Rasmus Paludan: Brave Danish Hero Faces Down Islamic Orc Hordes

Rasmus Paludan is a brave Danish nationalist politician who speaks openly about the Great Replacement happening in Denmark and the West.

Because he tells the truth about the savage hordes of Islamic orc people invading Denmark, he is under constant threat of violence from these beasts.


Paludan speaks the simple truth that Islam is a dangerous, bloodthirsty creed whose followers are heavily inclined to commit acts of terrorism, rape and beheading of infidels. When he brings these truths to the streets of Denmark to warn his countrymen, he’s met with mobs of ape-like moslems who spit, attack and threaten the great hero.

These low-IQ desert people have no ability to actually debate Paludan. All they can do is use violence, terror and intimidation to silence him and others who point out that most moslems are rabid criminals and that Islam is a religion that brings pure terror and death upon its surroundings.

Paludan seems to be the only non-cuck White politician in Denmark. The rest are weak cowards who permit the Islamic rape of their country and their women.

His only weak spot is that he seems to not say much of anything about the Jews.

We need to educate him on that.

2 thoughts on “Rasmus Paludan: Brave Danish Hero Faces Down Islamic Orc Hordes

  1. He is himself a jew

    I made a comment that his party only focused on liberal issues and then he responded and some days after he began to bring up race as well but now he is in jail

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