Chink Grifter Kathy Zhu Claims the Alt-Right Acts “Just Like the Far-Left”

This is a common claim of centrist cucks, that the alt-right is somehow analogous to the far-left, despite holding completely opposite world views.

The alt-right believes in human nature and hierarchy, whereas the far-left believes in an impossible equality and the abolition of hierarchy in any form.

I guess this Chink is trying to say that the alt-right “behaves” like the far-left, but in what way is that true?

The far-left engages in doxxing, smears, censorship and street violence. They never debate because their ideas are indefensible. There have been some isolated cases of doxxing within the right, but generally the practice is frowned upon, and there’s been no alt-right campaign to dox every leftist slime ball out there. The alt-right has been the victim of widespread censorship and deplatforming, but never calls for others to be deplatformed. We encourage debate with our enemies, but they never accept this offer of dialogue, because they know they’ll get destroyed by our powerful arguments and look stupid.

On street violence the alt-right has engaged in peaceful protest, whereas the far-left shows up with weapons to attack us. When we defend ourselves from these subhuman animals, we’re called violent and extremist.

Some lone wolf alt-rightists have committed violent acts in response to the imposition of multiculturalism, but it doesn’t reflect the movement as a whole, whereas the entire far-left approves of and justifies violence to accomplish their political goals of imposing a jewish global communist tyranny on the goyim.

I hereby challenge Kathy Zhu to debate me about the alt-right, centrism, the far-left, etc.

All of my readers must go to her Twitter and demand that she debate me.

Hello, my name’s Kathy Zhu. I’m a privileged racial minority in America and I’m using my minority privilege to gain attention as a Trump supporter. I don’t have any beliefs except that capitalism is cool and that racism is bad, because jews told me so. I want your beta buxx to fund my edumacation, plzzz.

3 thoughts on “Chink Grifter Kathy Zhu Claims the Alt-Right Acts “Just Like the Far-Left”

  1. The Alt-Light, and Neoconservatives act just like Social Justice Warriors by calling everyone they don’t like Nazis and advocating for censorship.

  2. The only reason the Chinese-Americans are a “privileged” racial minority is that they have a stratospheric average IQ, an incredible work ethic, a habit of thrift, the highest life expectancy in the USA (along with other East Asians), an unequaled general scholastic record and accordingly a very disproportionate presence at universities–LOL EVEN THOUGH the racially discriminatory black-quota system excludes some of them (thus there’s now a lawsuit accurately alleging racial discrimination against Asians).

    The Chinese are among the stubbornest contradictions of black race-card playing and excuse-making. The Chinese too are a race different from the White majority; they too suffered various forms of abuse, e.g., exploitation, lynching, beatings, discrimination, slurs and ridicule. And how did they take their revenge.? By playing the Knockout Game on unsuspecting Whites, getting their “payback” that way like low-IQ simians? Nope–by working hard, sending their kids to college, lowering their birthrate, and becoming more affluent per capita than are Euro-Americans, as well as longer living due in part to better diet.

    Obviously the reason why blacks are on the bottom is that they’re a less evolved type. Even with the LARGE minority they constitute (40ish mill) they can’t begin to compete with the East Asians, especially the Chinese and Japanese. That’s why you’re more likely to hear words of ancient Mycenean Greek from black White-blamers than any concerning the Chinese-Americans–ditto from the White race-traitor apologists for negroid behavior.

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