Asiatic Jewish Mongrel Crawls Into Safe Space After Calling for White Patriots To Be Censored

A Kalergite mongrel chinese-jewish female penned an article imploring Facebook to snuff out all remaining pro-white media.

The Guardian:

On 7 November, Lana Lokteff, an American white nationalist, introduced a “thought criminal and political prisoner and friend” as a featured guest on her internet talk show, Red Ice TV.

For about 90 minutes, Lokteff and her guest – Greg Johnson, a prominent white nationalist and editor-in-chief of the white nationalist publisher Counter-Currents – discussed Johnson’s recent arrest in Norway amid authorities’ concerns about his past expression of “respect” for the far-right mass murderer Anders Breivik. In 2012, Johnson wrote that he was angered by Breivik’s crimes because he feared they would harm the cause of white nationalism but had discovered a “strange new respect” for him during his trial; Breivik’s murder of 77 people has been cited as an inspiration by the suspected Christchurch killer, the man who murdered the British MP Jo Cox, and a US coast guard officer accused of plotting a white nationalist terror attack.

Just a few weeks earlier, Red Ice TV had suffered a serious setback when it was permanently banned from YouTube for repeated violations of its policy against hate speech. But Red Ice TV still had a home on Facebook, allowing the channel’s 90,000 followers to stream the discussion on Facebook Watch – the platform Mark Zuckerberg launched as a place “to share an experience and bring people together who care about the same things”.

The femoid in question is a Chinese and Jewish mongrel child of Kalergi called Julia Carrie Wong.

Dang, nigga, is she auditioning for a horror flick? Ms. Wong has some serious mental problems.

Now that’s a racial molotov cocktail right there. She has the cunning of the Jew and the meticulous mathematical mind of a Chink. She is seriously afflicted by her half-breed racial status and wants to take out her rage and envy on the remaining purebreds.

This femoid is a dangerous brew. And she’s an anti-white bigot, evidently.

Following her totalitarian call for censorship of all pro-white voices, she complained that the pro-white voices she wishes to silence were criticizing her on Twitter so she quickly retreated into her impenetrable safe space.

This is the predictable weak, effeminate posturing of our enemies. They use their privileged media soapboxes to advocate vast censorship, and then run away at the first sign of resistance to their totalitarian ideological bluster.

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