blames all of their problems on everything but them making a mistake….it’s okay everyone makes mistakes people appreciate those can admit they were wrong instead of whine and lash out at various people or things that sometimes aren’t even related like Obama for example).

    I’m sure whoever is reading this will automatically just accept the headlines and poor portrayal of this intelligent young man. I mean I must admit I even judged him before giving him a chance because I found out he was Cenk’s nephew. However he has proved his best place time and time again and brings a different perspectives.

    OH AND TO THE PERSON ABOVE HOW DID YOU ARRIVE THAT HE IS RACIST AGAINST WHITE PEOPLE? A lot of people he works with, has chosen to be friends with, supports politically, etc ALL ARE WHITE…so I don’t get how holding a different opinion on the pointless wars we have been fighting for over a decade means someone is racist? I mean unless you were triggered by the controversial and some may say a bit extreme things that he has said and used that as an excuse to jump to an equally extreme and controversial opinion. Freedom of speech in the USA doesn’t have any requirements of everyone having to agree with what you say though some would love to amend it to where it states that we have the freedom of speech as long as we don’t criticize Donald Trump, praise Donald Trump, dont question any information the Trump Administration/FOX NEWS/CNN tells us, and you can’t mention any facts or scientific evidence that proves any point that Trump disagrees with or chooses to ignore and I bet if that actually happened all of his supporters would be all for it…even though they are such constitutionalists?

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