Braindead Violent Catalonian Marxist Separatists Rioting Again

These retarded Catalonian separatists are rioting again because their “hero” political leaders were given stiff jail sentences for trying to secede from Spain a few years ago.


Fresh clashes between riot police and protesters have broken out in Barcelona amid anger over the jailing of Catalan separatist leaders.

A general strike was announced and five huge marches, all peaceful, converged on the city centre, bringing the streets to a standstill.

Police estimated that more than 500,000 people had joined Friday’s rallies.

Protesters also blocked a motorway on the Spain-France border, causing huge tailbacks.

There were 17 arrests across the region on Friday, Spanish newspaper El Pais reported, and 62 people were injured – 41 of them in Barcelona.

Catalan regional leader Quim Torra thanked those who had demonstrated peacefully and criticised the rioters.

Catalonian separatists are the dumbest type of separatists. They want to break free from a White European nation so they can have their own small state which is already brimming with foreign immigrant invaders. Barcelona is the top destination for immigrants in Spain. The place is already packed with foreign Africans, Arabs, non-white Latinos and Asians.

These separatists are the fakest type of “nationalists”. Their “nationalism” consists of little more than a linguistic exclusivism. Their ideology manifests no inkling of racial awareness whatsoever. Really, it’s based solely on a hatred of Spain and a desire to injure it.

Any random African or Arab can show up in Catalonia, learn Catalan, and start calling himself a Catalonian and these “separatists” have no issue with it. Their only problem is with White Spain because they’re anti-white Marxists who desire to speed up the Kalergi project to transform the European continent into an African/Muslim caliphate.

I think we should give these Catalonian separatists a state in the middle of Central Africa. They can go live with the Sub-Saharans whom they love and adore.

4 thoughts on “Braindead Violent Catalonian Marxist Separatists Rioting Again

  1. Well, this is the problem with almost all separatist movements in Europe, the SNP in Scotland or the Vlaams Belang in Belgium, they all seem to lack any racial awareness and have repeatedly declared that anybody, regardless of of origin or skin color, would be allowed to join their movement.
    So this makes them civic nationalists at best (often combined with left-wing ideas), who cannot be trusted.
    The problem is, the state they want to separate from, in most cases isn’t so white either but has practiced anti-white immigration policies and cultural Marxism for years itself. Countries like Spain or Great Britain have been imperialist states for most of the time of their existence, and, as I claim, not for the benefit of its people, but to serve the interest of its ruling elites. The difference between these two is that, at a very early state, one has been captured by the Catholic church and its Inquisition, the other one by globalist forces.
    The Union of Great Britain and Northern Ireland e.g. has been forged at the expense of the national communities it consists of (not only the smaller ones at the so called Celtic fringe but also England itself). Which parts of the UK have historically more profited from the Union may be a matter of debate, what seems obvious to me is, that the respective national identities have been gradually (and as it seems successfully) replaced by a British civic nationalism that is not based on racial awareness nor on the consciousness of a common European heritage but on values like “democracy”, “liberalism”, “Protestantism” and an anglo-based pop-culture that has become a world-wide success story.
    That doesn’t mean I support separatism of Scots, Catalans, Basques, Bretons etc. , I rather reject it. Even though it cannot be denied, that the cultural autonomy of these peoples has (at times more, at times less) been oppressed in the past by centralist policies (this can be said about France and other countries as well) this is no longer true today, at least not to the extent that justifies any separatist movement or even separatist violence. This separatism only weakens the state from which those peoples seek to secede and thus weakens all of Europe. I consider it one of the main tasks of WNs in Europe to help overcome all relics of former (and still ongoing) tribal conflicts that only serve our enemies.

    1. I disagree about British Identity, Brits during the 20th Century were British but also had a secondary identity with their Celtic or Anglo roots. By the 20th Century, both groups were similar enough were there was little confrontation.

      As for the Catalonian debacle, as a guy who grew up reading the literature of the virtuous and stolid Republican men fighting against a revaunchist Franco, this is saddening. Let us not conflate these hipster fags with the cause of the Spanish Republic. The most hardened Anarchist or Communist would flail and beat these nancys in the photo. We have to focus on the negative effects of cultural and community destruction of free market finance capital and corporate media, as well as those tribal groups that hate Whitie.

  2. Most western European centrifuge nationalist-secessionist movements have been hijacked by Marxism since the beginning of XX Century.

    The only good thing about all this riots in Catalonia last days: the conservative and centrists secessionists has realized that in case of secession of Catalonia, the new State would be at the mercy (no mercy) of the radical leftists, which was exactly what happened during the Civil War (1936-1939) when Catalonia was in hand of the criminal anarchists for 3 years and it was hell. In that time, most of the conservative and centrist secessionist came to the conclusion that Franco was a better option. So, when Franco liberated Barcelona in 1939 all of them went to the streets to welcome the troops of the Caudillo.

  3. The MODERN Catalan secessionism (actually, Catalan secessionism is pretty old, and probably began in the very moment of the Royal marriage between Isabel de Castilla and Fernando de Aragón in 1469) is fuelled by the Cunt Power.
    I explain: Catalan bitches they think they are the very centre of the Earth since Barcelona is one of the most visited cities in the world since the early 90s. Catalan bitches tend to look down people from Castilla by thinking they are unsophisticated, unhip, rednecks, etc. Actually, Catalan bitches they do not want total independence of Catalonia, what they really want is to join France. They want Catalonia to be one department of France, because they see France as really sophisticated, chic, and all that shit. They would like Catalonia to be kind of La Provence, and Barcelona to be the second city of France. The Catalan Cunt and her Catalan manginas are just a bunch of snobs. And stupid.
    Catalan Cunt faced a big disapointment when the French Repubic did not support her in her independence process, then she got very angry and started the riots as a kind of female hysteria. Then, this so sophisticated Cunt pushed all the Antifa scum to destroy all the forniture at home (Antifa obbeys orders from the Cunt, wherever)
    But we all know the the Cunt is not very smart and lacks of strategic thinking. The Cunt only moves by inmediate impulses and whims.
    Poor Catalan Cunt!
    And you only have to listen to the “male” leaders of the movement. All of them are mental weaks, starting with the President of the Catalan Autonomic Goverment.
    Actually, all this Catalan secessionist bullshit has a Freudian explanation:

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