Semitic Squabble: Whiny Supremacist Jewboy Ben Shapiro vs. Moslem Democrats

We are witnessing a semitic civil war going on here, with Brown Power Moslem Democrats on one end and Jew Power Democrats and Republicans on the other, both squabbling about Israel vs. Palestine.

How did we ever get to this point where weird desert people are quibbling over which foreign semite nation deserves more support?

This is what happens when you let foreign alien races infiltrate your politics. They turn it into a circus and channel the resources of a White nation into their own pet ethnic causes abroad.

It all demonstrates that these non-White racial groups have foreign loyalties and allegiances, and that they view America as merely a cash cow to utilize for the benefit of their race.

Jew dirtbag Ben Shapiro is a perfect example. This tribalist bastard has no shame in promoting the supremacy of the Jew race over Arabs in Palestine, and spends much of his time defending the Jew State from charges of apartheid. Meanwhile, in America he declares that race doesn’t matter, that he doesn’t care if America becomes a brown country so long as the browns don’t question the Holocaust or Israel’s “right to exist.”

Shapiro’s pet cause now is attacking Democrats who don’t sufficiently cave to Israeli demands. This psychopathic Jew needs to be expelled to Israel where he belongs. He’s only in America to further the degradation of White culture so that the Jew race can triumph over the Whites.

Both Moslems and Jews are primitive sand people who have no place in White society.

Deus Vult!

2 thoughts on “Semitic Squabble: Whiny Supremacist Jewboy Ben Shapiro vs. Moslem Democrats

  1. While I cannot prove it, I think this moron speaks deliberately fast, with the purpose of appearing like he is thinking fast, hence he is smart. I think that Candace Owens does the EXACT very thing. It appears to be a technique of the alt-light fraudsters.

  2. Good old Ben Shapiro; always good for a laugh ! He sure does Jew around with the truth, and attempts to throw back what he knows are valid criticism of him and Israel. Shapiro knows that, and they know that Shapiro knows that – it’s always “about the Benjamin’s, baby !!”
    You always notice that all these Israel’s defenders, ALWAYS are afraid to debate anyone who disagrees with them ? That tell you everything you need to know…

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