Anti-White Jew Bastard Bill Maher Upset At Moslem Democrats For Opposing Jew State

Bill Maher hates White people and wants there to be less White people in America.

Bill Maher sides with Brown and Black people against White people in all situations of conflict between the two groups.

Bill Maher is also a dirty Jew so naturally the only “White” people he supports are White-skinned Ashkenazi Jews who have their own ethnostate called Israel.

Here’s Maher bashing the pro-BDS Moslem Democrats, saying that those Moslems assume that because Palestinians are Brown people they’re automatically in the right against White Jews.

That’s true. Those raghead congresswomen do make those anti-White racial assumptions.

But it’s just fascinating to see Maher take the side of “White” people here because they are Jews. Maher is clearly a dedicated Jewish tribalist who will side with Jews against any race of goyim, even brown Arabs.

Bastard Jew Maher supports the Browning of America, but he doesn’t support the Browning of Israel.

That’s because Maher is a Supremacist Jew who works towards the fulfillment of the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Maher is one of the high priests of Zion, playing out his role as partisan Democrat on the media as he advocates all things beneficial to Jews and detrimental to White goyim.

2 thoughts on “Anti-White Jew Bastard Bill Maher Upset At Moslem Democrats For Opposing Jew State

  1. Yes, the song we hear is ever “Go and lose your identity while we keep ours. Identity-oriented attitudes are immoral when you harbor them but ours are righteous.” Amazing and astounding that so many white goyim fall for that; but maybe, as a result, Zionist bigotry has become so bold and consequently conspicuous that more white goyim are “knowing”? There is, perhaps, a limit to human folly?

    Here’s the part of it that makes us fall for it–and it drives me nuts to think that we do fall for it: “Oh, our case is special because we’ve suffered so much.” Even assuming that they have indeed suffered so much, must WE suffer that much too before we can justly stave off being diluted to death and losing our ancestral lands? Suppose a guy’s car in on railroad tracks and a locomotive is barreling at full speed toward it. Suppose there’s another guy there in a car with a crumpled fender. He says to the other guy: “Your car isn’t damaged: you don’t have the right to drive your car off the tracks and avoid the train. Only I would have that right, because as you can see, I’ve suffered; my car has been damaged.”

    Now, wouldn’t the guy whose car is on the tracks be an absolute imbecile not to say “Go crawl back under your rock–who the hell are you to tell me I can’t consult by best interests in any case whatever?” as he gets his car out of the train’s way? Well, so many white goyim do something analogous. Oh yes, probably the sharpest arrow in the Zionist/Marxist quiver is the beating of the breast and crying in an hysteria woman’s voice, “We’ve suffered more than anyone–you OWE us special concessions!”

    1. Lucius Vanini, this is a very good comment on the chicanery/sophistry of the Chosen People.

      However, it is important to understand that ‘they’ don’t win by arguments. They bring the arguments to the table, but that’s not the way to win and persuade the goyim. The way to win (that they have been using since time immemorial) is propaganda (and fakery) and ZOG style control of govt’s, AIPAC style.

      1) ZOG control. I don’t think I have to add anything here, just that hot cash and threats have never failed to control people.

      2) Propaganda (and fakery). The way this operates is thus: A hoax is staged (i.e. Synagogue Attacks, 911, terrorism). After it is played in the media etc, the perpetrators are identified as NAZI/hatemongers/fanatics etc. Some people object “whoa… that’s just mental illness, not nazism or anything”. And then the (fake) evidence just bulldozes over that thought: WELL DUH! LOOK AT THE MANIFESTO of thaaa KILLAH. And indeed (because it’s fake) the perpetrator had INDEED expressed himself as a real Nazi or white supremacist or racist or whatever. So the person that might have objected goes like “Jeez… that WAS a nazi/hater/fanatic etc, ‘they’ were right!!!”

      The above description can perfectly match a lot of operations they (Chosen People) have done. The way they win is through ZOG and Fakery/Propaganda.

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