Florida: Jew Scams Other Jews Out of $3 Million

Well, this is kind of rare.

Jews are usually in the business of scamming Gentiles, but apparently this Florida Jew couldn’t find any Gentiles to scam, or they weren’t biting, so he defrauded other Jews.

From Times of Israel:

A Florida man targeted Orthodox Jews as part of a Ponzi scheme that cost his marks $3 million in losses.

Shayeh Dov, 49, is facing up to 20 years in prison and $250,000 in fines for his involvement in the fraudulent investment scheme that he ran from 2012-2018 and involved more than 30 people, The Sun Sentinel reported. He pleaded guilty to wire fraud earlier this year and will be sentenced on Tuesday.

Dov, of North Miami Beach, sold mortgage notes that he did not own and were not for sale and sometimes sold the same notes to multiple people, court records say. Instead of using the money as promised, he spent it on gambling, renting luxury cars and paying for trips to the Bahamas, Israel and New York, according to The Sun Sentinel.

Court documents say he took advantage of the close-knit Orthodox community in southern Florida and “almost exclusively” targeted its members.

“Dov exploited the community’s close bonds of trust and piety to obtain money for fraudulent investments,” records say, according to The Sun Sentinel.

Why do I have to go to the Jewish press to learn the latest news about Jewish scamming?

It has something to do with the religious Jewish belief that only Jews can criticize other Jews, whereas Gentiles are forbidden from saying anything negative about the “chosen people”.

For example, if you search “binary options” on the Times of Israel website, you’ll get hundreds of articles revealing the unrelenting scamming of Israeli Jews on unsuspecting Gentile victims abroad, and how these brutal scams are a major driver of the Israeli economy. But if you search for the same on NBC News, you’ll get virtually no relevant results or articles exploring the issue.

Jews are clearly sanitizing news outlets that have largely non-Jewish readership from negative Jewish stories, as part of their “only inter-clan criticism allowed” religious policy.

They are literally enacting Jewish religious law over the Gentile masses.

Crazy, eh?

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