Study: Women Recall Trivial Useless Nonsense Better Than Men Who Remember Important Stuff

A risible hideous feminist wrote an article about a new study which she claims proves women are better are recalling events.

This arrogant cunthole feminist embellished a study to make women look more competent than men, when in reality it proves the opposite, that women recall utterly useless nonsense and forget important stuff.

All the study proves is that women are slightly better at recalling utterly useless and trivial nonsense in their daily lives, and bringing up this utterly trivial useless nonsense at a later time when they want to annoy men with utterly useless trivial nonsense chitter chatter.

The study:

Who is most likely to have a memory like an elephant? A woman or a man? When it comes to specific events, a new study backs the claim that women have better recall.

But researchers say memories come in many forms, and men do have some advantages. While a female may have the edge when it comes to remembering a conversation or where she last left her keys, a male is more likely to find his way back to the car. That’s because women fare better when it comes to episodic memory.

Episodic memory is the ability to remember events, such as what we did last week or whether we took our medication this morning. One of the most sensitive memory systems, it is impacted by lack of sleep, depression and aging.

A research group with the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden looked at numerous episodic memory studies conducted over three decades to uncover the truth behind the anecdotal reports of men being unable to remember as well as women such matters as who they met, who said what or where they last saw a missing object.

“The results show that there is a slight female advantage in episodic memory, and that advantage varies depending on which materials are to be remembered,” says lead study author Martin Asperholm, a doctoral student at the Department of Clinical Neuroscience at the university, in a statement.

Yes, this study confirms what every man has observed in his interactions with women, that they have child-like brains and engage in endless useless chatter about meaningless daily occurrences. Women are better at “remembering” stupid shit but not important shit, which just further proves their inutility.

Men, on the other hand, are much better at remembering useful things, like directions, locations, and how to build a fire, make shelter, get food, operate machinery and automobiles, etc. Anything important, that’s men.

The study:

Study authors explain that their results indicate women do have the edge when verbal processes are involved in memory-making. This includes memories involving words, texts, objects, locations of objects and movies. Women are also better at remembering faces and recalling sensory memories, such as smells.

Men, on the other hand, are keen at remembering information involving spatial processing, such as how to find their way back from one location to another and also recollecting abstract images.

Researchers conclude that even though the cognitive differences between men and women are small, their mega-study results raise new questions about how men and women remember different aspects of life.

So if she tells you, “I told you so,” believe her. And if he tells you, “This is the right way,” follow him.

All the men reading this can now look back on their interactions with women and see how true it is that women are masters of mindless chatter about nothing important. A woman can’t go more than a few minutes without either commenting on some idle inanity in her immediate vicinity, or recalling some other useless fucking inanity that she encountered earlier in the day. And they torture men with these mind-numbing inanities all day long, until they finally go to sleep and dream some more about the day’s inanities.

The minds of women are truly fascinating, folks.

You can’t help but feel sorry for these creatures, having to bear the burden of being a childish woman for a lifetime.

Fuck me sideways, sally.

One thought on “Study: Women Recall Trivial Useless Nonsense Better Than Men Who Remember Important Stuff

  1. I often assume that something I told a woman or a story I mentioned would have been forgotten a week, or more later.
    Not so . . . I am impressed, heartened and pleased to hear that I don’t have to repeat myself over again . . . as generally women can remember what I said to them a week or more ago better than I can.
    Sadly for women though, in later life they suffer dementia and alzheimers more than men.

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