Shithole Birmingham: Violent Sand People Erupt In Fisticuffs For Unknown Reason

Diversity is a strength, goyim.

Rinse, repeat.

Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength. Diversity is a strength.

Keep repeating, goyim.

But I thought diversity brought with it flowers, rainbows and cute little puppies?

Even the sand people can’t get along in their own ethnic ghettos.

Just come right in, civilized sand people.

But this will all somehow work itself out, goyim, just trust the chosen people to take care of it.

In all seriousness, I can’t believe how far down the globalist rabbit how England has gone. Cities like Birmingham, London, etc., are rapidly falling to the coloured hordes. These aren’t British cities anymore, they’re international zones where brown people come to experience a White standard of living.

This is reverse colonization, folks. This is White genocide.

Brown people everywhere are celebrating this development.

Jews and White traitors are responsible for this evil.

3 thoughts on “Shithole Birmingham: Violent Sand People Erupt In Fisticuffs For Unknown Reason

  1. The mussie wog and woggess are carriers of civilisation destroying poisons, like islam, being rapemad savages etc. A strong nationalist party in Britain is needed right now. Britain needs the NF.

  2. And the likes of “kosher” K.T Hopkins deflect attention away from the elephant in the room just like Yaxley Lennon etc – she IS nothing but a white traitor herself.

    So those rag heads can come to white lands right Katie?

    Then she can claim poor little innocent Jews…..

    Shes a Jew funded (Ezra Lavant) Jew loving bitch.
    Photos speak a thousand words.

  3. Respect to Katie Hopkins for mentioning white replacement. Always thought she was only just anti-Islamization.

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