Spanish Women Are A Nightmare

Most (not all, but most) Spanish women (from Spain) are unbearable. They’re loud, aggressive, obnoxious, insanely talkative and moody.

For the most part, they talk in a very aggressive, quasi-masculine manner. “Escuchame, coño, escuchame!” Spanish women refuse to let anyone else talk when they’re upset, angry or stressed, and just bellow out their melodramatic feelings so everyone can hear.

It’s almost as if they’re in a constant state of anger and anguish. They speak in a weird overly dramatic tone as if the sky is falling. But this is normal for them.

Even when they’re happy, their laughter is obnoxious and exaggerated like a crazy clown character.

They’re moody as hell. Anything you say to them not sufficiently supplicating to the female gender will be met with accusations of “machismo”. They call people “machist” as often as a duck quacks.

Apart from that, they’re incredibly entitled. A simple experiment with daygame pick up will confirm that moderately attractive (and of course very attractive) white Spanish women will turn down just about any guy that isn’t driving a Mercedes Benz or Ferrari and will rebuke any approach unless from a rich stud at a lavish cocktail or yacht party. Either that or some “popular” jock in a big social circle. They take compliments as insults and shun male attention (unless from rich or famous men) despite dressing like cheap whores in public.

Spanish women on dating apps are all either obese or single moms looking for a sugar daddy to milk.

They have none of the qualities that one would consider traditionally feminine or desirable in a female. 

They’re also heavy drinkers. It seems Spanish women have a high propensity of false rape, sexual assault and domestic violence accusations, too.

In other words, they’re mostly batshit insane.

Dating (or, god forbid, being married to) a Spanish woman is like being in one of Stalin’s KGB torture chambers. 

I rate Spanish women (from Spain) 1/10. And that’s being generous.

7 thoughts on “Spanish Women Are A Nightmare

  1. Those women in the video look like Latin Americans to me–Spanish-speaking but not European, not Spaniards. Look at the one in the left background: a mulatta, if you ask moi…. And the diarrhea-mouth in front reminds me of that bizarrely glorified moron Ocasio-Cortez, who’s some kind of Latin American. Not that it has any bearing on the veracity of the text, unless the woman is saying things that actually Spanish women rarely say (actually, I’ve found black and Latin American women to be the grossly vulgar ones, saying words like “motherfucker”: I can’t say I’ve witnessed European women doing that, though no doubt some do).

  2. It is like with most European women, all of their beauty and attractiveness is destroyed the moment they open their mouths.

  3. The big problem about that cunts is that they have total control of social circles and the workplaces due to the unbeareble ammount of “calzonazos”.

    The best way to annoy them is dating foreign women. They hate foreing women: “inglesas”, “suecas”, “rusas”, etc.
    The other way to annoy them is not taking them seriously, They hate that.

    I always say to them that I go to the hookers almost in daily basis, Not true, I go once a week, But if you say you go to the hookers once a week they find it “pathetic”. If you go to the hookers “almost every day” you are “machista”, a “rapist”, etc. but then, suddenly, they respect you because you can afford it. They despice you but they respect you.
    They are all whores.

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