Shifty Jew Lectures German Teens About Holohoax – Demands They Protect Christ-Killers from “Hatred”

These crafty Jews believe this Holocaust brainwashing of children is some kind of preemptive security measure to “prevent another Shoah”.

Apparently, they’re worried that younger generations have no clue what this hoax is, so they’re busily cooking up all kinds of legislation in various countries to force schools to teach this nonsense.

Times of Israel:

Holocaust survivor Sami Steigmann doesn’t believe in collective guilt — and he said as much to hundreds of young students during a recent speaking tour of numerous cities in Germany.

He undertook the journey under the auspices of the Action Reconciliation Service for Peace (ARSP), a German organization devoted to confronting the nation’s legacy of Nazism, telling students in Berlin, Leipzig, Jena and Erfurt that he doesn’t hold them responsible for what their grandparents and parents did.

His focus, Steigmann told The Times of Israel, was to educate the students about their responsibilities as human beings and make them into “upstanders — people who are willing to fight injustice and hatred wherever they encounter it.”

I wonder if Mr. Steigmann would include the following comment from one of Israel’s chief rabbis as “hatred”:

“Gentiles only exist to serve Jews as slaves” – Rabbi Ovadia Yosef

What will Mr. Steigmann do to fight against this Jewish hatred of goyim?

I get the feeling that this “hatred” malarkey is a one-way street for these Jews. They actually consider pointing out the hatred of the Jewish religion and rabbis like Yosef to be “anti-Semitism”. So goys, the moral of the story is that Jews are allowed to hate you and seek your enslavement, but you’re not allowed to point out this fact, because that’s “anti-Semitic”.

Do shit-for-brains Jews like Steigmann really believe their own bullshit on this?

This Yoda-looking Yid wants German kids to be “upstanders” – in other words, mindless zombies doing the bidding of Supremacist Jews.

Of course, christ-killers like Steigmann don’t want these German youngsters to stand up to the hatred and violence of Zionist Israel, which murders Palestinians for sport, steals their land, and bombs them into submission whilst calling them terrorists for resisting these violent Jewish tactics.

Steigmann is only referring to goyim resistance against Jewish aggression and domination when he talks about “hatred”. We must all fight against those who wish to free the world from Jewish Supremacy, right. Because we all know that Jews think so very highly of us goyim and will take great care of us when they’re in charge of a global government from Jerusalem.

Steigmann demands that more be done to brainwash the youth:

Steigmann believes Holocaust education is essential and recently filmed a video imploring US President Donald Trump to issue an executive order to make it compulsory in every state. Currently, only 11 states have made Holocaust education mandatory in schools.

“Kids in the US now are totally clueless,” Steigmann said.

Recent US polls reflect Steigmann’s diagnosis. A 2018 study released on Holocaust Remembrance Day conducted by the Conference on Jewish Material Claims showed that 41% of American respondents over the age of 18 had never heard of Auschwitz.

A CNN poll of seven European countries revealed that one-third of 7,000 respondents knew “just a little or nothing at all about the Holocaust.”

Steigmann is also concerned over the casual use of the word Holocaust.

“Holocaust and genocide are totally separate. Genocide is the deliberate killing of a group of people. But the Holocaust was a unique moment in history – an annihilation of a people. You cannot put them together,” Steigmann said. “This is part of my mission – to educate people about that.”

So this Supremacist Jew wants these fairy tales to be mandatory “learning” across the US and the West. Unfortunately for him, these smartphone-addicted teenagers don’t give a shit and probably fall asleep during his lectures or whip out their iPhones to play candycrush while he drones on about stuff that nobody can confirm actually happened.

I think we should make Jewish crimes against humanity mandatory education in Israeli schools. Things like the Holodomor in the Ukraine, where mostly Jewish communists starved to death a few million goyim.

In true supremacist form, the Yid says that the “Holyco$t” is above and beyond a “genocide” and that we can’t even put the two words in the same category, because the “chosen people” were involved with this Holyco$t and only scummy goyim were involved in other genocides.

People are getting really, really tired of this Jew shit.

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